Allegan County Great Start Collaborative Minutes

May 20, 2014

Welcome- present were: Billie Spicer, Ami Vasquez, Paul Dymoski, Amber Vanderveen, Erika Burkhardt, Ella Ryder, Sally Beyer, Jeanette Kievit, Andrew Davenport, Denise Hartsough, RicTooker, Lisa Purcell, Laurie Schmitt

  1. Introductions

Approval of Minutes - motion to approve Jeanette, second Erika

"Like Me" activity

  1. Director Report- Ami
  1. Whole Family Connections- good numbers of families using the services 939 profiles generated to use as a planning tool. Anyone wanting training or overview or fliers contact Ami V
  2. Carnival- fliers available, please help distribute, registration is on the back, contact Ami V if you want more
  3. Fatherhood initiative- first class continue, going well. Save the date for Dec. 6 Father's conference. Suggestions of presenters are welcome. Looking to make it inexpensive so not a barrier to attendance.
  1. Parent Liaison Report- Jeanette
  1. Family Finance 101 May 30, 2014 2 hour class, Chemical Bank is sponsoring food
  2. Community Gardening
  3. Summer Science- collaboration with community libraries
  4. Super kids 5k run, walk or fly fundraiser this fall
  5. Garage sale this summer- still accepting items (stored at United Way)
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Parent Leadership- (Andrew) Resource Map- looking at applying for a HUD grant for housing and resource center out of Pullman
  2. Early Care and Education-(Erika) Summer GSRP opportunities in Fennville and Allegan, same income qualifications apply
  3. Pediatric and Family Health- Bringing Healthy Back, new community health officer Angelique Joines. Requirement to conduct a community health assessment. Community gathering in August. Choose three core priorities to work on. Next meeting is tomorrow. U of M is doing a presentation on a new app for pediatric and family health. Attendees will receive a $50 gift card.
  4. Family Support- (Ami for Blaine) 2014 Diversity Tour July 15, 2014 - need to RSVP if you plan to attend and what your organization might contribute. Supplies are taken to migrant camps. Gently used toys and clothes also needed. Camp 911, ages 9-11, July 17.
  1. Agency Updates
  1. Early On (Paul Dymoski) Michigan is underfunded in its mandate to serve birth to 3. Advocating to legislators for additional funding. After the age of 3, Jeanette has been working with the Early On team to bridge the gap.
  2. Lisa Letts, June 23 at 4-8 at the Allegan Hospital - Human Trafficking- keynote and breakout sessions. Free of charge, just show up!
  3. Ella Ryder -child resource. Allegan is 2nd largest 14% of providers

Race to the Top- want to launch programming Oct. 1- 4 year grant. Office of Great start website has more information

  1. Sally Beyer- Community Mental Health- general fund cut- want to serve as many people as possible. Talk Sooner app.
  2. RicTooker-CMH/DHS- annual local public health day at the capital, met with Tanya Schuitmaker
  3. Denise Hartsough- United Way- met with local coordinator of the "binky patrol" Debbie Kajpust (Blankets for children in need of comfort and reassurance. Ex. Disasters, Foster Care, etc…) in Plainwell. She is looking for suggestions of children needing blankets and volunteers who would like to help sew, quilt, crochet, etc. Debbie’s contact information: 269-685-1109 or
  4. Andrew Davenport- Holland Tulip Time, Project Love Line- t-shirt project, June 4 White Caps games, $9 per ticket, RSVP by May 27. New computer system at the state. 160 foster kids. Have 40 foster parents. Where is there more information?, but can call Andrew 269-303-2425. Andrew is willing to come and do a presentation.
  5. Migrant Resource Council, meet 4th Thursday of each month. July 19 is a Migrant Appreciation Event in Pullman. They contribute to the state's economy, it is important to support the families.
  1. Committee Presentation- Sally Beyer Social Emotional Committee

Want kids to have a good start, experience emotional, explore their environment and look at services to meet their needs. Focus on supporting families so they can provide a good environment and supporting children by providing services. Working closely with Family Support and the father's initiative. Participated in Children's Mental Health Day on May 9. Allegan County is really several communities with their own unique needs. County level events are not as successful as providing access to each community- so will move around. Awareness events, trying to work on the stigma.

September -importance of family meal times. Working with substance abuse agencies in this. Planning meeting in June. Looking at coupons to eat in restaurants.

Parental depression- reduce effects on children, campaign, how to identify and where to get help. Identifying where treatment options out. Books in libraries for kids. Reducing isolation helps, may be linking with depression screening day.

Meet 2nd Tuesday of each month. All are welcome.

Supporting children effected by trauma- secure base is important for social emotional health. Looking at increasing assessment and interventions. What is not available that families need?

SAMSA grant to Gun Lake Tribe- Positive Parenting Program and Touchpoints

Resources for Parents

211 is a resource if parents do not know where to go for help

Whole Family Connections

Play groups