Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held in the Town Hall at 8pm on Tuesday 12th June 2007
Councillors:Angie Paterson- Chairman
Rhian Woods – Vice-Chair
David Tindale
David Shannon
Ian Hill
Roger Beattie
Charles Rowton-Lee
Tony Williamson
Nick Greaves
Officer:Kristina Tynan
District Councillor:Angie Paterson
CountyCouncillor:Roger Belson
Press:Tim Horton – Watlington Times
Members of the Public1
70/07Apologies for absence
Keith Lane, Rodney Mann – District Councillor
71/07 Chairman's remarks
There was none.
72/07To receive Declarations of Interest
Councillors are hereby reminded that, under the provisions of Part 2 of the Local Government Act 2000 (The Code of Conduct) a member with a personal interest in a matter who attends a meeting of the authority at which the matter is considered must disclose to that meeting the existence and nature of that interest at the commencement of that consideration, or when the interest becomes apparent. A member with a personal interest in a matter also has a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member's judgment of the public interest. A member with a prejudicial interest in any matter must withdraw from the room or chamber where a meeting is being held whenever it becomes apparent that the matter is being considered at that meeting, unless he has obtained a dispensation from the standards committee of the responsible authority; and not seek improperly to influence a decision about that matter. For the purposes of this Part (of the Act),"meeting" means any meeting of the authority; or any of the authority's committees, sub committees, joint committees or joint sub-committees.
Tony Williamson declared a prejudicial interest in the Church Hall item as he is on the Church Hall Committee.
Angie Paterson declared a prejudicial interest in the Church Hall item as her husband is Chairman of the Church Hall Committee
David Tindale declared a prejudicial interest in the Church Hall item as he is on the electoral roll of the Church.
They all signed the ‘Declaration of Interest’ book and left the room for the vote.
73/07Minutes of Meeting 15th May2007 to be signed as a correct record
Resolved: That these minutes are a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman with one change to Minute 61/07 which should read’ Tony Williamson was elected onto the Education Foundation Charity in 2006 and to serve until 2009’.
74/07Co-option onto Council
Two applications had been received from Mrs Barbara Crookes and Mr Edward Baker.
Their letters were considered.
Resolved: It was unanimously agreed that Mrs Barbara Crookes and Mr Edward Baker be co-opted onto Watlington Parish Council.
75/07Matters arising from the Minutes
Committee Structure (Minutes 60/07 refers). Rhian Woods stated that she would like to become a member of the Environment Committee. Angie Paterson stated that the Chair and Vice-Chair are ex-officio members of all committee and have a vote at all meetings.
Willow Pond (Minute 59/07 refers) Ian Hill reported that he has been contacted by Mr Copas and a meeting will be taking place on site. This will then be discussed by the Environment Committee.
76/07Public Questions
To adjourn the meeting to enable any members of the public who are present to ask questions of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 89.
There were no public questions.
77/07District Councillors Report – Angie Paterson
Angie Paterson reported that the New Council have been busy having training days etc and some committees have not yet had their first meetings. She is on the Community Investment Fund Panel which had a meeting today and allocated some large grants.
78/07 CountyCouncillors Report – Roger Belson
Minerals and Waste – There has been an initial consultation letter sent out. Roger Belson reported that there is no need to respond at this stage as OCC have not yet selected any sites. When they have selected appropriate sites then the Parish Council input will be required.
Gypsies – Roger Belson reported that we will be receiving a letter regarding gypsies and travellers in the area and we will be asked to make comments. He stated that it will be important that the Council do make comments.
Improving Access to the Countryside – There is a grant of £5000 available to improve access to the countryside.
Hedge on Shirburn Street – Roger Belson reported that following a request for this to be cut back, from the Parish Office, OCC have asked Beechwood Estates to cut it back.
HGV’s – Roger Belson has received a letter from the Travel Agent in Watlington re HGV’s . He has written back telling them that ultimately it is a police problem.
Library – Roger Belson stated that he cannot do much on this issue until the application goes to the SODC committee. It apparently is the first time the SODC planners saw the detailed plans. Angie Paterson reported that she has had a meeting with the Planning Officer and the Conservation Officer on this application and they had not seen any detailed plans before the application was received. Roger Belson said that he understands a new plan has to be with SODC by the 20th June. Tony Williamson stated that the revised proposals may only allow 2 flats instead of three.
Waste – Roger Belson stated that the District Council is the Collection Authority and the County Council is the Authority for disposing of the waste. They have 4 landfill sites in the area and they do recycle!
In 2009 the County Council have to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfill as the carbon footprint from the carbon methane is dreadful. If the Government target is not met the Council will be charged at £150 per tonne. Oxfordshire is in the top quartile of recycling area at present andrecycles 60% of waste taken to the eight waste recycling centres but aim to recycle 65% this year.
The County Council is looking at new waste treatment method to be operational by 2012. Garden waste and food waste will be taken to a sophisticated new treatment centre which should be up and running by 2009. All 5 Councils are working together in the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership. If all 5 Councils collect the waste in the same way this will get the total costs down.
Tony Williamson stated that some Councils are now doing a fortnightly collection and asked if it seemed likely that OCC will also do this?
Roger Belson stated that this happens in Oxford City Council now. There are now 83 County Councils in the Country doing a fortnightly collection. This is for domestic waste only.
79/07To receive the Balance of Accounts and approve the list of Payments
Tony Williamson read out the Balances of Accounts and proposed that Accounts for Payment be settled.
Resolved: That the Accounts for Payment be settled.
A.PROJECTS,FINANCE & STAFF - 29/5/2007 – Tony Williamson reported.
Resolved: That these minutes be accepted by Council.
Tony Williamson reported that with the Clerk year end balances have been worked out. It was noted that the earmarked balances are £50083.00. It was agreed that we transfer 4 years public convenience money into our High Interest Account. It was also noted that we still have £45,792.00 to come in from the Pavilion Project.
CAB – Request for grant
Resolved: That we write to CAB Didcot stating that we support Henley CAB who have an outreach day in Watlington and that our money is committed to the Henley Branch. We appreciate that there will be some crossover with residents and that we are very grateful to their help to Watlington residents.
Revised Code of Conduct
That Watlington Parish Council
a) adopt the mandatory provisions in the Model Code of Conduct set out in Statutory Instrument 2007/1159 be adopted as the Watlington Parish Council Code of Conduct to be effective from 1 July 2007 subject to:
(i) The inclusion of the “general principles” as an Annex to the Code with a footnote to explain that it is not part of the Code but included as an Annex because of the requirement in paragraph 1(2) of the Code for member to have regard to the principles :and
(ii) the addition of paragraph 12(2) of the Model Code, but excluding the words in brackets
Each as recommended by the Standards Board for England and South Oxfordshire District Council; and
b) the Clerk be requested to notify the Monitoring Officer of South Oxfordshire District Council of the passing of the above resolution.
Hidden Britain - Tony Williamson gave out a list of where leaflets and brochure holders are located.
Employers Contribution- It was noted that last year this amount for all staff was £1,579.00
Cuxham Field – SODC are the custodians of this land which was part of the 1874 Enclosure Act, and the Watlington Parish Council are the beneficiaries. SODC are continuing to look into the situation.
B.PLANNING – 5/6/2007 – David Tindale reported.
Resolved: That these minutes be accepted by Council.
18 Cuxham Road – The Planning Committee were strongly opposed to this application.
SODC Decisions – It was agreed that on the Planning Agenda where we list the SODC decisions we put the Parish Council’s decision on also, so that it makes it easier to see which applications we are in agreement with SODC and which applications we are not.
Co option of Robert Barber
Resolved: That Robert Barber be co-opted onto the Planning Committee.
C.ENVIRONMENT - 20/3/2007- Ian Hill
Resolved: That these minutes be accepted by Council.
Traffic- Ian Hill reported that he and David Tindale have met with Peter Ronald and will report on this at the next Environment meeting.
Ridgeway – Roger Beattie reported that some remedial works have been done since the recent gales.
Recreation Ground New Play Equipment Grants – Tony Williamson reported that the Public Charities would be prepared to pay the Third Party Element that we need to have for a TOE application.
Grass Cutting around skatetrack area. – This has not been cut – The Clerk to look into this.
Air Quality in Watlington
Angie Paterson and Ian Hill have had a meeting with SODC Environmental Health on this. There have been diffusers measuring the air quality at certain points on Couching Street. The readings around the Town Hall are measuring quite high and SODC need to put in some bigger units to obtain better and more detailed readings. The units will need to be in place for at least one year. The Environmental Officers are in discussion about the best locations for these. Angie Paterson said that these measurements lend weight for the Trading Standards to keep checking the HGV’s coming into Watlington.Around the Couching St/Brook Stjunction the measurements are acceptable.
- ALLOTMENTS – David Shannon
There was nothing to report.
E. PAVILION – Tony Williamson
There is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow night.
This is due for completion in November/December. Anyone who wishes to be considered for these units must be on the SODC Housing Register. Sovereign will be requesting nominations from SODC by September. We are receiving monthly reports from Sovereign.
H. HIDDEN BRITAIN- Tony Williamson
Nothing to report.
81/07Church Hall (email from TOE was attached to Agenda)
Tony Williamson reported on the e-mail from TOE about what is expected from the Third Party which needs to provide 10% of the cost. 10% of this project would be £1,102. The Parish Council at the last Full Council meeting approved £1,000 but have now been asked to approve £1,102. Tony Williamson has spoken to Nigel Paterson who has sent an email on this stating that he has replaced the damaged tile and they are going to replace the gutters at the same time that the refurbishment is taking place. Nigel Paterson has reported that the building is now watertight.
(Tony Williamson, Angie Paterson and David Tindale then left the meeting) Rhian Woods chaired the meeting for this item.
Vote: 5 in favour, 1 against
Resolved: That the Parish Council make a grant of £1,102 to the Church Hall on
the basis that the Church Hall Committee has to make the building watertight as
required by finding extra resources to do this. This grant is also subject to
the other grants for this project being awarded.
82/07Request from Beavers to bury a time capsule in Watlington
Resolved: That the Parish Council agreed in principle that the time capsule can be buried in the Paddock. The Environment Committee to agree site and depth with the Beavers.
Letter 651 – Smiths Gore – This was dealt with in the Confidential Note from the PFS Committee.
Letter 666- NALC Policy - Climate change and sustainable Energy Act 2006. A Parish Council may encourage or promote a number of issues. It gives a general power to encourage or promote energy-saving measures including a power for Parish Councils to provide information, advise and assistance including financial assistance(which would come under Section 137). This issue has been passed to PFS.
Letter 664 – SODC re Festival. The office is dealing with this. Angie Paterson stated that the Festival Committee did a wonderful job over this weekend in very difficult circumstances and has put a note in the Watlington Times saying this.
84/07Representation on other bodies: (paper from Angie Paterson attached to Agenda)
The paper from Angie Paterson was discussed.
Resolved: That we trial for a few months the following:
1. Organisations are invited to submit a short report (no more than 100 words) by e-mail on anything that they would like to draw to the attention of the Parish Council.
2. Reports to be collated into a single document to go out with the Full Council
3. At the meeting we would receive the reports and questions may be raised on reports if appropriate.
The benefits:
- It would give a wider range of organisations direct input to the Parish Council and broaden our knowledge of activities in the town.
- It would enable us to read the reports and raise questions in advance of the meeting.
- In time it may help us to make links between different activities in relation to other Council business.
85/07Other Matters for Discussion at the discretion of Chair
There being no other business the meeting went into Confidential Session According to:
RESOLVED: THAT under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public
be excluded from the meeting for items of business of the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 7,8 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act.
To discuss the Beechwood Estates Lease.
Resolved: That the Confidential Minute from the PFS Committee (29/5/2007) regarding the letter from Smiths Gore was unanimously agreed.