WahpetonCity Council Minutes

June 21, 2010

Present: Mayor, Hansey, Schmidt, Bohn, DeVries, Bajumpaa, Wateland, Mitskog, and Bertsch.

Also Present: Huwe, Nelson, MacIver, Lies, Nelson, Thorsteinson, and Appell.

Motion by Bertsch seconded by Hanseyto approve the June 7, 2010 City Council Minutes. Motion Carried.


FINANCE DIRECTOR/AUDITOR HUWE-Huwe asked for approval for any site authorizations or games of chance permits presented.

Council member Bohn offered the following site authorization and moved its adoption:

Catbacker’s Club

The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by DeVries.

JeffersonBus Lines

Huwe reported that bus service will begin June 23rd departing from the Cenex Convenience Store at 2019 9th Street North on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturdays. Further information can be found at Jeffersonlines.com.

2011 Budget Calendar

Huwe stated that work will begin on the 2011 budget. A meeting with the Budget Committee will be held on August 2ndto review departmental budgets.

Fireworks Display Permit

Huwe has received a Fireworks Display Permit from Cory Unruh requesting display permit for July 4th. Motion by Bohn, seconded by Bajumpaa to approve the application. Motion Carried. Hansey served on the Fireworks Committee this year and stated the Committee has reached their fund raising goal for the fireworks display.

June 8th Election Results

Huwe reported that the City contracts with RichlandCountyfor elections. There were 583 ballots cast in the June 8, 2010 election: Mayor Sturdevant received 473 votes 5 write-in; Ward 1: Marty Schmidt 97 votes, Steve Dale 103 votes; Ward 3: Tiana Bohn 76 votes; At Large: Brian Wolfgram 168 votes, Lane Wateland 183 votes, Jim Hartman 277 votes, Meryl Hansey 291 votes, Travis Kjorsvik 45 votes, and 6 write-in votes.

Wahpeton Park Board Commissioners ran unopposed: Steve Craig, Max Reinke, and Deb Tobias. Motion by Bertsch, seconded by Mitskog to approve the June 8, 2010 election results. Motion carried.

Reorganizational Council Meeting

Huwe reported that the reorganizational City Council meeting is Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 5pm. The newly elected officials will be sworn in and Mayoral appointments will be made at the meeting.


Huwe requested referral to the Finance Committee the NDSCS Spec Home Concepts for the City owned lot on 7th Street North. Mayor will refer this item to the Finance Committee.


MacIver gave an update of the Summer Reading Program; they are doing three programs with weekly activities. MacIver reported the lift was repaired last week and works well. The Library received a grant of $5,000 from the Coordinating Council for purchase of materials and the grant is dependent upon interlibrary loans. MacIver thanked Marty Schmidt for serving on the Library Board.


Nelson requested referral to the Public Works Public Safety Committee the Contract for Laboratory Services. Mayor will refer this item to the PWPS Committee.

Nelson requested referral to the Public Works Public Safety Committee the Agreement for Engineering services related to the Dakota Ave Project. Mayor will refer this item to the PWPS Committee.

Bajumpaa asked Nelson for an update on the Volunteer Park, Nelson stated that the river level dictates the work being done in the park as the river level has to be at 5.5’.

Mayor stated that he heard positive comments regarding the aerial spray on Saturday night. Nelson stated the next aerial spray is scheduled for June 30th.


Finance Committee Report

Bohn reported the Finance Committee did not meet on the 14th and there will be an update on Town Centre Square at the June 28th meeting.

Public Works Public Safety Committee

Hansey has no formal report as there wasn’t a quorum. Hansey stated that Dale Bartnick and Mike Connell were present at the meeting to discuss drainage at the Middle School the cost is $37,000 and they are asking for half from the City.


a.NDSCS Dreams 2010 Thank You

b.Census 2010 Infogram

c.ISO Notification – Change in ClassificationBuilding Codes

d.WahpetonAirport Authority Minutes June 9, 2010

e.Leach Public Library Board Minutes May 20, 2010

Motion by Bohn, seconded by DeVries to approve the reports. Motion Carried.

101 GENERAL FUND / $174,096.25 / $35,808.47 / $209,904.72
201 WATER OPERATING FUND / $18,887.37 / $24,884.53 / $43,771.90
202 SANITARY SEWER OPERATING FUND / $12,450.02 / $15,274.78 / $27,724.80
203 WASTE REMOVAL OPERATING FUND / $18,199.81 / $688.08 / $18,887.89
205 VECTOR CONTROL FUND / $261.26 / $1,592.35 / $1,853.61
206 STREET LIGHTING / $12,347.60 / $0.00 / $12,347.60
209 LIBRARY LEVY FUND / $5,338.71 / $11,502.54 / $16,841.25
213 ADVERTISING LEVY FUND / $653.54 / $653.54
216 AIRPORT 4-MILL LEVY FUND / $449.96 / $449.96
217 PLANN COMMISSION LEVY FUND / $1,136.30 / $653.22 / $1,789.52
227 ANNUAL RESERVE WH FUND / $0.00 / -$2,461.00 / -$2,461.00
229 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND / $5,248.51 / $0.00 / $5,248.51
231 FD BLDG & EQUIP LEVY FUND / $4,466.00 / $4,466.00
235 SNOW/FLOOD EMERG LEVY FUND / $3,531.20 / $3,531.20
236 LEVEE MAINTENANCE / $3,812.83 / $4,528.32 / $8,341.15
271 ECONOMIC DEVEL DEPT FUND / $3,678.02 / $10,072.34 / $13,750.36
305 VECTOR CONTROL DIST LEVY FUND / $293.88 / $293.88
318 WEED MAINT LEVY FUND / $530.00 / $530.00
319 LODGING TAX FUND / $2,546.12 / $2,546.12
320 SALES TAX OPERATING FUND / $15,820.42 / $15,820.42
321 SALES TAX RESERVE FUND / $20,000.00 / $20,000.00
325 SALES TAX H.E.L.P. HOUSING FUND / $130.00 / $0.00 / $130.00
326 REVOLVING LOAN FUND / $33,127.65 / $0.00 / $33,127.65
361 GASOLINE,OIL,ETC / $10,316.00 / -$3,267.15 / $7,048.85
390 CLUBHOUSE MAINTENANCE / $4,803.69 / $4,803.69
574 5-2-97 (FLOOD PHASE II) / $204.17 / $204.17
608 08-02-03 SOUTHSIDE STORM SEWER / $1,045.30 / $0.00 / $1,045.30
611 S SIDE DRAINAGE IMP DR09-150 / $5,202.00 / $5,202.00
614 NSP GRANT PROJECT / $300.30 / $300.30
616 N CENTRAL AREA ST IMP PROJ / $807.00 / $0.00 / $807.00

Motion by Bohn, seconded by Mitskog to approve bills totaling $459,406.72. Motion Carried.

Motion by Mitskog, seconded by Wateland to adjourn 5:30pm. Motion Carried.


Mayor Sturdevant


Angie Appell, Finance Assistant