______Learn to play program for 7 yr olds & under

Umpire fees are now included in the registration fee
There will be a Late Fee of $20 for registrations received after March 6th, 2017
For more information on the Oak Bluff Ball Program please contact Tyler Russell at

Please complete one form per child and bring to registration or mail/drop off with payment to:

Oak Bluff Ball Program

36 Benson Blvd, Oak Bluff, MB R4G 0A2

BY MARCH 6th, 2017

Player’s Name: Level: Please check appropriate box above

Parent/Guardian’s Email :______

Birthdate: (D/M/YR) Age on Dec 31, 2017 _____

Parent/Guardian’s name: ______

Address: Town:

Postal Code: Telephone:

I am willing to: Coach (Y/N)

Mandatory Maintenance Fee of $30 per family per summer sport must be included with the registration fee. This fee can be included with either ball or soccer registration. It can also be ‘worked off’ (i.e. will be reimbursed) to families who choose to work Canteen Duty during the winter.

Would like to work canteen (Y/N) ______

Waiver and Consent in Case of Emergency

I hereby authorize emergency medical or surgical treatment for myself/my son/my daughter/my ward if such treatment is needed during the Macdonald Minor Ball Program. I hereby release all persons involved in the organization of the Macdonald Minor Ball Program from any claims, action, demands or damages of any kind whatsoever my child/my ward may have and any and all loss damage or injury sustained by me/my child/my ward or my/his/her equipment during, after and en route to, or from any or all of the said competitions. I understand the risks involved in participating in the program and accept them.


* Cheques payable to Oak Bluff Rec Centre (OBRC)

**One cheque per family is acceptable but one registration form per player is required