SBP intents that within 12 months Certification Bodies offering SBP certification will be accredited by National Accreditation Bodies. In the interim SBP is offering an approval process. This application is for SBP approval to offer SBP Certification services.
There is currently no application cost for SBP approval.
The SBP language for business is English. The application form must be completed in English. Application documents, as requested in the application form, should be in English. Communication between SBP and the applicant will be in English and there are requirements for public reporting in English.
Adapted from Reference Source: ASI-TPL-20-102-ASI Accreditation Application Form-V7.0.
1.0COMPANY DETAILS1.1Legally registered name of the Certification Body (hereinafter ‘CB’)
1.2Legal status of the CB (eg. company, partnership, sole trader)
Please provide evidence of incorporation, such as a certificate or articles of incorporation or association.
1.3Address of the CB
The address should be that of the office responsible for the application where approval will be held.
Street/PO Box
VAT Number
1.4Current certification services[1]
Please list certification services relevant to SBP certification for which the CB is currently accredited, including accredited scope.
Relevant certification schemes include, but are not limited to: FSC, PEFC, RSB, SFI.
Please attach copies of relevant accreditation certificates, including details of scope. / Attached
Please describe all other conformity assessment services offered by the CB and where it is accredited for those services, if applicable.
1.5Additional sites (including affiliate offices and subcontractors)
Include premises from which SBP certification services are expected to be performed and which should be covered by the approval. Please append copies of this section if there is more than one site.
Name of the site
Name of the site manager
Site address
Conformity assessment service(s) conducted at the site
Relation to the CB
1.6Other activities and services
Including activities and services provided by additional sites (see section 1.5) which areincluded in thisapproval application.
Does the CB offer or provide any consultancy, training and other activities or services? If yes, please provide details.
2.1Owner(s) of the CB
Please replicate this section to include additional owners, if applicable.
Street/PO Box
2.2Legal representative of the owner
Street/PO Box
2.3CEO of the CB
Street/PO Box
2.4CB Contact person for the SBP approval application
SBP will address all correspondence concerning the progress of the application to the contact person.
Street/PO Box
3.1The CB applies for approval with the following technical scope(s)
Approval may only be granted for the technical scope the CB applies for. This section must also be filled in by CBs applying for extension of the technical approval scope.
Chain of Custody Certification Approval
Producer CertificationApproval
3.2Geographical scope of application for approval
Specify the countries or regions in which the CB proposes to provide certification following approval (If you intend to offer certification outside your own national boundaries please attach details on how this will be provided.) Please note that CBs are required to comply with legal requirements in the countries in which they operate or plan to operate.
This section also applies to CBs applying for extension of the geographical approval scope.
3.3Resources and competence
Demonstrate how the CB has sufficient resources and competence to manage the certification program, and specifically the technical and geographical scopes applied for.
Only personnel associated with the respective program seeking SBPapproval
Has a Quality Manager been appointed? / Yes No
Name of Quality Manager
Education of Quality Manager / University education
Technical school education
Trained in quality management
Other quality management personnel / Name:
Other CB personnel associated with the program seeking SBPapproval / Name:
Does the CB have special departments, boards or technical committees responsible for or overseeing specific areas of certification? / Yes No
If yes, please provide details of the specific fields and associated personnel/individuals
4.2Documented Management System
Does the CB have a quality manual?
If yes, please provide a copy of the quality manual on paper or in electronic form, and all other relevant associated documents and records. / Yes No
Does the quality manual include a document catalogue or similar?
If not, please provide the catalogue separately. / Yes No
5.0Existing accreditation to ISO/IEC 17065:2012
Is the CBaccredited by a National Accreditation Body (NAB) to ISO/IEC 17065:2012?
Please attach a copy of the relevant certificate of accreditation.
If no, is the CB accredited by a National Accreditation Body to EN 45011 and has applied to a National Accreditation Body for to transition to ISO/IEC 17065:2012? Please attach evidence of application for transition. / Yes No
If yes, please provide details
Name of the NAB
Date of application
Scope of application
Description of accreditation
Date of validity of accreditation
Please attach a copy of the relevant certificate of accreditation.ISO/IEC 17065:2012 or EN 45011. / Attached
As applicant to an SBPapproval program we hereby expressly declare that we agree:
a. that at this stage the SBP only evaluates the eligibility of the CB to become an applicant CB. This evaluation does not guarantee that the CB shall be accepted as official applicant for SBP. If accepted as an applicant by the SBP, the parties will enter into an Approval Agreement. The acceptance of the CB as an official applicant for the Approval Program is at the absolute discretion of SBP. The CB agrees that SBP shall not be obliged to grant the status as an official applicant for the selected Approval Program(s).
b. to recognise that an assessment by SBP does not constitute an accreditation within the meaning of Article 2(10) of Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9July 2008 and shall not be presented as such. Since SBP bases its assessment and approval of CBs exclusively on privately set standards, an SBPapproval cannot be construed or communicated as an attestation regarding the fulfillment of requirements of standards or regulations set by public authorities.
c. to inform SBP without delay about significant changes, relevant to our application of approval in any aspect of our status or operation relating to our:
Legal, commercial, ownership or organisational status;
Organisation, top management and key personnel;
Main policies;
Resources and premises (or sites);
Other such matters that may affect our ability to fulfill requirements for approval.
d. to comply with the respective scheme requirements and SBP procedures specified for the approval of CBs (e.g. criteria in accordance with the approval guidelines, the technical requirements on the applied fields of certification).
e. to guarantee confidentiality of business and personal information. To treat all information received in the course of the application as business confidential to the extent that such information is not already published, generally available to third parties or otherwise in the public domain.
f. that any disputes arising in relation to this Agreement or the validity of this Agreement shall be settled in accordance with the SBP appeals procedure without recourse to courts of law.
g.That the language of all communication shall be English.
Company Stamp
Person authorising this application
Title of authorised person
Important information for the Applicant:
SBP fully respects confidentiality of business and personal information. All information received in the course of the application is treated as business confidential to the extent that such information is not already published, generally available to third parties or otherwise in the public domain.
FOR SBP INTERNAL USE ONLY – please leave blankAppropriate accreditations held / Yes No
Competence in order to conduct the assessments considering the approval scope applied for / Yes No
No impediments identified / Yes No
Additional comments:
Name SBPAssessor: / Name SBP Managing Director:
Date and signature: / Date and signature:
SBP Approval Application V0.0 Page 1