These minutes are only provisional until agreed by the council and signed by the chairman at the December meeting.

Lifton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting at the Primary School

Thursday 28th November 2013

Present Mr C Edmonds (chairman), Miss G Elias, Mr M Hall, Mr B Moore,

Mr S Parsons, Mr L Showell, Mr T Sutton-Woodhouse, Mrs R Willing,

and Mr D Horn, borough councillor

Apologies None

Minutes Of the meeting on 24th October were approved and signed.

Dec of Interest None Public Participation No questions or comments

General Items

Official documents Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment summary issued. All three were formally adopted by the council.

The Chairman issued forms and guidance notes for dispensation requests, and indicated important parts of the financial regulations (cheque signing, assets etc). The planning sub-committee is now to be called the Planning Committee – meeting at Pavilion if necessary. This will only happen if the decision date comes before the next meeting and cannot be extended if requested by the clerk. It will then need the usual formal public notice procedure.

Councillor vacancies Two, both approved by WDBC.

Neighbourhood Plan

Meetings: 1st and 13th Nov (see attached report)

Housing Needs Survey Draft issued by CCD for comments by councillors and WDBC. Much careful analysis has gone into this, and it gives evidence of need up to 5 years ahead. Recommendation that the parish council considers development of 9 affordable homes. It was proposed and agreed that the council accept this report.

Website Village organisations – need for more news about future events on website.

Additional pages needed for more communication. Facebook page very important – more information coming this way. 4 or 5 pages cost £45. Limitless pages app £150. Support cost £50. Then available for local businesses who have not got their own website. PC could offer local community web presence – fees could probably pay for council website costs but the council must maintain control. How many businesses and community groups would want a page of their own? Some concern about time involved for web administrator. New item: Contact ‘info’. Separate e-mail account for the web controller, to cost app £10 p.a. It was agreed that there were to be 2 new e-mail accounts and limitless website pages. Everything is planned to be replicated in a paper document – maybe in a development of the Messenger magazine. The council minutes are put up in the church porch every month.

Public library Consultation only until 30th about threat to Lifton Down mobile unit stop.

The cost of the mobile service throughout Devon is to be cut drastically. Possibly only 4-weekly visits. Would the alternative be e-readers?

Emergency Planning PC bins to be topped up. Councillors to check all bins.

Dog bin Tinhay site approved. Request from Arundell Arms because of dog owners throwing plastic bags into the car park. Could they cover cost of installation?

Tinhay agreed. One in Darkey Lane being emptied twice a week (council request some time ago). This to be confirmed. Proposal for new Arundell bin: 5 in favour. 3 against.

Two bins to be ordered.

28th November 2013 page 2

Telephone Box (Village green) BT will provide a door, and paint the box in the spring.

Visiting speaker From Citizens’ Advice Bureau, December meeting.

Lengthman visit 9th December . Pavements opp shop

Highways North Road: no reply from Mr Newcombe. Colmans X sign replaced.

West Devon Drive One or two complaints about trimming.

Lifton Down speeding report – sent to everybody.

Twinning Cllr Sutton-Woodhouse will speak to villages.

Hearing loop. Cost £100, single microphone. (Next meeting.)

TASS advert Anyone spare 2 hours a week to help a lonely person? Men and women, all ages, wide range of experience. Retired, student, unemployed, etc. Just time to spare.

On TASS website and in the Messenger.

Carol Service At the Christmas tree, Friday 13th December. Time tba.


Rec Field Committee: Meeting held 11th November: boiler serviced, play area checked, car parking to be modified to stop entry onto field (possibly with grant help), Football Foundation survey completed. Looking for play equipment for under-5s.

Community Centre: No news on grant. Land on bottom edge of site to be stopped up and handed over to the Community Centre.

Clerk WDBC training courses. (Next meeting)


For payment British Legion 30.00

Arundell Arms, room hire for Neighbourhood Plan meetings 60.00

WDBC dog-bin emptying (6 months) 162.24

Tinhay Building Supplies (Section 137 item) 66.00

Pro MH, sec RW, that all the above should be paid

General Village Trail and Footpath Map quotes. Cllr Moore getting alternative quotes.

Appeal – Victim Support, Newton Abbot



Site north of Easton, Lifton Down, dwelling and access

Not recommended. Possible parking problems, overdevelopment, overlooking neighbouring properties, concern expressed by DCC Highways.

18a North Road, new access and infill existing

Not recommended. Proposed very wide gates would open directly onto already congested road with long-running parking problems. Much better for gates to remain in present position.

Smallacombe, cattle building

Recommended for approval by Planning Committee 18 Nov

28th November 2013 page 3

Approvals Lifton Farm Shop, both solar arrays plus access


Faster Broadband: Devon & Somerset alliance. Lifton comes from Cornwall. Letters needed to BT e-mail address for this on Lifton website. Register interest with BT Openreach.

Southern Link: Thursday 5 Dec, WDBC Tavistock 6.30 p.m. Cllr Sutton-Woodhouse and chairman to attend.

Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

Signed ...... date ......

Next meeting

Parish Council: Thursday 23rd January, at the Lifton Down church room, 7.00 p.m.