PACE Rep Meeting
August 11, 2011
HSHS Room 259
Chair: Rae Jean Larsen
Recorder: Ansina Durham
Rep Attendance: Rae Jean Larsen,Ansina Durham, Dawn Wendland, Kelle Johnson, Carly Oppie, Robin Bagent, Lauri Watkins, Rick Greenwald, Ann Keane, CR Call, and Abby Greenfield.
Exec Attendance: Brandi Turnipseed, Merry Olson, and Lena Paxton.
Rae Jean called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
Rae Jean asked that a motion be made to approve last month’s minutes. Carly Oppie motioned to approve the minutes and Kelle Johnson seconded the motion.
Introductions of PACE Reps went around the room.
The first order of business was a report from the PACE Executive Committee. PACE has been asked to donate $375.00 towards a BBQ and dance for the students that will take place on Saturday, August 27th at 6 p.m. There is also a need for volunteers to donate their time at the event. The goal of the event is to provide more activities on campus for the students to attend and instill a sense of community. The PACE budget has not been set for the coming year and there was some reservation if the dance would cut into the Holiday Party and morale booster funding. Robin Bagent made a motion to encourage volunteerism, but not to provide funding for the event. Brandi Turnipseed seconded the motion. An e-mail will be sent out encouraging representatives to participate. Also coming up is the Ride, Run, and Row event sponsored by the Agriculture Department. Employees are also encouraged to participate in this event. The PACE general meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, September 20th.
Next on the agenda was picking out the 2011 PACE theme. The representatives discussed varioustheme proposals.Carly Oppie motioned that the 2011 PACE theme be “Step Up” and Ann Keane seconded the motion.
Throughout the PACE theme discussion other ideas & questions were put forward. What do we want our outcome to be? What is our goal for the year? What brings us together as a community? Motivation is different for everyone, so the idea of working with individual’s one-on-one through mentorship was brought up.It was suggested that we invite employees from off campus to the monthly PACE meetings. Other suggestions include having different people deliver the morale booster to various departments across campus.
The Training Committee has new leadership. Rae Jean Larsen from HSHS and Lynn Laird from HR will co-chair the committee. The committee also has a new mascot named “Pepe” whom we will be seeing in the upcoming year. The acronym PEPE stands for Professional Enrichment Personal Enlightenment.
It was suggested that we put the PACE meetings in the Outlook calendar so a reminder pops up. If you need help setting this up feel free to contact Robin Bagent. The library also has tutorials available in Learning Express. You can access it from the CSI Library home page under Are You Looking For… As a new user you will need to register first by creating a username and password.What’s nice about the program is that it will keep your place if you are doing a practice test and need to leave the computer for a while.
Building Happenings:
- Rae Jean – HSHS – They have been busy hosting new student orientations and skills testing.
- Lauri – Desert/Canyon - The Trade & Industry courses are full. The Information Technology has been making a few changes to CISA 101 for the upcoming school year. Kelly Ippolito has moved over to the Help Desk position.
- Abby – Head Start – They have 130 individuals on campus for training and are gearing up for the new school year.
- Robin – Aspen – The migration for the new Blackboard went well and is now in place for Faculty to upload class materials. Robin suggested that PACE may want to use Blackboard in the future for trainings.
- CR – Bookstore – Students will be able to charge books towards their financial aid starting next week. Lacee Clinger had a baby girl and named her Macee. Mom and baby are doing well.
- Dawn – Evergreen - The Ride, Run, and Row event sponsored by the Agriculture department is coming up on Friday, August 26th. Employees are encouraged to participate in this event. Jamie Carter is the new office specialist and Maleah Huggins is the new lab manager for the Physical Science department.
- Rick – Herrett –Nine light shields have been installed overthe Herrett Center parking lot light fixtures. This project was funded by Foundation mini-grant monies. There are three free solar viewing sessions left until Labor Day. Solar viewing takes place every Wednesday from 1:30-3:30 p.m. KMVT Television and the Herrett Center will be co-hosting a free community “Kids Day” on Saturday, August 27th. August 23rd thru 27th the Herrett Center will display Grace before Dying. The Herrett will host “A Girls Night Out”sleepover September 23rd thru 24th.
- Kelle J - OOA – The Office on Aging will have a booth in one of the merchant buildings this year at the Twin Falls County Fair. They will be selling a cookbook for $10.00 with proceeds going to the program. Also for sell will be scrubbies crochet by one of their seniors.
- Lena – Records & Admin. – Fall registration is in full swing. There are quite a few changes for students registering for classes. Students who try to register last minute for a class will be encouraged to apply for Spring semester instead.
- Carly – Idaho Star – All Idaho Star sites are in training mode. They will teach through November in the Treasure Valley. New motorcycles are being purchased for the program. Idaho Stars has the privilege of presenting at the State Motorcycle Safety Administrator’s conference in Des Moines, Iowa this fall.Stats show that Idaho motorcycle fatalities are down this year. You can now follow Idaho Stars on Twitter and like them on Facebook.
- Merry – Career Center – They have been busy contacting individuals to see if they have found employment since graduating from CSI. At this time they have an 85% contact rate. Merry recently attended a workshop on outcomes assessment. The focus was on the desired outcomerather than focusing on what we do when interacting with students. If you know someone looking for employment you can have them check out the Job Board at the Career Centers Eagle Jobs webpage.
- Ann – ADC – New adjunct faculty has been hired for the upcoming year. The ADC is offering free Compass Prep Workshops which consist of two, two-hour sessions. The workshops are held from 6 to 8 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays and Wednesdays of August. The planned remodeling project is still on hold until the floor plan is approved.
- Brandi – Planning & Grants Development –A grant for an ISTEM scholarship was recently submitted and they are currently working on $600,000.00 worth of other proposals.
- Ansina –Library - The library is continuing to work on inventory.Construction on the quiet room is close to being finished. The library has the book Grace before Dying which is the basis of the exhibit at the Herrett Center on display August 23rd thru 27th.
The next meeting will be chaired by Lauri Watkins with the location TBA (Possibly Desert 113).
The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Chairs for the next meetings are as follows:
October – Kris Haney
November – Dawn Wendland
December – Becky Ross
January – Ansina Durham
February – Tamara Harmon
March – Cassandra Horton
April – Donanna McKinstry
May – Kelle Johnson
June – Robin Bagent