Therapists’ Integration of Religion and Spirituality in Counseling: A Meta-Analysis

Summarized by, Charles Thomas

Authors: Donald F. Walker; Richard L. Gorsuch; Siang- Yang Tan

Date: October 2004

Journal: Counseling and Values, Vol. 49

Key Terms/Concepts:

Religion – more organizational, ritual, and ideological

Spirituality – more personal, affective, and experiential

Explicit integration – a more overt approach that directly and systematically deals with spiritual or religious issues in therapy and uses spiritual resources

Implicit integration – a more covert approach that does not initiate the discussion of religious or spiritual issues and does not openly, directly, or systematically use spiritual resources

Intrapersonal integration –refers to the manner in which a therapist uses his or her personal religious or spiritual experiences in counseling

Main Statistics (if any):

90% of Americans claim Protestant or Catholic Religions

40% attend religious services weekly

More than 2/3rds of Americans consider personal spiritual practice to be an important part of their daily lives.

Findings in 18 studies of 3.813 therapists

Protestant (34.51%) Jewish (19.61) Catholic (13.89)

82.54% reported being active in their religion

66.6% reported using prayer; 64.1% reported using religious language/metaphors, and concepts; 44.4% reported using scripture in therapy

82% reported rarely or never discussed religious issues in training; 13.6% reported sometimes and 4.3% reported often

Among explicitly religious therapist

8.79% reported being inactive

42.2% of cases forgiveness was used; 39.2 use scripture/teaching of Biblical concepts; 32.6% used confrontation of sin; 18.2% used religious imagery

73.6% of therapist prayed for their clients outside of session

29.1% used in-session prayer

Key Findings:

Majority of therapists were with a religious denomination but were inactive, this contrasts the general population

Explicitly religious therapists may be valuable resource for therapy cases with religious clients when the consulting therapist does not have a good understanding of the cultural heritage of the client.

Given the lack of training regarding the integration of religion and spirituality in counseling, it seems that most integration of religion and spirituality in counseling occurs through intrapersonal integration as a result of therapists own religious or spiritual experience.

Explicitly religious therapists would seem better equipped

Training could not only occur in classrooms but with supervision or consultation

The results indicate that many therapist are already making use of religion and spirituality in therapy and that scripture and prayer were common techniques.