LLS ICT Dept 2014-15 Year 8 - Computing
CompY8 Unit 5 Local History AV Project
8_5 Overview for Students
This is a joint project run by the ICT Department and the History department. In history lessons, students research a local event, person or place of their choice. You learn sophisticated video editing in ICT using Serif Movieplus. You then combine this content and your skills to make a multimedia local history video.
A joint project between the ICT and History Departments at Lady Lumley’s School.
IN ICT, students will spend 2 weeks learning how to design and create an AV movie made mainly of text, still images and sound clips. The 2 lessons will be to show them what is possible, and understand the basic techniques. The asset table will start as a shopping list for what they think they need. We then support them with building their final movie. They should ideally get a copy of Movieplus (£5 from Library) for use at home.
L1+2 setting up for collecting assets at half term.
L3 developing quality assets (with History) and design
L4+5 Implementation and Feedback
Hand in finished Movie by End of JUNE (28th)
You then have first week in July and whilst they are at Bewerley Park to class assess the movies. Winner from each class in 3 categories to go forward to Oscars - Best Visual / Best Soundtrack / Best Film overall.
Oscar ceremony in Hall (all of Year 8) in last week of term period 5 (Tues? to be arranged with Show)
In History, students will spend 2 lessons before half term understanding the history content required. THEN, the students will look for assets over half term for their asset shopping list. In the two lessons after half term, the students will improve the quality of their assets with feedback from their History teacher.
We then complete in ICT with feedback, for competition entry at the end of June (28th) and look to a combined ICT/History panel for final Oscar awards.
Audience – Students and staff in LLS.
ICT Purpose - Every Student to produce a personal video made with Serif MovieplusX6 video editing Software to include primary text, images, sound and video.
The video will highlight an aspect of local history over time - building, area, people – and how this has changed using sepia for the old pictures/video and colour for the modern examples.
NB. They need a memory stick for their own files…
Students to bring their own mp3 headphones to lessons.
CJS/GH to add article to newsletter about project at H/term and software.
HML (100mins)LOs (BTEL) / Activities / Home Learning and Portfolio Evidence / Teacher Notes
Lesson 1 : First half assessment of previous unit / Intro to Movieplus
I can describe the 5 building blocks for a multimedia movie as well as Audience & Purpose
I can do the basics of creating a Movieplus movie - adding photos / panning and zooming / sounds and text clips / Previous Unit Assessment
Multimedia – multi text/images/sound/video and animation. Interactive MM means user choice which has come about with the web, and web pages. Audio Visual is sound/pictures and is passive – you create something that people watch. How do you make it interesting – consider audience and purpose/ telling a story/ engaging the audience with *content* (History) and *techniques* (ICT).
2. Next 4 weeks, learn about the techniques – adding text, images and sound to make a video, and how to make it interesting…
3. Why holiday pictures are boring for someone else…
Shown a lot of pictures… what can you do to make them interesting? In order: Show them digitally / add sound / tell a story / (tell the person they are going on holiday there next month…)
Show 03 slide show 1 with sound turned down…
Show 03 slide show 1 with sound.
Show 06 slide show (Rostrum).
Discuss which has more impact/engagement. Why?
•Collect 3 pictures to tell a story. Show adding photos.
•Show panning and zooming
•Show adding sounds.
•Show adding text clips / HL1: Add to Movieplus. Add title/ text/ narration/ speech/ sound/ panning and zooming /video to engage an audience. / Show sound effects on intranet in Year 8 folder (Teachers files) and using
Explain main help is on left in program. Movieplus tutorials on Fronter > ICT Skills > Creating / Editing Multimedia > Serif Tutorials for Serif MoviePlus
Optional – purchase copy of Serif MovieplusX6 from Mrs Walton in LRC –Cost = £5 (retails at £30 on amazon - 4.4 out of 5 on reviews 6x5*, 2x4* and a 2* )
HML (100mins)
LOs (BTEL) / Activities / Home Learning and Portfolio Evidence / Teacher Notes
Lesson 2: Development of Design Ideas - Assets, Storyboard and Timeline
LESSON 2 –IMPORTANT – lesson before halfterm
I can include transitions / fade in and fade out of audio to my video
I can explain how assets fit into storyboard design and timelines
I will know exactly what I have to do over half term to create primary and collect secondary assets (differentiated) / Walk round to view movies. Have they decided on project title and description yet in History?
Introduce transitions / fade in and fade out of audio
Talk about Assets / Storyboard and Timelines.
Sketch a storyboard for their previous AV movie.
Discuss – doesn’t show enough detail so need timeline. Show – but explain to do this after halfterm. Need to decide on Project and Assets first.
> Photos of places; of people; of things (medals etc)
> Videos of places; of people; of things (medals etc)
> recorded interviews with family members
> scanned in – old photos, documents, family trees etc
There will be an award ceremony later in summer term with prizes and everyone in Hall watching.
Red > 1-1.5mins > at least 3+ text / 6+ images / 1 music
Blue > 1.5-2.5 mins > at least 5 text, 15+ images, 3 sounds and a video clip - some primary
Green/Yellow > 2-3 mins >- at least 5 text, 20+ images, 5 varied sounds( FX, narration, music), 2 video clips - many primary. / HL1: V IMPORTANTMust have Top of Asset Table filled in and a blank paper copy of the Storyboard to fill in over Halfterm. COLLECT ASSETS and COMPLETE white shopping list over halfterm.
Differentiate the number and type of assets according to Kagan colours
It is about creating quality assets – do not make film at this stage. / Optional – purchase copy of Serif MovieplusX6 from Mrs Walton in LRC –Cost = £5 (retails at £30 on amazon - 4.4 out of 5 on reviews 6x5*, 2x4* and a 2* )
Printouts of Fronter access: 8_4_1 Storyboard Design - blank 2012.doc
Fronter: ICT(CJS) Y8 Local History AV Assets Table 2012 v2.doc
Show classical soundtracks on intranet
HML (100mins)
LOs (BTEL) / Activities / Home Learning and Portfolio Evidence / Teacher Notes
Lesson 3: (After half term) Monitoring quality and quantity of assets / Starting Video
I will be able to use my student assessment sheet to quality assure my quality and quantity of assets.
I will know the requirements for a timeline and be able to include my assets in appropriate video, audio and text lines / 1. Students come in and show Asset Tables on screen. 2. Ask them to fill in padlet “8X3 Local History Video - A&P” on Fronter Y8 ICT home – see others for samples. 3. Teacher goes round with seatin Plan to write down total of assets for each student.
2. Students at Front with their SASs. Show SAS on board from Fronter. Movies need to be 1-3 mins long.
Discuss first row of SAS with them.
level 5 > 1-1.5mins > at least 3+ text / 6+ images / 1 music
level 6 > 1.5-2.5 mins > at least 5 text, 15+ images, 3 sounds and a video clip - some primary
level 7 > 2-3 mins >- at least 5 text, 20+ images, 5 varied sounds( FX, narration, music), 2 video clips - many primary.
Start Timeline / HL1: Complete Timeline
HML (100mins)
LOs (BTEL) / Activities / Home Learning and Portfolio Evidence / Teacher Notes
Lesson 4 :
I will know the requirements for a timeline and be able to include my assets in appropriate video, audio and text lines.
I can do the basics of creating a Movieplus movie - adding photos / panning and zooming / sounds and text clips.
And advanced techniques such as transitions / fade in and fade out of audio to my video / Review timelines - do they meet criteria?
Start making film / HL1:
HML (100mins)
LOs (BTEL) / Activities / Home Learning and Portfolio Evidence / Teacher Notes
Lesson 5:
I can apply the Success Criteria for both the history and ICT requirements to both my own video and those of other people in the class / Film Review
Hand in to deadline ready for judging / HL1: