Unit UV10416/UV10417 – Providing basic Manicure/Pedicure treatments
Llyfr Gwaith yr Ymgeisydd / Candidate Workbook
Enw’r Ymgeisydd/ Candidate name: / Aseswr yr Uned / Unit assessor:Dyddiad y cyflawnwyd cymhwysedd
Date competence achieved: / Llofnod yr Aseswr/ Assessor signature:
Dyddiad y gwiriad mewnol a llofnod/ Internal verification date & signature:
Evidence / PageNo / Completion
date / Assessor
Prepare a basic manicure treatment using, Products, Tools and equipment / 4
What do you know? / 5
Identify factors that will influence the treatment / 6-7
Beauty Bingo / 8-9
Identify nail shapes / 10-11
Nail structure diagram / 12-13
Contra-actions and how to respond to them / 14
Mini pedicure questionnaire / 15
Identify factors that will influence the treatment / 16
Pedicure aftercare advice / 17
Your class notes
All evidence required within the UV10416/17 units can be cross referenced as evidence by criteria within the following unit outcomes:
Outcome 1: ( 4-6) (d. pg 5-7)
Outcome 2: (e. pg 10) (f. pg14)
Outcome 1: (c. pg 4-7) (d. pg15)
Outcome 2: (e. pg 16) ( 14-15)
Date / FEEDBACK & ACTION PLANPrepare for basic manicure treatment
When preparing for any treatment you must ensure you follow the correct hygiene procedure for your self (wash hands, wear P.P.E), equipment (sanitise/ disinfect), tools (sterilise) and products (cut out procedure).
You must also ensure your work environment is suitable (Clean and hygienic, height adjustable chair, correct posture, correct couch height, lighting, ventilation, noise, music, temperature, ambience, no trailing wires, no obstructions, tools and equipment).
the nine products that you would use in a mini manicure:
Nail enamel remover, paint brush. sanitiser, mascara
hand cream, cleanser, cuticle cream, buffing paste,
soaking solution, lip stick, base coat, topcoat, face mask,
nail strengthener.
Manicure tool word search
e / g / u / r / f / o / i / c / p / ha / m / c / o / a / l / e / w / o / b
l / l / e / u / t / p / y / o / r / p
u / o / c / r / e / f / f / u / b / o
t / r / u / n / y / s / r / l / o / n
a / n / k / e / t / b / d / m / r / f
p / m / e / i / e / t / o / r / t / u
s / t / c / s / r / l / e / a / p / e
x / k / b / t / a / e / e / d / r / i
s / m / h / u / t / g / s / e / u / d
Tools:Emery board, spatula,
hoof stick, buffer.
What do you know?
What are the commercially acceptable timings for completing a nail treatment?
What form should you fill in prior to the treatment?
Why should you carry out a visual study of the hands and nails prior to treatment?
At what angle should you hold a nail file?
- What does the term contra-indicationstand for?
- What does the term Contra-actionstand for?
What could happen if you did not fill in a consultation form prior to your treatment?
Why do I need this equipment?
Write a brief description explaining why you would need these different equipment during a mini manicure treatment.
Soaking bowl- ……………………………………………..
Trolley- …………………………………………………….
Cotton wool- ……………………………………………….
Couch roll- …………………………………………………..
Support/cushion- ……………………………………………
2 x bowls - 1 for jewellery, 1 for cotton wool
Bin- …………………………………………………………….
Stool/chairs- …………………………………………………
Nail workstation or couch- ………………………………….
Set up manicure station task:
Set up a Manicure station and take a picture using your phone or I-pad as evidence, print off and insert the image into this workbook.
(See your assessment book for guidance)
Identify factors that will influence the treatment
In the box below using your text books list as many conditions and disorders that may Restrict the treatment
Conditions that may Restrict a nail treatmentIn the box below using your text books list as many conditions and disorders that may Prevent a Nail treatment
Conditions that may Prevent a nail treatmentTasg anhwylderau a chlefydau
Drwy ddefnyddio'ch gwerslyfrau, rhestrwch gymaint o gyflyrau ac anhwylderau ag y gallwch yn y bocs isod a allai gyfyngu ar y driniaeth
Cyflyrau a allai gyfyngu ar driniaeth ewineddDrwy ddefnyddio'ch gwerslyfrau, rhestrwch gymaint o gyflyrau ac anhwylderau ag y gallwch yn y bocs isod a allai rwystro triniaeth ewinedd
Cyflyrau a allai rwystro triniaeth ewineddBeauty Bingo
Eyes Down!
Nails grow faster / Dead cells containing a protein called? / White half moon shape at the base of the nail plateA layer of epidermis found under the free edge / Protects the finger tips / The nail plate rests on this
Guides the nails to grow straight / A part of the cuticle at the base of the nail / Prevents bacteria entering the nail
Folds of skin which run up the sides of the nail plate / Has a rich blood supply / Protects the tops of the finger tips and toes
Listed below are the section of the nail structure, try and match them up to the boxes with the corresponding functions or description.
Free edge Nail wall
Nail plate Hyponychium
Cuticle Lunula
Eponychium Nail grooves
Matrix Keratin
Nail bed In the summer
Bingo Harddwch
Llygaid i Lawr!
Ewinedd yn tyfu'n gyflymach / Celloedd marw'n cynnwys protin o'r enw....? / Siâp hanner lleuad wrth fôn plât yr ewinHaen o epidermis a geir o dan yr ymyl rhydd / Yn amddiffyn blaenau'r bysedd / Mae plât yr ewin yn gorffwys arno
Yn llywio'r ewin er mwyn iddo dyfu'n syth / Rhan o'r cwtigl wrth fôn yr ewin / Yn cadw bacteria o'r ewin
Ymylon ar y naill ochr a'r llall i blât yr ewin / Mae ganddo gyflenwad da o waed / Yn amddiffyn blaenau uchaf y bysedd a'r bodiau
Ceisiwch gysylltu'r isod â'r bocsys sy'n cynnwys y swyddogaethau neu'r disgrifiad cyfatebol.
Ymyl rhydd Wâl yr ewin
Plât yr ewin Hyponychium
Cwtigl Lunula
Eponychium Rhigolau ewin
Bôn yr ewin Ceratin
Gwely'r ewin yn yr haf
Nail shapes task
Shaping the nails is an important stage in a manicure.
Draw and describe the 4 different shapes explaining a number of factors that must be taken into account when choosing a nail shape:
Tasg siapiau ewinedd
Mae siapio'r ewinedd yn gam pwysig wrth drin dwylo.
Disgrifiwch a thynnwch lun o'r siapiau gwahanol gan egluro nifer o ffactorau y mae'n rhaid eu hystyried wrth ddewis siâp ewinedd:
Task 1
Nail Diagram
Label the cross section diagram of the nail below with the following labels:-
Free Edge Nail Wall Nail Plate Perionychium (cuticle) Lunula Eponychium (cuticle) Nail Mantle
Hyponychium Nail Bed
Nail Groove Matrix Nail Fold Cuticle Epidermis
Tasg 1
Diagram o'r Ewinedd
Nodwch y rhannau canlynol ar y croestoriad isod o ewin:-
Ymyl Rhydd Wal yr Ewin Plât yr Ewin Perionychium Lunula Eponychium Mantell yr Ewin Cwtigl Hyponychium Gwely'r Ewin Rhigol yr Ewin Bôn yr Ewin Cnawd Ymyl yr Ewin Epidermis Cyhyr Asgwrn
State possible contra-actions and how to respond!
Tick one of the following answers
Q – You discover a client has a contra-action to the treatment, do you…
A, Pretend you don’t notice, the redness will go away in a while.
B, Identify it is an allergic reaction and panic.
C, Remove product, apply cold compress, tell client to seek medical advice
if condition persists.
D, Blame the reaction on something else.
List some examples of good manicure aftercare advice.
Mini Pedicure
Contra-indications that may restrict a pedicure treatment are the same as a manicure, however the contra-indications that prevent treatment are more specific.
Using the space below, can you name some specific foot contra-indications that prevent treatment?
How long does a nail take to grow from base to tip?
How should you file toenails?
What are the benefits of using a foot cream?
Why do we use a foot file/pumice stone?
Using the oval nail shape, demonstrate two methods for how should you correctly paint the nail plate.
Give one example for each of the following contra indications:
Fungal infection …………………………………
Viral infection ……………………………………
Parasitic infection ……………………………….
Bacterial infection ………………………………
Why do we buff the nail?