January 6-9, 2016
San Diego Bahia Hotel
Theme: “Mentoring Stewards for our Profession”
*Deadline for Proposal Submission: September 11, 2015*
Save and submit this proposal form as an email attachment to Brian Culp at
E-mail Address:
*To propose a program for the 2016 NAKHE Conference, provide the following information*:
Title of proposed program:
A 500 word (max) summary of your proposed program:
A statement of significance describing the professional impact associated with your proposal and how it fits into the overall theme:
Briefly describe what strategies you plan to use (i.e. technologies, interaction, break-out sessions, to foster collegial discussion and critical thinking about the theme you will address).
*The theme of this year’s conference focuses on how to prepare our profession in the midst of a host of societal, economic, and political changes that have challenged the notion of stewardship. Your submission should relate to kinesiology in higher education*:
My proposal addresses the following program track, related to kinesiology in higher education:(Please check appropriate box)
Development –In the current era of globalization, organizations such as NAKHE have had to think broader about it’s purpose particularly as it relates to engaging other constituencies. Presentations under this track report or imagine ways that schools, departments and universities have incorporated a more global approach to kinesiology related professions in higher education.
Industrialism- It has been suggested that the fundamental philosophy of the market economy and “profit” is in conflict with the academic and moral purpose of the university. Presentations under this track discuss the ethics and dilemmas associated with the business of higher education and the business of assisting the community. Are both of these entities destined to compete? Are there synergies between these entities that can be useful and replicated on a broader scale?
Stewardship of Intercollegiate Athletics- Presentations under this track should provide insight on the role of higher education in intercollegiate athletics. Discourse can include (but are not limited to) partnerships, social, moral, and ethical considerations, space usage, program offerings, student athlete rights in the university, and leadership.
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Interdisciplinary – Presentations under this track cover a range of topics relative to the theme of mentoring and stewardship. These can include (but are not limited to) models, research, current topics, leadership development, strategic planning and implementation.
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Diversity, Inclusiveness,and Social Justice–It is undeniable that issues of difference and access will help to shape what higher education will look like in the next few decades. What can national organizations, schools, departments and universities do to dissolve existing infrastructure and help frame a realizable vision for the future. What is the power of stewardship and leadership in this respect?
Technology- We are in an era of technology that connects millions in an unprecedented fashion. How can organizations take technology and use it for the benefit of existing programs and communities? Further, how can technology further development kinesiology related professions and the professionals involved in these endeavors?
(There is some flexibility within these topics, please choose the theme that best fits your proposal)
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Contact Information
Speaker Name:
City: State: Zip:
School/Business Affiliation:
Phone (W): Phone (H): Phone (Fax):
Additional Speaker Information (If applicable)
Please note: Only speakers who register for the conference will be cited in the Conference Program.
I/We would prefer a: (Please check appropriate box)
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Short Form Presentation- estimated 30 min, statement of the issue, discussion, reporting of
findings/outcomes, less time for interaction.
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Long Form Presentation- estimated 50 min, interactive, conducive to roundtables, small and large
group interaction, discussion and problem solving.
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Poster (option for doctoral students only) - note doctoral students can submit a presentation on a different topic for the conference. Please use another form for any additional submissions.
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No preference– I feel that my submission could be a strong short or long form presentation.
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This proposal is intended for: (Please check appropriate box)
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Regular conference session
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Administrative session (this session begins the Wednesday before the conference)
Save and submit this form as an email attachment to Brian Culp at before September 11, 2015.
Please note that it is possible that your presentation format may be changed to meet conference needs.
Review Process & Notification
Proposals will be reviewed and selected in a peer-review process. Notices for proposal acceptance or rejection will bedistributed via email inearly November. Due to the number of proposals being reviewed, it is imperative that you submit proposals that are clear and representative of the theme for the conference for full and timely consideration.
Note on technology provided and poster standards
Each presentation room is slated to have WIFI capability, along with a projector, microphone and laptop. However, it is advised that you be prepared in the event that there are issues. Particularly in respect to presentations that involve music and media, it is advised that you have a backup presentation on your computer/laptop/tablet.
Doctoral students who are submitting a poster should be sure that the poster is visible from a distance of 4-5 feet away and adherent to a 36” X 48” size. Please be sure that graphics, charts, words etc are legible. You are allowed to provide handouts if you desire.
If there are questions regarding this or other requests, please contact Brian Culp, the conference planner.