Community Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

Feb. 23, 2015

Present: Membership- Nicki McGregor (Directions), Calum Scott (Directions), Blake Chersinoff (VPD), Stephen Regan (WE BIA), Charles Gauthier (DVBIA), Michael Solodkin (Kettle),Damian Murphy (Kettle), Genevieve Bucher (CoV), Janet Smith (Kettle)

Regrets: Raphael McKitrick (Kettle),Eliza Li (BC Housing), Sheryl Williamson (Community Member- WECAN)

  1. Introductions- round table introductions by everyone present
  1. Review of previous minutes- previous meetings’ minutes distributed and reviewed. Approved by all present.
  1. Janet sought approval from the membership (per the Terms of Reference) that Damian Murphy take the meeting minutes. All present agreed.
  1. Old Business
  2. Potential New Committee Members- Blake C. has replaced Ali G. as the representative from the VPD. Several names of members from the community were put forth to approach for membership in the CAC. Jean Budden (St. Andrew Wesley), Guy O’Byrne(Manager Medical Building 1160 Burrard), Dani Pretto (Manager Burrard Hotel), AleyaTrott (WE/CH CPC).
  3. Suggestion to approach a community member from the Quality Inn CAC.
  1. Complaints from 1160 Burrard. Still some complaints about graffiti and persons loitering behind the building. Directions staff being proactive in responding and documenting but it appears to not be youth from the centre but rather street-involved people from the community at large.
  1. Updates
  1. Kettle- Building full occupied. No major incidents and level of incidents in general stabilizing. Most of the tenants have resigned initial leases and are settling in well. Few evictions and lease non-renewals. Guests to the building remain the top challenging issue. Kettle on Burrard Guest Policy in place for safety and security of all the tenants.
  1. Directions- Very little interaction with surrounding community and no community concerns recently.
  1. The center is very busy and 2014 Q3 visits up 61% over previous year. Speaks to the ongoing need for the centre however, despite the increase in visits there are negligible effects on the surrounding community. Last complaint was Dec. 22, 2014. Lots of new programs being offered and feedback from youth living in the building is good. Staff continue to make clear the Community Agreement. Ongoing perimeter walks to keep an eye on what is going on outside around the building. Engaging with people found in the lane in keeping with the good neighbour policy.
  2. Outreach workers cover most of the West End community. New tracking systems are being refined so outreach workers can provide real time information on what is happening in the area. Interest from the group in knowing where there are concentrations/hotspots and any trends in the street involved populations, particularly youth. Looking at convening outreach networking group specific to the downtown south to better share information. WE BIA is interested to know how they can help through community based activities or events using their volunteer power.
  3. Directions is celebrating 10 year anniversary this year. Luncheon scheduled for Feb. 26th and other events to follow throughout 2015.
  1. Partner Updates-
  2. VPD calls for service remains relatively average and have noticeably declined from the first three months the building was open. Stats typical of any similar multi-unit building in the downtown core. VPD consider the building a “non-event”. Local CPP is developing an app that will allow volunteers to geocode locations where there are concentrations/ trends in street activity. May be ready later in the year.
  3. City of Vancouver to hold the annual homeless count March 23. Looking for volunteers to help with the count.
  1. Successes
  2. Directions
  3. Number of family reunifications up- funding available to reunite youth with families who live out of town or even out of province.
  4. Numbers of youth accessing the centre is also up.
  5. A donor is providing funding to double the number of participants in the Street Youth Job Action (SYJA) Program. Central feature of the program are the supports it provides and mentoring opportunities. Looking for more contracts with local businesses.
  6. Possible employment/ skills programs upcoming.
  7. Winter hygiene product drive/campaign was very successful with thousands of items donated and distributed to youth accessing the centre.
  8. Working more on promoting the Directions name out in the community.
  1. Kettle
  2. Calls for service remain low and no major incidents.
  3. Over 90% of initial fixed term leases are being renewed and turnover remains low.
  4. A tenant who had to be evicted last summer has completed treatment and has been offered another opportunity to live in the building.
  5. First steps have been taken in working with a homeless person who sleeps regularly behind the building. Has been receiving some support from Directions for years and is now exploring the opportunity to live inside. Kettle and Direction staff are slowly working with him to go through the application process. It is hoped he will be offered a spot in the building in the future.
  1. Community Impact Notifications received by The Kettle or Directions
  2. None.
  1. Status Report and review of any unresolved complaints
  2. None.
  1. Other Business
  2. Minutes of the Community Advisory Committee meeting minutes will be posted on The Kettle’s website and will be available for viewing by the public.
  1. Next Meeting
  2. Next meeting to be held Kettle on Burrard 3rd floor boardroom on Tuesday April 21, 2015 5-6 pm. Please note meeting day has changed from Monday to Tuesday.