Call for applications: residencies

«Theater of the Anthropocene / Media, Nature, Society»

La Fabrique de Théâtre / Service Provincial des Arts de la Scène

The Fabrique de Théâtre / Service des Arts de la Scène de la Province de Hainaut, launches this year a call for application dedicated to performing art artists whishing to work in residency on the theme “Theater of the Antropocene / Media, Nature, Society”.

This residency is open to performing arts artists as a single person, or accompanied by a professional of another field (journalist, researcher, philosopher, writer, scientist, etc.).

The residency is planned on two weeks work, one in September, the second one in November, and will consist, for the artists, in getting into an intensive and short period of creation, within the scope of a workshop led by American Artivists the “Yes Men”. The results of that research will be presented at SIGNAL festival in Brussels, organized by CIFAS, on Saturday September 30th, and/or during the A.P.R.E.M. #6 event, at the Fabrique de Théâtre, on November 16th, 17th and 18th, 2017.

The two working periods are:

From Monday, 25th to Saturday, 30th of September 2017: research residency at the Fabrique de Théâtre with professional workshop with the “Yes Men”.

From Monday 13th to Saturday 18th November 2017: research residency and public presentations during the A.P.R.E.M. #6 event.

General information

Deadline for application: Monday, 13th of June 2017.

Answers will be sent on Monday, 24th of July 2017 at the latest.

The residency is open to every artists of any discipline, interested in the question of the Anthropocene.

The Fabrique de Théâtre will provide accommodations to the artists (please see “financial conditions” chapter below).

Applications are to be sent through our online form on:


-  Performing Arts: theater, dance, circus, etc.

-  Puppets: any technic;

-  New technologies and digital art;

-  Happenings;

-  Youth theater,

-  Etc.

Technical and practical conditions

Within the scope of that short residency, technical conditions will be restricted and organized according to the number of participants. As descripted above, the idea is to immerse in and intense rhythm of creation, implying light technical formats.

1st cession: arrival of the artists at the Fabrique de Théâtre on Monday, 25th of September 2017, imperatively between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.

2d cession: arrival of the artists at the Fabrique de Théâtre on Monday, 13th of November 2017, imperatively between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.

Financial conditions

The Fabrique de Théâtre will cover the costs of transports, accommodation and meals, and will provide a fee for public restitutions.

For any question

Administrative contacts

Amandine Rimbert, production manager –

Marie Godfroid, production’s assistant -

Technical contacts

Olivier Catherine, general coordinator -

Attached document

- Presentation text of A.P.R.E.M. #6, to be downloaded on: XXXXXXXX

Looking forward to meeting you or seeing you again!

The team of the Fabrique de Théâtre

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------Direction: Valérie Cordy Service Provincial des Arts de la Scène ------

------128, rue de l’Industrie 7080 La Bouverie T +32(0)65 61 34 60 ------