In this lab you will start by installing XP on the first partition you created.
InstallXPonaBlankHardDrive -
- Insert the Window XP CD PowerupthePC
- If prompted pressanykeytobootfromCD
- At the “Welcome to Setup” screen press <Enter> to start the installation
- Afterafewminutesofloadingdriversandinitializingthesystem,WindowsXPwillpresentyouwiththeEndUsersLicensingAgreement(EULA).PressF8toaccepttheterms
- AfteryouhaveacceptedtheEndUsersLicensingAgreementyouwillgetabluescreenthatdisplaysthediskscurrentpartitionscheme.
- Sinceyourharddrive was configured in the previous lab you should see the C: Partitionhighlighted labeled <COD-XP> , followed by Unpartitioned space and Partition2 listed as [Unknown]
- With the C: Partition highlighted (default) hit <enter> to install XP on that partition.
- The next screen will list numerous options for formatting the partition. Select Format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick). Selecting the Quick option speeds up the process by not verifying the drive, for our lab this is acceptable, for an actual system use the normal format which will take longer.Continue with the format process. When prompted to Format enter F
- FromthispointonwhenthesystemrebootsitselfDONOTselectBootFromCD,justwaitforthesystemtobootfromtheharddrive otherwise you will start loading all over
- Tocompletetheremainderofthesetupfollowthesystemprompts:
- RegionalSettings LanguageissettoEnglish(US)
- KeyboardissettoU.S.
- Name: Your name
- Organization:COD
- EnteryourProductKeywhenprompted(writtenonCD)
- Computer name: accept default, no passwords
- Setthedate,time,andtimezone
- FollowthepromptstocompleteXPsetup
- WhenaskedtoregisterwithMicrosoftNo
- Whenpromptedenteryourname
- ReloadtheDayOnesoftware CDafterWindowscompletes.
- You will also need to reload the motherboard drives, see note below. These are in the Day One folder in the MCP61 Chip Set Drivers folder. Open the folder, locate and select SETUP. Load all the system drivers
After loading windows you would normally check Microsoft for system updates. In the interest of time we will forgo that procedure in this lab.
Loading Motherboard Drivers –
The final step whenever loading a new system is to check to see that all the necessary drivers have been loaded. If this where a system you built the motherboard would have come with a CD that has all the necessary drivers. If you do not have the CDs you need to check the internet to download any missing drivers. Using the internet to locate drivers can be a daunting experience; there are hundreds of sites that claim to have all the drivers you need, most will end up only offering some free software that you probably won’t want. The absolute best way to locate drivers is to go directly to the motherboard manufacturer, but even then it can be difficult to locate the drivers you need.
Look closely at your motherboard on this one you should see (3) different numbers that identify it:
- Model Number: MS-7309
- Marketing Name: K9N6PGM2-V
- OEM Manufacturer: N1996
If you Google any of these it will probably lead you nowhere. However, the Google search would probably turn up the manufacturer; in this case the manufacturer is Microstar. If you Google Microstar (also known as MSI) and went to their website you would be able to locate the drivers. For this lab the necessary drivers have been provided for you in the Day one folder.
To determine which devices need drivers right click on “My Computer” Properties, Hardware tab Device Manager. The Device Manager will display your system devices and any device that does not have a device driver will have a yellow question mark. Right Click on a device that indicates it needs a driver, and select Update Driver to start the Hardware Update Wizard.
Since the drivers are included in the Day One software you will not have to connect to Windows Update, so select No and click next. Select “Install the software automatically” and Windows will search for the driver and load it. Do this for each device needing a driver. You should notice that as drivers are installed the system will display new devices as they are recognized.
For the video driver open the Video folder and launch the NVIDIA application.
When you are finished there should be no devices unrecognized.
Using Windows partitioning tools -
- RightclickonMyComputerManage
- ClickonDiskManagement –
Windows XP Disk Manager shows the unallocated space followed by an unknown partition.
Create a new partition in Windows XP –
Right Click on the Unallocated* space and select New Partition, Primary Partition, make it a small 5G partition, enter 5000, make it the E drive, do a quick Fat 32 format labeled Data.*This is the unallocated drive space you left open in lab 10.3
When you’re finished you should see the new partition shown as Data (E:).
Exit Computer manager and open My Computer, note how many hard drives appear.
Shut down the system.