City Park Transition Plan
Vehicular Arrival: People with disabilities are able to arrive at the ground level parking lot on the south side of the park. This lot allows access to the park from Clay Street. There is a slight incline from the park to the parking lot. There is no ramps or stairs at this entrance. The curb cut from the parking lot leads to a paved sidewalk that runs east and west on the south side of the park. The handicap parking insignia on the designated parking space is faded and will be repainted when the weather permits. The parallel parking area on the north side of the park is part of Broadway Street. The street is approximately 6 feet higher than the park. Concrete steps from Broadway Street to the park provide access on the northwest. Public transportation is available to and from the park on both the north and south sides of the park. There are no overhead clearance issues.
Surfaces: The surface surrounding all the playground equipment is covered with at least 18 inches of sand as recommended by the City’s insurance risk manager. The rest of the park is level and covered in grass. The dirt travel paths are easily traversed as they are very hard from years of foot traffic.
Modifications: As the city moves toward purchasing accessible park equipment, accessible surfacing will be installed under all wheelchair accessible equipment. A paved ramp and path from the parking lot will be constructed of concrete and will lead to the playground equipment.
Usability of Restroom: At this time the restrooms are not ADA compliant and are locked and closed to the public. An Alexa Check is done yearly to the restroom to ensure soundness. It is a cement block structure.
Modification: Within the next five years and as funds are available, the City has plans to remodel the present structure to a unisex bathroom that will be ADA compliant.
Drinking Fountain: The old drinking fountain was replaced with a new ADA accessible drinking fountain in 2010 that allows for a wheelchair to be rolled underneath. It is located by the suspension bridge which crosses the Town Branch.
Picnic Shelters: There are three round picnic shelters with round tables and attached benches. All have concrete bases; these are not accessible to wheelchairs as a wheelchair cannot roll underneath. The large shelter has rectangular picnic tables with attached benches and open short ends. It also has a concrete base.
Modification: The City has provided for either an ADA compliant picnic table or an ADA accessible swing in the 2012-1013 budget. The other will be purchased the following year. If the picnic table is purchased it will be placed under the large shelter in a place that can easily be accessed by a wheelchair. The access will to the picnic table will be ramped.
Playground Equipment: The city has been systematically replacing older metal playground equipment with commercial grade playground systems made of triple-flo coat galvanized steel tubing and textured PVC. Presently the new equipment includes a large play system for children aged 5-12, a smaller play system for children aged 2-5, and a typhoon slide with PVC steps, none of which are ADA accessible. The city also has disposed of all the old spring riders in the park and replaced them with 2 new bounce toys and a sand digger, none of which are ADA accessible. The swings have belt seats attached to chains. There is an old metal slide that is due to be replaced within 5 years.
Modification: The City has provided for either an ADA compliant picnic table or an ADA accessible swing in the 2012-1013 budget. The other will be purchased the following year. If the swing is chosen it will be attached to one of the current swing frames. It will be surrounded by accessible surfacing. The city also has plans for purchasing a wheelchair accessible spring toy near the new playground systems which will be surrounded by accessible surfacing.
Suspension Bridge: The bridge across Town Branch is ___” wide with a threshold of ____ and incline of___. This bridge provides foot traffic to the opposite side of Town Branch. A more accessible route would be the sidewalk from the parking lot at the park to the other side of Town Branch.
There is no telephone.
Lighting is limited to center of the park and the parking lot.