The Writing Minor
The writing minor is a great one for students with interests in writing, talents in writing, and plans to write as a career or an avocation. The writing minor can also be a useful one for any motivated student who wants to write better after four years of college than he or she did during the first year.
Once they graduate, most studentswill work at jobs that require some degree of writing. In addition, students may find that writing clearly and meaningfully can be important in personal relationships outside of school.
Students may even discover that having the skill to read and to write well gives them the opportunity to help others learn to do so, too. There may come more than one time when family members, children, or friends need a good editor or a reader who can help find the right words and the best way to say what they mean when they are writing an important letter. Students with interest, skill, talent, and training as writers can also volunteer, sharing what they have learned about writing with those who do not have the same level of literacy or facility with written language.
The diversity of W1 courses at Stockton makes the writing minor versatile and unique; there are courses to fit all students’ major programs, extracurricular interests, career choices, and personal goals.
5 W1 courses
A maximum of 1 at the 1000 level, and
A minimum of 2 at the 3000 – 4000 level
A minimum GPA of 3.2 in W1 courses
Complete GIS 4619: Writing Senior Seminar, preferably in the junior year, but no later than the spring semester of the senior year
A final hardcopy portfolio of writing that is approved by faculty in the Writing and Creative Writing Programs
Students also need
- To meet with the Writing Minor Coordinator who can answer any questions about the minor
- To declare the minor by completing the Minor Declaration form and submitting it to The Center for Academic Advising (D 108)
- To select a Writing Minor Preceptor from among Writing Program or Creative Writing Program faculty, complete the Declaration of Writing Minor Preceptor form, and return the form to the Writing Minor Coordinator
The Writing Minor Coordinator is:
Professor Carra Leah Hood, J235, 609-626-5580,
Writing Program/Creative Writing Program Faculty Members who can serve as Minor Preceptors are:
Professors Heather McGovern (Writing Program Coordinator),
Jack Connor,
Judith Copeland,
Pamela Cross,
Emari DiGiorgio,
Penelope Dugan,
Carra Leah Hood, Cynthia King,
GT Lenard,Nathan Long, andRichard Trama
Additional information about the Writing Minor and electronic forms related to the minor
can be accessed on the School of General Studies website under Writing Program.