The World In The News:

How To Complete A Current Event Assignment


1.The purpose of this activity is to make you more aware of what is going on in our world, to increase your reading comprehension and writing skills, to help you to be able to classify material under specific categories and to connect what we are learning about in class to reality.

2. News articles will be handed out at the beginning of the week and will be due at the end of each week of the quarter.

3. Each time an article is handed out, you will need to determine which of the categories listed below it would best fall under.

There are 7 available categories:

Political: Dealing with gaining, seeking, and organizing power; events related to the functions of government; making laws, enforcing laws, and interpreting laws.

Economic: Dealing with how people meet their basic material needs; the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services; includes such issues as domestic and international trade, monetary policies and taxation.

Social: Dealing with people in groups, their living together, and relations with one another; includes such issues as gender, economic status and ethnicity.

Cultural: Dealing with the technology, arts and institutions of a given people at a given time.

Intellectual: Dealing with philosophy, values, beliefs and attitudes.

Religious: Dealing with religious beliefs and the religious institutions of a culture.

Geographic: Dealing with the environment in which people live and interact.

How to Complete The Assignment

1.  Once you have been given your article, READ IT. Highlight critical information that will help you with your summary

2.  Determine the category from the list provided. Write this on the top of your paper.

3. After determining the category, in the space designated as “Connection”, justify why the article would fit in the category you selected.

4. Look on the right hand side of the handout. Locate the following information in the article and write a few words answering the following:

Who is the article about ?

What is the article about ?

Where did the article take place ?

When was the story written ?

4. Write a summary about the article which consists of a minimum of 5 complete sentences. In this section of the assignment, you will describe what the story was about.

Be sure to include the names of the people involved and identify and describe 3 key points related to the article.

5. In the next section, you are to address at least two of the “Think About It” items at the end of the article. You also discuss how this story relates to what we are

this week. Your response must have a minimum of 5 complete sentences.

When is it due?

Articles are to be turned in each Friday. (unless I give you the week off) YOU are responsible for completing the assignment each week on your own. This can be done at home or when you finish a class assignment early. If you were absent when the article was handed out, check the assignment box., myStudent, or the class website for a copy


In order to live in our world as a responsible citizen, you must know what is going on in it.

Name ______Week ______

Category: ______Connection: ______

SUMMARY: In the space provided, write a summary of the article identifying the people involved in the news story and describing three key points related to the story. Be sure to write at least 5 complete sentences. For full credit, complete sentences must be used.





















Current Event Assignment

Who: ______

What: ______

Where: ______

When ______

Think About It: In this section you are to address at least two of the “Think About It” items posted at the end of the news article. You may also discuss how this story relates to what we are covering this week. For full credit, be sure to write at least 5 complete sentences.


Current event articles are due by the end of the day on Friday.