Southeastern Louisiana University Annual Report on the Expenditure of Student Technology Fees


October, 2008

Prepared for: Southeastern Interim President John Crain, SGA President Zealon Solomon

and the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors

By: Dr. Mike Asoodeh, Assistant Vice President for Technology

Southeastern Louisiana University

Table of Contents

Student Technology Fee Committee...... 1

Progress made during 2007-2008...... 2

Planned Projects for 2008-2009...... 8

Internal Auditor Reports...... 9

Conclusion...... 10

Southeastern’s Student Technology Fee Committee

Southeastern’s Student Technology Fee Committee was established in early 1999. The committee is currently comprised of the Student Government Association President and four members of SGA appointed by the SGA President and the following University administration representatives: Assistant Vice President for Technology, Vice President for Student Affairs, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Director for Basic Computing Services. Meetings are held three times during the Fall and Spring Semesters and one time during the summer. The mission statement of the Student Technology Fee Committee is as follows:

The mission of the Student Technology Fee Committee is to facilitate communication and provide for periodic input and analysis of utilization of technology fee proceeds detailed in the Technology Fee Use Agreement. The committee provides a mechanism for consistent dialogue between members of the university administration and the Student Government Association regarding the effectiveness of the fee, feedback from users, and discussions about possible revisions in the use of technology fee proceeds.

The web site for the Student Technology Fee Committee continues to provide information about the fee to Southeastern students and other interested individuals. The address is:

Dr. John Crain, Interim Southeastern President, and Mr. Christopher Barcelona, Southeastern SGA President signed the 2007-2009 Student Technology Fee Usage Agreement in July 2007.



Progress made during 2007-2008

A balance of $1,588,663, plus $530,031 in funds already allocated but not yet spent, for a total of $2,118,694 was carried over from the previous fiscal year. $2,028,678 was collected during 2007-2008 making a total available for the fiscal year of $4,147,372. $2,663,314 was spent, carrying over $1,484,058 to the 2008-2009 fiscal year.

Several special projects were approved for funding. $200,000 was designated for the renovation and setup of a new location, furniture, and computers for the 24-hour lab. $200,000 was designated for the improvement of campus infrastructure redundancy. $50,000 was designated for multi-media classrooms. $100,000 was added to the previously designated $500,000 for the electrical upgrade and renovation of the central computer room. A portion of these funds were spent in 2007-2008, with the remainder to be expended in 2008-2009.

The following is a summary of major projects and expenditures:

Student Technology Assistants (STA)/Graduate Technology Assistants (GTA), Student Technology Liaisons and Interns, Student Productivity Services Coordinator and Student Technology Services Coordinator - $475,949

Computer Labs and Equipment (software and supplies included) - $1,120,510

Other Diversified Technology Projects - $1,542,804 for Large, Matching and Small Project Proposals and other approved projects and expenditures

The Student Productivity Services Coordinator, Ms. Clarissa Schiro, continued in the position. Her staff of Student Technology Assistants and Graduate Technology Assistants were utilized in a multitude of capacities through this past year, some of which include:

Staffed and supplied printing materials in the open and restricted computer labs.

Assisted with updates for the SPS/STS computer labs brochure to reflect location changes.

Maintained SPS/STS web pages in Collage

Provided phone and email support to students with technology questions such as Blackboard

Monitored use of equipment over the previous year for SPS Checkout Service

Conducted the property control inventory each semester to track the technology fee equipment purchases

Training courses were offered each semester and are required for Student Technology Fee student employees. Training courses in the areas of Customer Service, Communication Skills, Ethics, SPS Orientation, Lab Basics, Time Management, Conflict Resolution , Leadership Skills, and Blackboard are offered in addition to training of the software application package provided and supported by the student technology fee.

The Student Technology Services Coordinator, Marcus McMillian, was hired to replace Glyn Smith. Marcus and the Student Technology Assistants:


Created a new location and updated the 24hr lab.

Installed new equipment and software in Student Technology Fee computer labs which had reached their three-year equipment cycle.

Monitored the status of equipment and software in Student Technology Fee computer labs to ensure maximum availability to students.

Handled the technical aspects of maintaining Student Technology Fee computer labs and check-out equipment.

Performed installation and removal of software for short-term special sessions held in Student Technology Fee computer labs.

Completed the implementation of the new print system called Go Print for all Student Technology Fee Labs.

Updated the implementation of the DeepFreeze security solution for all Student Technology Fee Labs.




The following are a list of computer labs upgraded during 2007-2008:

Computer Science Networking 20 computers and monitors
Computer Science Literacy 40 computers and monitors
Biology 24 computers and monitors
English 31 computers and monitors



The Committee approved funding for diversified technology projects including:


Project 1 Department: Management

Project: Enhancing the Access and Availability of ThinkTank Application With Additional Licenses

Amount: $11,200.00

Project 2 Department: Mathematics/Science & Technology

Project: Enhancing Learning in College Algebra

Amount: $22,722.00

Project 3 Department: Chemistry & Physics

Project: Advancing Mass Spectrometry for Research Training and Education at Southeastern Louisiana University

Amount: $20,000.00

TOTAL: $53,922.00


Department or College / Description / Amount Funded
General Business / Improving International Business Classes for Southeastern Students / $828
Sims Memorial Library / Presentation Practice Studio at Sims Memorial Library / $4900
Chemistry & Physics / Specialty Software and Chemistry & Physics Student Computer Lab / $4730
Chemistry & Physics / Linux PC’s for Computational Chemistry / $3,426
Chemistry & Physics / Balances in the Introductory Chemistry Lab / $3,723
Biological Sciences / Updated Technology for Neurobiology: Motorized Micromanipulator and Controller / $5,000
Biological Sciences / New Sensor Board & Motor for the Molecular Immunology Laboratory Incubator / $1,853
Biological Sciences / Acquisition of Laptops for the Department of Biological Sciences / $2,456
Foreign Languages & Literature / Multi-media Equipment for Field Experience & Remote Classrooms / $2,387
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Digitized Microstructure Analysis of Industrial Materials / $4,822
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Spatial Database & Applications / $4,723
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Development of Infrastructure for Project Based Learning in Intelligent Robots & Systems / $3,873
Communications / Better Presentations, Research & Testing through Laptop Computers / $4,858
Learning Assistance / Improvements for Center for Student Excellence Learning Assistance Lab / $5,000
Biological Sciences/Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Development of Remote Environmental Monitoring System For The Study of Seaturtle Reproductive Behavior / $4,841
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Supplementing BoR Grant Funds to Purchase Current AutoCad Software Licenses / $4,841
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Robotics Sensor System Improvement / $4,817
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / CAD/CAM/Robotics and the Computer Aided Manufacturing Lab Upgrade / $4,696
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Industrial Technology Computer Based Training Lab Software Content Upgrade / $4,841
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Purchase of a Network Server to Set Up a LAN in 220 Anzalone Hall / $4,841
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Computer Based Training Lab Server Upgrade / $5000
Computer Science & Industrial Technology / Purchase of Intergraph Civil, Architectural, and Engineering Software / $4,841
English / Graphic Station for Classroom Presentations / $1,310
Visual Arts / Enhancing Productivity and Fostering Creativity With Wacom Pen Tablets / $3,431
Visual Arts / Computers for Use in Studio Classrooms / $3,203
Visual Arts / Growth in the Visual Arts & Photography Area / $3,447
Visual Arts / Modern Computerized Electric Kiln With Added Safety / $2,936
Visual Arts / Preparation & Editing of Digital Images for Studio and Art History Class Presentation / $2,361
Visual Arts / Art History in the Digital Age / $1,051
Visual Arts / Camera’s, Opaque Projector and Scanner for Painting and Drawing Area / $2,580
Visual Arts / Digital Image Capturing and Manipulation Component for the SLU Department of Visual Arts Foundations Area / $1,317
Visual Arts / Digital Arts Software Purchase in Preparation for Concentration in Gaming / $3,309
Visual Arts / Technological Improvements to the Area of Printmaking in the Department of Visual Arts / $2,205
Counseling & Human Development / Enhancing Technology in the Apparel Design Lab / $4,900
Counseling & Human Development / Bringing the Family and Consumer Sciences Food Laboratory into the 21st Century / $4,096
Division of Student Affairs / Division of Student Affairs – Office of Judicial Affairs / $1,499
Division of Student Affairs / Division of Student Affairs – Office of Multicultural and International Student Affairs / $4,500
Kinesiology & Health Studies / Using a Robot to Automatically Vacuum the Swimming Pool / $3,000
Kinesiology & Health Studies / Enrich Students Meaningful and Relevant Experience in Sport Management Through the Use of Computers in Field Experience / $4,565
Kinesiology & Health Studies / Measuring Blood Lipids, Glucose, and Endocrine Parameters in Student Laboratories / $5,000
Kinesiology & Health Studies / Technology to Enhance Student Service Learning and Research Activities / $4,773
Kinesiology & Health Studies / Upgrading our Strength Research/Resource Lab to Enhance Student Learning and Research / $3,363
Nursing / SIM-MAN Nursing Scenarios / $4,500
Student Government Association / Color Printer – SGA / $4,103
University Counseling Center / Enhancement of University Counseling Center Services / $4,861

TOTAL: $167,607


The following computers and printers were distributed to those departments on campus submitting a proposal for student related needs. The departments include:



Department / Number of PCs / Number of Printers
Chemistry & Physics / 5 / 1
Turtle Cove Environmental Research / 1 / 1
Biological Sciences / 1
Student Technology Services / 2
Library / 32
TOTAL / 41 / 2



Other Projects:

Provided for the installation of security cameras in parking areas to improve student safety.

Provided financial support for the electrical upgrade of the Central Computer Room.

Increased the printing capacity in the Library through purchase of an additional printer.

Provided financial support for increasing the feeds for streaming video from 25 to 100

Expanded the wireless project to provide hot spots in additional buildings and outside areas through the addition of 70 access points.

Provided financial support for the purchase of a VM Ware server.

Provided financial support for replacing the infrastructure for internet service to Greek Village and Southeastern Oaks in order for SLU to begin supplying internet service to these student housing locations.

Provided financial support for the implementation of a document imaging system.

Planned Projects for 2008-2009:

Projects planned for the 2008-2009 fiscal year include:


Upgrading 180 computers and monitors in the following labs:

Music 17 computers and monitors

BSN Nursing 26 computers and monitors

Garrett 99 45 computers and monitors

Student Organizations 11 computers and monitors

St. Tammany Center 31 computers and monitors

IT CAD Lab 20 computers and monitors

Livingston Center 30 computers and monitors


Fund a pilot program to improve security using card access readers to allow building access to 3 test sites.

The Library’s wireless laptop checkout program continues to be very successful and funding will be supplied to replace and/or upgrade a portion of the laptops available for checkout.

Continue to provide funding towards document imaging.

Continue to assess and increase or decrease the computer equipment check out service.

Continue to provide funding towards wiring of buildings to support the wireless project.

Continue to request and review large, matching and small proposals for possible funding to further diversify the use of technology on our campus.

Continue to redistribute surplus computers for use in other areas of the campus that would benefit students.

Internal Auditor Reports for 2006-2007 and 2007-2008

Southeastern’s Student Technology Fee is audited by the University Internal Auditor to ensure that the collection and expenditure of the fees is consistent with the policies set forth by the legislature and University governing board. The 2006-2007 audit is complete, and a copy of the report is attached. The 2007-2008 has not been conducted at this time. When it is complete, we will submit a copy of the report.


Southeastern’s Student Technology Fee continues to be the leader in efforts to improve the technology available to students. We are proud to submit this annual report which reflects a continuation of the progressive spirit and cooperative nature with which all aspects of the committee’s charges have been handled.