Sock Yarn Shawlette

By Bonnie Pierce

This shawlette is a scarf/shawl and can be worn right side up (with the ruffle at the neck) or upside down (with ruffle at bottom). To knit this, you should be familiar with Garter Stitch, Stockinette Stitch, Wrap and Turn (W&T), Seed Stitch, and Yarn Over (YO), and increasing stitches.


Lion Brand Sock-Ease (75% wool, 25% nylon), 438 yards, color 205, Cotton Candy


Deborah Norville Serenity Sock Weight (50% wool, 25% bamboo, 25% nylon), 230 yards, color purple (COLOR B)

Deborah Norville Serenity Sock Weight (50% wool, 25% bamboo, 25% nylon), 230 yards, color hot lime (COLOR C)

I bought these yarns with 40% off coupons at Joanns (one at a time) and mostly buy them for their yardage for the price and colors I like, so this shawl cost about $12.

Size 6 circulars 40”, though knitted back and forth, the circulars are for the large number of stitches, although you could use a 36”

2 stitch markers

darning need for weaving in ends

Dimensions: 52” long by 11” wide

Gauge: 24 stitches per 4” x 20 rows per 4” in stockinette, but gauge is unimportant


CO 250 stitches in Color A

On all rows KNIT the first 5 stitches and the last 5 stitches

When not using one of the colors attaches, carry up the right side

Row 1-3: Knit in Seed Stitch

Rows 4-6: Knit in Garter Stitch

Sock Yarn Shawlette

By Bonnie Pierce

Page two

Row 7: YO, K2tog, repeat

Row 8-11: Attach Color B, Knit in Stockinette

Row 12-15: Attach Color C, Knit in Garter Stitch

Row 16-19: Color B, Knit in Stockinette

Row 20-25: Color A, Knit in Garter Stitch

Row 26-29: Color C, Knit in Stockinette

Row 30-33: Color B, Knit in Garter Stitch

Row 34-35: Color C, Knit in Stockinette

Row 36-37: Color A, Knit in Stockinette

Row 38-41: Color B, knit in Garter Stitch

Row 42-43: Color A, Knit in Stockinette (cut Color A, will need in middle of Row 50)

Row 44-45: Color B, Knit in Stockinette

Row 46-49: Color C, Knit in Garter

Row 50: Color B, Knit in Garter to Stitch 50, (cut Color B), Place Marker, Attach Color A and work in Stockinette Stitch until Stitch 200, Place Marker, Attach Color B and Knit in Garter Stitch

Row 51: Color B: Knit in Garter Stitch until marker, Slip Marker and begin Wrap and Turn with Color A in Stockinette Stitch. Stockinette Stich to marker, and Wrap and Turn.

Rows 51-67: Color A: Knit in Stockinette, wrapping and turning at the markers. Cut Color A

Row 68-71: Reattach Color B: Knit in Garter ,slipping the two markers as you come to them

Sock Yarn Shawlette

By Bonnie Pierce

Page three

Row 72-75: Color C, Knit in Stockinette. Cut Color C

Row 76-77: Color B, Knit in Garter Stitch

Row 78: Color B, Bind Off to first Marker. Cut color B. Remove Marker, Attach Color A, Knit to second marker. Remove second marker. You will leave the remaining 50 stitches in color B live on the needles, while you knit back and forth in Garter Stitch with Color A.

Row 79: Color A: Knit in Garter, increasing every other stitch. (225 stitches)

Row 80: Color A, Knit in Garter Stitch

Row 81: Color A, Knit in Garter and increase every third stitch (appx 270 stitches). Increase more or less here according to the “curliness” of the riffle you want

Row 82-85: Color A, Knit in Garter Stitch

Row 86: Color A, Bind Off 10 stitches, Knit in Garter

Row 87: Color A: Bind off 10 stitches, Knit in Garter

Row 88-89: Color A, Knit in Garter Stitch

Row 90: Color A, Bind off 10 stitches, Knit in Garter

Row 91: Color A, Bind Off 10 Stitches, Knit in Garter

Row 92-93: Color A, Knit in Garter

Row 94: Color A, Bind Off 20 stitches, Knit in Garter

Row 95: Color A, Bind Off 20 stitches, Knit in Garter

Row 96: Color A, Knit in Garter

Row 97: Color A, Bind Off all remaining stitches

Sock Yarn Shawlette

By Bonnie Pierce

Page four

Row 98-99: Reattach Color B, and Knit in Garter

Row 100: Bind Off remaining stitch in Color B

Weave in ends and block