Scout Wars

The word on the street was that the scout hall would soon be under attack from the warring Beaver sections under the leadership of General Seamus Ritchie and Commander-in chief, Jerome Dawson.

The venture war room top brass went into action and called a top level security meeting to develop an action plan to combat the threatened invasion.

Once it was established that nuclearweaponsmight cause too much collateral damage to the inhabitants of Ivanhoe Ave and Sergeant Eileen Rooney couldn’t guarantee the safety of her family, a secondary plan to thwart the planned attacked had to be established.

Corporal Hannon suggested sniper power whilst GI Manus proposed a row of Sherman tanks with 90mm turrets but the consensus was that wouldn’t be enough. Eventually all eyes turned to Lieutenant Lockers and after a short pause and with an air of indifference he muttered quietly under his breath, those immortal words “AK47s”

And so the fate of the beavers was sealed and the venture squad went into serious and covert training. Under the leadership of Generals, Polin, McKnight and Hinds, everyone piled into the Hummer army truck which transported them to a secret location buried in the heart of Co Down.

There they met one of the most feared assassins in the northern hemisphere “hitman McCaughey” who had been commission to whip the soldiers into shape.

The AK47s along with ammo were issued to all personnel, except Paul who got a cap gun as the AK47 was too heavy and he wasn’t to be trusted with a loaded weapon, and over many hours the venture’s ambush and attack skills were honed to the peak of perfection. Strategist Waide came into his own barking orders at his platoon and telling everyone what to do, (so unlike him). Word on the street was that McNamara and Dom got fed up and started shooting their own men just to see blood but that was never confirmed. In a scene from Rambo, it was reported that “Killer” Watson single-handedly killed over a dozen men to take over a building. As he proudly ran over the dead bodies and jumped in the doorway he wiped the blood that had splattered over his immaculate hair. He turned to look into the building he had fought so hard to secure thinking it was the most strategic building on the battle site…….pity it turned out to be the toilet.

Finally at 5.00pm on Sunday 4th Nov with the glamorous medics the O’Rourke sisters and paramedic Morrison ready to patch up the wounded the battle hardened ventures were ready to combat any attack and headed back to CARRYDUFF to lay in wait for the unsuspecting beavers. ………… The story will continue.