Template Application Form

Wim Nieuwpoort Award

Wim Nieuwpoort Award 2017- Application Form

To be sent to helpdesk@surfsara.

Deadline for submissions in 2017: December 1, 2017.


Proposal Name
Scientific Area*

* choose from: Earth Sciences & Climate, Astronomy, Biosciences, Chemistry and Materials Science, Medical Sciences, Physics, Linguistics, Technical Sciences and Engineering, Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Other

1. Main applicant

Main applicant - name
First name
Date of birth
Institute: Name of organisation
Institute: Name of faculty/department
Institute: Name of subgroup
Address or P.O. Box
ZIP code and city

2. Co-applicant(s) (if applicable)

Co-applicant - name
Institute: Name of organisation
Institute: Name of faculty/department
Institute: Name of subgroup
Address or P.O. Box
ZIP code and city

In case of more co-applicants, please copy this table and fill out.

3. Project leader(actual person responsible for the computations)

Point of contact for SURFsara (*)

Main applicant

* Correspondence will always be sent to the main applicant. In case you wishSURFsara to have further contact with either the co-applicant, please mark here.

4. Status institute/organisation

Other (please indicate which)


5. System used

Please indicate on which system the scalability experiments have been carried out.

Mark / NWO Project number (SH-xxx-yy; 15xxx; 16xxx)
Bullbullxcluster (Cartesius)
PRACE system (name?)

6. Used resources

The unit of computing time is one SBU, which indicates ‘System Billing Unit’.

On Cartesius:one SBUis the usage of one core of the system for one hour.
Each (thin/fat) batch node on the Cartesius system has either 24 or 32 cores;
Cartesius GPU nodes are accounted as having 48 cores.

Used resources (Total SBUs) / Used resources (min. and max. number of cores) / Used resources(amount of memory in GB)

7. Scientific aspects

a. Scientific problem
  1. Describe the project to which these scalability experiments belong. Please mention the scientific question(s) you want to answer. Use a maximum of 1000 words for your description;

b. Numerical methods and implementation aspects
  1. Which numerical methods have been used in your experiments? Please give details on discretisation and numerical methods;
  1. Describe implementation details of your numerical approach on the system used (MPI, OpenMP, hybrid MPI/OpenMP, hybrid MPI/CUDA, ….);
  1. Which standard package (application software, if any) and which libraries have been used?
  1. Indicate which part of the software has been developed and/or parallelized and/or optimized by you or your group.

c. Results
  1. Indicate the parallel performance of the code you have used. Also, indicate how much I/O (volume and bandwidth) have been used.
For strong scalability all runs on the various amount of core or GPU numbers have to be carried out with the same input set(s). For weak scalability the amount of work or the input set(s) has to be proven to scale with the number of cores or GPUs.
Please provide at least a table with three core counts and the corresponding wallclock time plus relative speed-up factors.
The largest (of the at least three) core count should be at least 12960(540thin nodes) cores on Cartesius or the largest (of the at least three) GPU count should be at least 64 GPUs (32 dual-GPU nodes) on the Cartesius accelerator island.
  1. Give evidence of the actual scalability by providing relevant part of the output files. This may be pasted in this template, these may also be provided as separate files.
  1. Indicate expected further scalability with supporting arguments.
  1. In case of GPUs: the speed-up by using GPUs should be quantified.

d. Further experiments and expectations (if available)
  1. Indicate observed scalability on other systems.
  1. Indicate weak scaling results.

8. Publicity

Applications for the Wim Nieuwpoort Award maybe published on the SURFsara-website automatically.

Mark: Yes/no
Is (part of) the information in this application confidential, so that it cannot be published on the SURFsara-website?
If yes, please indicate why

9. Remarks, references and relevant publications


Filled out on (date)
By (main applicant, co-applicant)

Please send this form (in pdf-format) to .


1October 4, 2017