11 Lowtown Road, Templepatrick, Co. Antrim BT39 0HD
Tel/Fax 028 9443 3833
e-mail enquiries@ wood-shed.com
Two day beginners course
This is a woodturning course aimed at covering correct tool use and tool sharpening. The course is designed to maximise each individuals learning ability at their own pace.
Lunch, morning & afternoon coffee included.
Lathes, tools and wood will be provided but you may bring your own tools if you would prefer.
To book your place on this course, please fill in the reply slip below together with your remittance.
Alternatively telephone the Wood Shed to book.
Reply slip
______cut here______
To confirm your place in the above course please return this slip together with your deposit of £50.00 (balance £130.00 payable on first day of course) or full remittance of £180.00stg. Please make cheques payable to The Wood Shed.
Name ______
Postcode______Telephone (028)______
e-mail address______
Please advise if there are any medical conditions that may affect working with machinery.
Please advise if there are any special dietary requirements.
Vat Reg. No. 617 7864 04