Viking P.R.I.D.E.

(Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Excellence)

Biology Department Procedures

Mr. Stephens


1. To develop a deeper understanding of biological concepts and processes.

2. To develop skills in scientific methods and problem solving.

3. To develop and practice safe laboratory techniques.

4. To prepare you to be an informed, contributing citizen.

5. To develop personal responsibility, integrity, and cooperation.

The following biology themes will be explored during the school year:

1st Semester 2nd Semester

Nature of Science DNA/Genetics

Ecology Evolution

Cells and cell processes Chordates

CLASS MATERIALS: Please bring the following to class every day!

·  Biology Journal (composition notebook, one per semester): You are required to maintain a bound science journal (composition book; spiral notebooks MAY NOT BE USED) of your activities in class, such as daily notes, assignments, rough copies of lab data and observations. All work will be completed in your science journal unless specified by the teacher. Loose papers will not be counted for credit.

·  Additional Science Materials Needed:

·  Three- Ring Binder or folder / ·  Calculator (nothing fancy)
·  Pens and Pencils / ·  Glue Sticks (5)
·  Colored Pencils
·  Ruler / ·  An excellent attitude, respect, responsibility and curiosity!

CLASS RULES: (ALL CHS rules and procedures apply)

·  Attendance: Regular attendance in class is important. Because of the nature of daily classroom instruction, discussion, observations, practice and laboratory work, there is learning that can only be gained by being in class during regularly scheduled class periods. The Curtis High School Attendance Policy as outlined in the handbook will be enforced.

·  Tardy: Be IN the room, IN your seat and ready to learn BEFORE the tardy bell rings. For the third and subsequent tardies progressive discipline procedures will be used. See student handbook.

·  Courtesy: Be respectful. You are not the only one in the room. You don't have the right to disrupt others from learning or me from teaching. No cell phones unless otherwise specified.

·  Bathroom: Students are encouraged to use the bathroom before and after class. Permission to use the bathroom will be both limited and monitored. If there is abuse of the bathroom privilege, a parent/teacher contact will need to be made and the privilege may be revoked. The only bathrooms that are to be used are the ones at our end of the building. 25 extra credit points will be added to the test category if no hall passes are used during the semester and returned during the final.

·  Laboratory Rules: Safety rules and procedures are essential. Failure to comply will result in expulsion from the lab and loss of lab points. There will be no food or drink consumed in the lab area. See separate lab safety agreement for details.

·  Seating - Seats will be assigned with reassignments made periodically. When the period ends, please wait quietly in your seat to be dismissed.

·  Discipline Consequences: In my class as a consequence of inappropriate behavior or failure to follow reasonable requests or procedures, you will be held accountable by one or more of the following:





·  All Excused Absence Work: Must be made up within two days for each excused absence. Make-up sessions for lab work must also be scheduled within two days of returning from your absence. If you fail to show up, then your grade will remain a zero. Warning: be aware of the C.H.S. absentee policy.

·  All Assignments, Reports and Projects: Are due at the beginning of the period. Late assignments will not be accepted, except for journal checks and formal labs which will lose 25% of the earned score for each day after the due date. All unexcused absence assignments are automatically zeros.

·  Cheating: Is unacceptable and will count as a zero. Two strikes and you may be dropped from the class. Please see your C.H.S. student handbook. The following are some examples of cheating:

1.  Being in possession of another student’s science journal or paper,

2.  Allowing or providing another student with your science journal or paper,

3.  Working in a group and copying answers from your lab group members,

4.  Plagiarism (submitting work copied from another source without citing it).

·  Tests and Quizzes: assessments will be given throughout and at the end of each chapter/unit.

·  Labs: Lab study is required in this course. Any preparation associated with labs must be completed on time in order to collect data. The format for lab reports will be discussed in class. The final drafts of some lab analyses and conclusions will be written in class.

·  Homework: Students should expect daily homework. Assignments in your science journal need an appropriate heading and should be in complete sentences and incorporate the question as part of every answer. Many assignments will require an on-time stamp for full credit. Journals will be collected at the end of each unit.

·  Grades: Will be frequently updated. However, given the nature of collecting journals at the end of each unit, major changes in points entered only occur approximately 3-4 weeks (However, feel free to contact me anytime). Progress should be monitored via the U.P.S.D. Skyward site. Access codes are available through the main office. Grades will be weighted using the following percentages:

Viking P.R.I.D.E.

(Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Excellence)

Biology Department Procedures

Tests / Quizzes = 40%

Lab work = 25%

Journal / Homework = 25%

Semester Exam = 10%

Viking P.R.I.D.E.

(Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Excellence)

Biology Department Procedures


A = 93 & above, A- = 90 up to 93, B+ = 87 up to 89, B = 83 up to 86, B- = 80 up to 82, C+ = 77 up

to 79, C = 72 up to 76, C- = 70 up to 72, D+ = 67 up to 69, and D = 60 up to 66

Biology Test Corrections: Students that want to improve their assessment scores may attend a weekly Test Corrections monitored by a CHS biology teacher on Thursdays from 2:10 – 3:10 p.m. Students may use this time to improve quiz and exam grades, lab analysis/conclusion scores, or make up missed labs from excused absences. See Biology Test Corrections Information Sheet.


Internet access is a vital portion of the science curriculum. If internet access is not available at home, please encourage your young adult to use resources at school, the public library or any other convenient location.

If your child needs any extra help, I am available before school on a daily basis and after school on Tuesdays and Fridays (I coach a science team on Mondays and have department meetings on Wednesdays). Given our common curriculum, any other biology teacher should be able to help as well.

Communication: The best way to get in touch with me and keep track of your young adult’s progress is by email. My email is . To keep track of daily assignments, in-class work, projects, and class notes you can access my web page. The web page can be accessed by going to the, selecting Curtis High School à Teacher Pages à Stephens, Nick.

Biology Fall of 2016 Student/Parent Contract

Student Name ______

(please print)

Class Period ______

Teacher Mr. Stephens

My young adult and I have read each of the following handouts (posted on classroom website):

·  Biology Department Procedures

·  The Lab Safety Contract

I understand the requirements and expectations for biology.


Student Signature date


Parent or Guardian Signature date

Parent / Guardian e-mail ______

Parent/ Guardian Phone Number(s) ______

Thank you. We in the CHS Science Department look forward to working with your young adult.