Lower Merion Library System
Community Health Fair
Health Literacy -- PAForward
Committee: Jane Quin, Judy Soret, Robyn Langston
October 6, 2012 (10:00 am – 2:00 pm)
Event Location: Ludington Library


Planning for the LMLS Community Health Fair (Health Literacy PAForward) started in April with a three member Committee composed of Jane Quin(Head Librarian Ardmore Library), Judy Soret (Head Librarian, Penn Wynne Library) andRobyn Langston (Reference Librarian, Ludington Library). Due to hectic schedules caused by the Lower Merion Library renovation projects, a decision was made to keep the committee small and to make a concerted effort to be tightly organized.The Committee communicated by monthly meetings, phone calls and emails from May through September. Potential partners were identified and contacted by email, phone and on-site visits. Partner contacts were made and confirmed 11 weeks before the event. Children’s Hospital unexpectedly arrived the day of the fair. We had planned for last minute participants and we were easily able to accommodate them.

Public Relations:

The fair was publicized on the Library and Township webpages, each library’s Facebook page, Patch.com, Main Line Times, Main Line Neighbors, LMTV and the fall edition of The Lower Merion Township Messenger which is mailed to all Township residents. Flyers were sent to all LMLS and MCLINC libraries and were included in the Board of Commissioners weekly packets. Libraries also had bookmarks specially made for the event. We owe a special thanks to Jennifer DeAngelis (Administrative Assistant, Director’s Office), Tom Walsh (Lower Merion Township Public Information Officer) and Maryam Phillips (MCLINC) for helping to publicize the event.


No funds were allocated for this event. However, the availability of unspent monies from the Adult Summer Reading Program Budget allowed for the purchase of recyclable bags with the health fair logo.The bags were distributed to attendees. The 125 printed bags cost $196.20. There were also light refreshments provided for our partners at a cost of $70.58. The total cost of the event was $266.78.

Partner Organizations:

Twenty partner organizations, some with presentations, attended the fair: Acme Markets, Representative Tim Briggs, Bryn Mawr Running Club, Children’s Hospital, Cynwyd Trails, Eastern Mountain Sports, Eldernet, Harcum College School of Dental Hygiene, Occupational Therapy and
Physical Therapy), Alison King (Zumba Instructor), L A Fitness, LMLS, Lower Merion Township Parks and Recreation, Main Line Health, Main Line YMCA, Montgomery County Health Department, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Pals for Life, Soldiers Project, Tao Institute and Dr. Arthur Weinberg, Chiropractor.

There were demonstrations of: Adult Zumba, Kids Yoga, Kids Zumba, Harcum College’s dental hygiene puppet presentation and a tutorial on free on-line medical reference databases. Free blood pressure and BMI (body mass index) screening and massages were also available. Finally, three therapy dogs were present throughout the day.


150 people visited the fair. Although we were happy with the turnout, we had hoped for more attendees. Many people and partners mentioned competing local events.


Good organization and scheduling of committee time through the use of email and phone calls keep meetings to a minimum.Planning and implementation were very successful. The eclectic variety of partner organizations -- including physical medicine, mental health, dental hygiene, nutrition, fitness, government and social agencies -- provided attendees with the opportunity to meetwith and to have their questions or concerns addressed by knowledgeable health professionals. By keeping the partners local,LMLS benefited through fosteringnew community relationships. These relationshipsshould be strengthened and a resource for future programs. In Fact, the Tao Institute has already talked with Ludington about booking a program.

Feedback from partners and fair attendees was overwhelmingly positive. People loved the free massages and one guest told us it was “random but exciting” that she had happened upon the event while visiting the library.