EuropeanState Consolidation and the Age of Absolutism
Chapter 13
Use these questions to help you identify the significant information in your reading. We will not cover all of the material in class, thus you should either be outlining or answering these questions on your own as you read to help yourself retain the information. If you have questions on assigned reading, or are having a hard time answer any of these questions be sure to bring them up in class the day after the reading was assigned. This type of textbook work is an expectation, as this is a college class I will not be collecting it, however if you do not do it you are not likely to pass this class or the AP European History Exam.
- Why were the Netherlands prosperous in the 16th and 17th centuries and what lead to their economic decline?
- Explain the development of the Constitutional Monarchy in England.
- What were the causes and effects of the Glorious Revolution and why was it significant?
- Explain the role King Louis XIV played in the development of absolutism in France, explain how this is different than the government in England.
- What is the theory of divine right and how was it used to support absolutism?
- Explain the changes Louis XIV brought to France and evaluate what you think the ultimate result of them will be.
- Why did Poland fail to establish a strong central government and what was the result of this?
- Explain how the Hapsburgs preserved their holdings and the role of “pragmatic sanction”.
- Why did Russia and Prussia (they are different countries) emerge as major European powers?
- Describe the Ottoman Empire and explain why it began to lose power throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.
Instructions: Identify all of the following terms, people and events. Be sure to address the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) and make a connection between the term and something else we have studied, such as another term, a person, etc…. All terms to be done by hand.
Term / Detailed DefinitionJudaism
Don’t for get to categorize them / Use the textbook, internet and class notes to address the 5 W’s. Remember you need to be detailed, but it should not be more then 3-5 sentences.
Who – (1) are they or (2) was involved?
Where and When – be sure you include dates and time periods (gen. dates are fine)
What – (1) did they do or happened?
Why – (1) did they do it or did it happen?
Significance - why do we study them/it? Why are they/is it important?
Dutch Golden Age: (Read Pages 416-419, RQ 1)
Dutch West India Co.Dutch East India Co.Rembrant van Rijin
William III (Dut.)Jan VermeerStadholder
England Constitutional Crisis, Civil War, Restoration and Glorious Revolution:(Read Pgs 419-428, RQ 2-3)
James I (Eng.)Charles I (Eng)Oliver Cromwell
Thomas HobbesJohn LockeWilliam III & Mary II (Eng)
The RestorationPuritansAct of Settlement
ToriesWhigsLong Parliament
Rump ParliamentRoundheadsCavilers
Glorious Revolution (Eng.)English Bill of RightsToleration Act
French Absolutism: (Read Pages 428-438, RQ 4-6)
Cardinal Richelieu Cradinal MazarinFronde
Bishop Jacques BossuetLouis XIV (Fr.)divine right
arbitrary monarchyPalace of Versaillestallie
Parlement (Fr)
Central and Eastern Europe in the Age of Absolutism: (read pages 438-445, RQs 7-10)
Hohenzollerns (Pr.)Peter the GreatCharles IV (Den.)
Frederick Williams the Great ElectorCharles XII (Swed.)Janissaries
Suleiman the Magnificent War of Spanish SuccessionTreaty of Utrecht
StreltsyWar of Austrian SuccessionTable of Ranks
JunkersSt. Petersburgboyars Time of Troubles Duma millets