The Village of Weston Council
December 5, 2016
The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeremy Schroeder at 6:35 p.m., followed by the pledge of allegiance. A roll call of the council members was then taken: Mr. Greg Stevens, Mrs. Sarah Easterwood, Mr. Shad Kendall, and Mrs. Danelle Langley were present. Mrs. Blandy arrived at 6:43 p.m.
Motion was made by Mr. Stevens to go into executive session for the purpose of holding an interview for the position of solicitor and prosecutor; 2nd by Mrs. Langley. Roll call was taken: Mr. Steven yes, Mr. Barnhardt yes, Mrs. Easterwood yes, Mr. Kendall yes, and Mrs. Langley yes. Approved 5 – opposed 0. Executive session started at 6:37p.m.; motion to resume regular session by Mr. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Blandy. Approved 6 – opposed 0 Regular session resumed at 6:52 p.m.
Citizens and Visitors:
Austin Nye and Selena Hernandez were all present for their Government class at Otsego. Other visitors present were Dana Garno, Terrance Green, Rick Easterwood, Leroy Higley, Vera Dewitt, Matt Reger, Ken Kohler, Hunter Brown, Deputy Shope and Marc ______.
Mr. Higley wanted to personally thank the EMS for coming to his mother’s aid and gave a box of goodies and card to the Mayor to give to the EMS. The street light at Washington and Brown Lane is out, can the Village do something to get it replaced. Mr. Higley also wanted to know what it takes to get another light on Brook Lane as that end of the street is very dark. Inquiring about the damaged bridge at 235 and Taylor Street what is the status with the repair. Mr. Green gave some information regarding the repair, still waiting on the State to make a decision. Mr. Stevens reassured Mr. Higley that once we get the correct information regarding the repair of the bridge that all property owners will be notified.
Deputy Shope brought in his report and gave to Mayor Schroeder. Mr. Stevens informed the Deputy of some activities that have been taking place at the Marothon and the Market regarding customers coming in strung out. There is no specific time of day that this happens, there is also concern that some of the customers have been getting hijacked by the strung out customers away from the businesses. Deputy was requested to change location when filling out their reports or when they are waiting for new calls.
Minutes from the last meeting were read by Mrs. Langley and approved with the correction. Motion to approved was made by Mr. Stevens with a second by Mrs. Blandy. Approved 6 – opposed 0.
The payment register for September was presented and approved; a motion to pay the bills was presented made by Mrs. Blandy and seconded by Mr. Kendall. Vote: approve 6 - oppose 0.
Ordinance 2016-19 for appointment of Lisa Heft as temporary fiscal and declaring an emergency. Motion was made to suspend the rules by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mr. Stevens. Roll call was taken Mr. Stevens yes, Mr. Barnhadt yes, Mrs. Easterwood yes, Mr. Kendall yes, Mrs. Blandy yes, and Mrs. Langley yes. Motion approved. Motion was then made to pass the ordinance as an emergency by Mrs. Easterwood and seconded by Mrs. Blandy. All approved, approved 6 – opposed 0.
Ordinance 2016-17 for Wood County Public Defender was approved by council and declared an emergency. Motion was made to suspend the rules by Mr. Stevens and seconded by Mr. Barnhardt. Roll call was taken Mr. Stevens yes, Mr. Barnhadt yes, Mrs. Easterwood yes, Mr. Kendall yes, Mrs. Blandy yes, and Mrs. Langley yes. Motion approved. Motion was then made to pass the ordinance as an emergency by Mrs. Easterwood and seconded by Mrs. Blandy. All approved, approved 6 – opposed 0.
Ordinance 2016-18 granting an easement to Northwest Water and Sewer for the purpose of installing the water line to the back of the businesses on Main Street. Motion was made to suspend the rules was made by Mr. Kendall and seconded by Mrs. Blandy. Roll call was taken Mr. Stevens yes, Mr. Barnhadt yes, Mrs. Easterwood yes, Mr. Kendall yes, Mrs. Blandy yes, and Mrs. Langley yes. Motion approved. Motion was then made to pass the ordinance as an emergency by Mrs. Blandy and seconded by Mrs. Easterwood. All approved, approved 6 – opposed 0.
Committee Reports:
Parks & Rec. Board was reported on by Mrs. Blandy. Rec Board held their meeting on November 28th at 7:00 p.m. Tree lighting final details were discussed, 5:30 p.m. crafts, snacks and tree lighting at 6:00 p.m. with Santa. Rec Board was awarded the Wood County Park District grant totaling $10,699.00 for equipment to be placed by the ball fields in the next year. Youth ball season was also discussed, game days will be changed for the different ages, village boundaries is being looked into by the Southwood League. Ball practices can start April 1. Need to make contact with the previous years coaches to have them return the equipment that they have. A list of coaches and numbers will be gotten so contact can be made.
Cemetery Board was reported on by Mrs. Blandy. Mower information was present to the Board and brought to Council for their approval. Board suggested that maybe the Village maybe interested in purchasing mower for the ball field. Quote from John Deere was for a total of $7,820.42; trade in value of $3,875.00; for a remaining balance of $3,945.00. Mr. Garno suggested that the cemetery just take the trade in value of the current mower, as if the Village purchase the current mower what repairs would need to be made. Mr. Stevens also agreed that the Board would be better off to accept the trade in value of the current mower. Mr. Kendall and Mayor Schroeder are to get with the Board and Mr. Patton to discuss the mower and possibly the leasing option for a mower virus outright purchasing. This is be discussed at the next Council meeting after the financials have been reviewed for the Cemetery Board.
Safety Committee was reported on by Mr. Stevens. Chief Ron Tolles reported 163 runs to date. Chief Ron Tolles is giving every member of the Fire Department a letter stating what their training hours are and that they will be expected to keep track of their own hours. Ladder testing was done, and all ladders have passed the testing. The boots that were recently ordered are currently on backorder. The concern is that if the boots arrive in 2017, is there going to be a problem with ordering the next 10 sets of boots in 2017. Was all in agreement that it was fine that if the 2016 boots are delivered in 2017 that they next set of 10 can be done in 2017. EMS Chief Heyman reported that the EMS has had 327 runs to date. There was lengthy discussion on the MARC radio system, Mr. Stevens suggested that contact be made with the entities that are also involved with the grant. There is also an additional grant that is available from the State Fire Marshall’s office. Chief Heyman mentioned that she was contacted by the pharmacy board and that the EMS members should be the only ones that have access to their records. The EMS doesn’t have a key inventory of who has what keys. Chief Heyman has contacted Brass Key for a quote to rekey just the EMS doors for a total of $345.00 this will include 25 numbered keys, 4 master keys that will be given to Jessie Kendall, Jamie Schroeder, Tim Schroeder and Kathy Heyman. The EMS also received a letter from the insurance company stating that they would not be able to replace the ambulances at replacement value under the current policy. Chief Heyman contacted the insurance carrier and they stated for an additional $320 a year they can change the policy to have the replacement value for the ambulances. Record retention is also being looked into by Chief Heyman, as well as destroying what can be. Mr. Randy Tolles trustee also stated that the Township is looking into replacing the Fire Department keys with fobs.
Mr. Green reported on the flooring project that was put on hold, Currians stated that the floor is an Armstrong commercial vinyl sheet has a life expectance of 20 years, and has a 10 year manufacturing warranty. The total cost of the project is $1,101.50. Motion was made to approve the flooring repair by Mrs. Blandy and seconded by Mr. Kendall. Motion was approved to continue and complete this project at the Post Office, Approved 6 – opposed 0. L & B has been contacted regarding the security light for the Post Office. Leaf pickup is completed, today they started to go around and use the leaf machine to clean up the streets with the curbs. The plow has been put on the big truck. Council was asked if a sky lift could be rented to secure the roof on the maintenance building and to possibly put up the holiday banners on the lights downtown.
Mayor Schroeder advised that he received a call and an email regarding the OPWC paperwork that was filed. There was an error on the paperwork, we were asked to review the three options for the resurfacing of Center Street. Council agreed to go with the option 1, need to draft a letter per the email Mayor Schroeder was going to do this. Motion was made by Mr. Barnhardt and seconded by Mrs. Blandy to go with Option 1 and write the letter for said grant error. Approved 6 – opposed 0.
Mayor Schroeder also stated that Habit for Humanity is planning on building 2 houses on Brook Lane in 5 days in 2017.
Mr. Kohler stated that the survey is still open, would like to get things wrapped up Mr. Stevens is going with Mr. Kohler to complete the results. He also suggested that we update the website with pictures for the holidays with things that the Village has done.
Mrs. Langley made a motion to have Council payroll checks ready for the next meeting instead of the end of the month, seconded by Mr. Kendall.
Mr. Stevens made a motion to into executive session at 8:22 p.m. for personnel issue, seconded by Mr. Barnhardt. Roll call was taken: Mr. Stevens yes; Mr. Barnhardt yes; Mrs. Easterwood yes; Mr. Kendall yes; Mrs. Blandy yes; Mrs. Langley yes. Motion was made to resume regular session at 8:30 p.m. by Mr. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Blandy, all in favor. Nothing to report from the executive session. Approved 6 – opposed 0.
Arrangements were made with Rick Easterwood to use the truck and trailer tomorrow (December 6, 2016) to purchase the tools and toolbox from Home Depot. He will meet up with Dana Garno at Home Depot to use the Village card.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Jeremy Schroeder, Mayor