November 22nd, 2017

Present:Rebecca CoberSherry HellemsHeidi Veeke

Jennifer SchroterSherri CrowleyNicole Duncan

Vania DoucetteJustin SherwoodPaul Cook, LDA

Karyn BruneelJan SmyeJennifer Ladd

  1. Welcome and Introductions – Rebecca Cober

-Everyone in attendance introduced themselves

  1. Fundraising Update – Rebecca Cober

-Spirit Wear Orders forms will be going home on Friday

-Regal fundraising Campaign raised $280

-Value Village Campaign raised approximately $270

-2018 Calendar orders raised $180; Calendars will be delivered in early/mid December

  1. Residence Update – Jan Smye

-Residential Standards review will be done on Wed. Nov. 29 – Group will consist of a student, Mrs. Smye, Mrs. Bruneel, 2 parents, and ResidenceTeam Leader; a report will be submitted to superintendent

-Staff took part in Defensive Driving class and BMS (Behavioural Management System) Recertification on the PD day

-Two Fanshawe College co-op students from their Child and Youth Worker program will be starting in January

-In the process of hiring on-call supplies

-Social Worker interviews have been done

-SLCs went really well – thank you to everyone for their efforts

-Social Skillstraining – looking at LD awareness, healthy relationships, bullying

-Student well-being – some of the kids are taking part in the fitness centre activities, Rock N’ Roll Club, art, and swim team

-Halloween dance and aquatic Olympics

  1. Dorm Updates

-District 8 News Reported by: Alex, Nathan, Cole, Kurtis D, Fred and Ethan Z

-Interviews were done, discussing the Halloween Party (Bowen), Mindfulness at Amethyst (Maddison), the Aquatic Olympics (Cam) and Dorm Dinners (Abby)

-Breaking News: We Scare Hunger program was a huge success! Items were dropped off at the Food Bank and 400lbs were collected! Thank you everyone for your donations!


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  1. LDA(Learning Disability Association)Presentation – Paul Cook,

-Mr. Cook is the Executive Director of the London Branch and is a former teacher and Principal with the Thames Valley DSB

-LDAO is celebrating 50 years this year

London Chapter:

-Service London and surrounding area

-1-1 Tutor/mentor volunteer program

-French first language available

-Parent support group meetings once a week

-Math programs

-1 – 1 support/advocacy for families for support with schools

-10 week Reading programs – blended reading approach using Lexia

-Assistive Technology Programs for child and parents together

-Post-Secondary navigation support

-Summer Camps

-Parent Advocacy Workshops

-Programs available to students with LD and ADHD

-Small group instruction

-Learning Disability Symposium for parents, educators and community agencies – Apr. 7, 2018. Save the date! – Ontario site

-You can visit the site for resources, events and to find a satellite office near you

  1. Principal’s Report – Karyn Bruneel

-This was Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week; to show support, students and staff were asked to wear something pink on Wed. Sam Goving will be doing a presentation on empathy and cyberbullying on Friday

-Mrs. Bruneel and Ms. Gingerich and Mr. Goving did a presentation for Federal Schools on Grit and Growth Mindset; Four of our students presented as well; participants commented that they found the students’ presentation extremely impactful

-Elementary Volleyball tournament will be on December 5th

-Assessment Tours for new applicants have been taking place

-Parent Transition to High School InformationNight – November 29; Bonnie Grace presenting 5:30-6:30pm. Gr 7 parents are welcome too

-Course recommendations will be sent home on Friday for students registering ata high school for Sept.


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-Students have been taking part in Tech Challenges that Sam Goving has been running

-Blue Microphones have been ordered for student podcasts

-Remembrance Day celebration was extremely well done and included a presentation by Platoon Warrant Officer Gregory Arsenault - 31st Service Battalion

-Secondary Off-Campus Lunches will be starting next week– students must have parent permission and off campus privileges in residence; if they lose their off campus privilege in residence, they will lose their off campus lunch privilege and vice versa; there will be a sign out/in sheet in the office

-School Improvement Plan – math problem solving strategies; have ordered a new math program – Net Math – connected to Ontario curriculum expectations; used Reflex Math last year

  1. Other

-1st PDSC (Provincial and Demonstration Schools Committee) Meeting will be held on December 11 in Milton; Consists of Chair/Co-chairs from all the Provincial and Demonstrations schools, managers, residential managers and Superintendent

Next meeting: January 24, 2018