The Victors by Stephen E. Ambrose

1. What war did Ambrose serve in?

A.  Korean War

B.  Vietnam War

C.  World War II

D.  None

2. What was the code name for the invasion of North Africa?

A.  Market Garden

B.  Torch

C.  Overlord

D.  Werewolf

3. What word best describes General Marshall?

A.  Thoughtful

B.  Caring

C.  Aloof

D.  Mean Spirited

4. The background of the Easy Company soldiers can be best compared to:

A.  Green Berets

B.  Navy Seals

C.  Rough Riders

D.  Green Mountain Riflemen

5. What was the biggest positive that came out of the North African campaign?

A.  Tanks proved to be effective

B.  Generals were not killed

C.  Troops gained experience

D.  New tactics were developed

6. What was the code name for the invasion of France?

A. Market Garden

B.  Torch

C.  Overlord

D. Werewolf

7. Who was given command of the Normandy invasion?

A.  Patton

B.  Bradley

C.  Montgomery

D.  Eisenhower

8. What was the Atlantic Wall?

A.  German Defenses in Belgium

B.  German Defenses in France

C.  British Defenses in England

D.  British Defenses in S. France

9. Why did Eisenhower go to see the men before D-Day?

A.  To calm their fear

B.  To boost their morale

C.  To allow the soldiers to meet the general who was sending them

D.  To settle once and for all who was the real leader of the Allies

10. Why did D-Day not take place on June 5, 1944?

A.  The troops were not ready

B.  The ships had not arrived

C.  The weather was too bad

D.  Eisenhower did not have a good feeling about that day

11. What was the biggest intelligence blunder on D-Day?

A.  Not telling the soldiers about a possible gas attack

B.  Not telling the soldiers about possible flooding of attack areas

C.  Not telling the soldiers about the hedgerows

D.  Not telling the soldiers about possible landmarks to navigate by

12. What are hedgerows?

A.  German made defensive fortifications

B.  German made offensive fortifications

C.  Natural mounds of trees

D.  Natural buildup of earth and shrubs used to mark farm fields

13. What did the success or failure of D-Day rely on?

A.  Generals’ Planning

B.  Soldiers’ weapons

C.  Jr. Officers and Privates

D.  Landing crafts

14. What were the landing crafts made of?

A.  Steel

B.  Aluminum

C.  Plywood

D.  Teak

15. What famous World War I soldier was Wray compared to?

A.  Jack Pershing

B.  Richtofen

C.  Eddie Rickenbocker

D.  Alvin York

16. What German weapon caused the deaths of ¾ of American Troops?

A.  Panzerfaust

B.  Potato Masher

C.  Machine Gun

D.  Mortar

17. What did Eisenhower do that was way of out character for a General?

A.  Shot a German P.O.W.

B.  Landed on D-Day with his troops

C.  Rode a jeep around to check on his men

D.  Flew an airplane on a day bombing run

18. What was the one crew or part of the army that the Americans had but no one else did?

A.  Ambulatory

B.  Surgical

C.  Clerical

D.  Maintenance

19. When did Jewish slaves sabotage German shells?

A.  At night, they would sneak into factories

B.  During their break

C.  During the soldiers break

D.  When the soldiers were not looking

20. What did the U.S. equip the Sherman tanks with to fight the hedgerows?

A.  Flamethrowers

B.  Tillers

C.  Steel Plated Spikes

D.  Shovels

21. What was the German word given to bombers?

A.  Panzers

B.  Luftwaffa

C.  Jabos

D.  Fausts

22. What was Eisenhower’s weakness?

A.  Indecisive

B.  Apathetic

C.  Desire to be Liked

D.  Favored the British too much

23. What was the name of the Operation in Belgium involving the paratroopers?

A. D-Day

B. Rhino

C. Market Garden

D. Linebacker

24. How did Waverly Wray die?

A.  Shot in the stomach

B.  Shot in the head

C.  Run over by a German Tank

D.  Killed in a foxhole

25. How was the Aurgten Forest described?

A.  Labyrinth

B.  Cave

C.  Hell

D.  Tent

26. Who was responsible for keeping the men of Easy Company alive at Bastogne?

A.  Eisenhower

B.  Patton

C.  Lt’s.

D.  Sgt’s.

27. Why was Fort Driant so hard to capture?

A.  It was surrounded by land mines

B.  The walls were too thick

C.  It was high on a cliff

D.  Bombers were not able to zero in on it

28. What was the biggest problem the replacements had?

A.  Lack of experience

B.  Lack of knowledge about the terrain

C.  Low Morale

D.  Poor Training

29. Why was the night much worse for the soldier in W.W. II then in the Civil War?

A.  Lack of reading material

B.  Lack of toilets

C.  Weapons that could be used at night

D.  Oppressive Heat

30. What was in the moving hay stack?

A.  German sniper

B.  German Jeep

C.  German Tank

D.  German 88 cannon

31. What was the equivalent of a self inflicted wound?

A.  Dysentery

B.  Suicide

C.  Trench Foot

D.  Front Line Fever

32. Who did Ray Bocarski make a special call to?

A.  Hitler

B.  German Police

C.  German Army Headquarters

D.  His mother

33. What did Patton do in the Rhine River?

A.  Swam in it

B.  Washed his hands

C.  Urinated in it

D.  Fished

34. Who did the GI like the best of the people he came in contact with?

A.  Arabs

B.  French

C.  Russians

D.  Germans

35. What happened to American GI’s found guilty of rape?

A.  Court-martialed

B.  Hanged

C.  Shot

D.  Castrated

36. Why did Hitler kill himself?

A.  He felt the Germans were not worthy of him

B.  He feared capture by the Russians

C.  He did not want to surrender

D.  He was so disgraced by the impending defeat

37. What are Dragon Teeth?

A.  American invention put on the Sherman tank

B.  German invention used to cut up American soldiers

C.  German invention used to stop tanks

D.  British invention used to stop a German invasion

38. What was the Siegfried Line?

A.  British last line of defense

B.  German last line of defense

C.  French last line of defense

D.  Italian last line of defense

39. Who did a lot of the German soldiers want to help us fight?

A.  Italians

B.  Japanese

C.  British

D.  Russians

40. What made Winters realize why he was fighting in Europe?

A.  The liberation of the French

B.  The destruction of the Nazi war machine

C.  The concentration camps

D.  The innocent people

41. How did the Grandfather respond to the question by his grandson about whether or not he was a hero in W. W. II?

A.  The only heroes were the ones that died.

B.  I was a hero and so were others.

C.  I served with a company of heroes.

D.  I did my job and my duty, but I was not a hero, others were.

42. Where did Ambrose get most of his sources for the book?

A.  Interviews with authors of other books

B.  Movies

C.  Previous books he had written

D.  Interviews with soldiers

43. What had many of the Easy Company veterans became after W. W.II?

A.  Butchers

B.  Teachers

C.  Executives

D.  Army Officers