JANUARY 14, 2013
The Mayor called the meeting to order. He then gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken with the following members present: Martin, Curtis, Cooke, Myers, and Paramore. Anderson as absent.
Also present was : Bob James John Chapin, Chief Marko, Chuck Tetrick, and Ellen Simmons..
Cooke then made a motion to approve the Agenda. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. Those opposed – none.
The Minutes from the December 27, 2012 meeting were then presented for approval. Martin made a motion to approve the minutes. Paramore seconded the motion. Roll call: Martin – yes; Curtis – yes; Cooke – abstain; Myers – yes; and Paramore –yes.
The Mayor then asked for election of the Council President Pro-Tem. Paramore nominated Bill Curtis. Cooke seconded the motion Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then presented the Council Committees for the 2013 year. After reviewing the Committee list, some changes were made, and the Recycle Committee was inactivated along with the Bicycle Path Committee. Three names were added to the Recreation Committee. Jan Myers, Brad Booth and Bill Curtis. Bill is the only new member. The others were left off the list. Also corrected the Cemetery Board Committee. Removed a member who had passed away this past year, and added Bill Curtis to the Monument Board.
After these corrections were made Cooke made a motion to approve the committees. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then asked for a report from the Administrator.
He stated the following:
- Water Line Project on West Washburn has been stalled due to weather.
- Water Plant adding new PH Probes and Meters to both water Plants. This will help in us applying for staffing reduction.
- Went to a meeting with USDA on January 9, in Massillon. This was to go over and review what still needs to be done before closing on the SSO Loan/Grant. This was to review who was responsible for what, whether it be Engineering, Legal and Financial. The PTI permit has been submitted to Ohio EPA Northwest District Office. Hopefully if we can get all of the paperwork approved this project will go out for bid in the Spring.
- Working with Mr. Bond on acquiring the last Right-A Way acquisitions for the Prospect Street Bridge Project. Hopefully this project will start mid summer of this year.
- The crew has done a good job in removing snow this year. Shawn asked the public to be patient during snow events and give the plows and equipment plenty of room to operate.
- We will be receiving funding from CBDG on the Energy Street Paving Project, and hopefully go to bid on this sometime in the spring.
- John and Shawn would like to go out for bids on stone for the Village, instead of purchasing a couple of loads when needed.
- The Garabge truck was sent ot Monroeville for a electrical problem, that was fixed and now it is a Best Equipment for the replacement of the packing blade. This has been completed and can be picked up this week.
- Shawn announced that our Sanitation Department has expanded it route into the Township and so far we have picked up 25 new customers since this time last year. And there are more people in the Township that have contacted us wanting to sign up. This brings up a request. I would like to hire one part time employee to help fill the need as we keep expanding this department. The employee has worked for us for the past couple of years under a county program. His name is Steven Kwiatkowski. The County has discontinued this program and we have lost two employees under similar programs over the last year.
- Under new EPA rules and regulations we need to update our composting facility. We had to hire an engineer to draw a detailed print of our compost facility, and order 3 signs that will be posted at each entrance. We also have to document everything coming into the facility and everything leaving the facility. This will cause us to install a fence around the facility to have better control of the facility.
- In the Parks department the $17,000 CBDG funding for improvement to the HilemanBuilding should be released early spring. We have been required to hire an architect to provide WSOS with “ A Scope of Work” Document. This basically describes what the funds will be used for.
- The Roads and Pads for the new cabins are getting close to where we can take delivery of the new cabins. Joe met with representatives from Firelands Electric and Callihan electric to go over what is needed for the Electrical part of the project. We will be able to do some of the work ourselves, but then some will need to be done by a licensed Electrician.
- Shawn thanked everyone that joined in on Christmas in the Park. Most of the decorations are down, there are still some there.
- Shawn announced that “The Biggest Loser Contest” has begun. And there will be a Corn hole Tournament at the Park on January 19th, starting at 3:00 pm. The entry fee is $30.00.
- Shawn attended a meeting in Norwalk with Other county officials, Mayor, Administrators concerning the HB 601, the Bill dealing with the state and our local income tax. He stated that this bill is now considered a dead bill. The sponsors of HB 601 will introduce a new bill concerning the income tax. He stated we will have to wait and see if they heard our concerns when the new bills is introduced.
- We were informed on Thursday, that our old Water Bonds which were at 6.22% interest were refinanced at an interest rate of 2.84%. This is a savings of $273,000 over the life of the loan.
- Shawn announced the Huron County Treasurer will be in our office on January 30,2013 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for the convenience of those wanting to pay their real estate taxes in person.
- We are also working on the new building to be able to move Council over there and remodel the Police offices.
- We also met with a representative from Frontier Communications about updating our phone and internet Systems. This will in the long run save us about $150.00 a month.
20. Shawn is also looking into and hasa received a quote for a mini excavator. If we trade in our trencher we can get an $80,000 machine for approximately $47,632.00. He has also been looking into a 7 year lease which would cost approximately $1500, to $2000 a month for the next 7 years, this would include a mini excavator, backhoe and skid loader. Our equipment that we have now is over 15 years old. He will get back to council and present his findings.
Myers then asked about the part time employees, how many days or hours would he be working? Shawn stated he would work on Tuesdays and Thursdays for sure and not more than 30 hours a week. We do need the help, right now we are utilizing Joe and some of the water guys when they are available.
Paramore made a motion to approve hiring Steven not to work more than 30 hours a week.. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
The Mayor then asked for a report from the Water/ Sewer Department. John stated he had nothing to present tonight.
He then asked the Police Chief for a report. Chief Marko stated we are still in the process of purchasing the police car. He did have to put that on the back burner, there were things that just needed his attention. He also stated that Attica did with draw their bid on the old car, as it has taken to long to purchase the new car.
Chief also stated that he would have some year end figures to present at the next meeting.
Bill Curtis then made a report from the Ambulance. He stated the year end totals for the ambulance was 449 runs for 2012, 247 in the Village, 34 in New London Township, 50 in Ruggles Township, 56 in Troy Township, and 51 in Fitchville and 11 Mutual Aids.
The Mayor asked for a report from Zoning. There was nothing to present.
The Mayor then asked for any public questions or statements. There were none.
The Mayor then presented Ordinance 12-45, an ordinance increasing the sewer rates. This ordinance was placed on a third and final reading. Curtis made a motion to approve the third and final reading. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Ordinance 12-52 – 2013 Annual Appropriations was then placed on a third and final reading. Martin made a motion to approve Ordinance 12-52 on a third and final reading. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Ordinance 12-54 an ordinance amending the 2012 appropriations was placed on an emergency. Curtis made a motion to suspend the rules to allow this ordinance to be placed on a third and final reading. Martin seconded this motion. Roll call: Paramore - yes; Myers – yes; Cooke – yes; Curtis – yes; and Martin - yes.
Cooke then made a motion to pass this ordinance on an emergency. Paramore seconded the motion. Roll call: Paramore – yes; Myers – yes; Cooke – yes Curtis – yes; and Martin –yes.
Ordinance 12-55, an ordinance allowing the appointment of special council for the purpose of obtaining right away easements for the SSO project. Cooke made a motion to suspend the rules. Paramore seconded the motion. Roll call: Paramore –y es; Myers –yes; Cooke – yes; Curtis – yes; and Martin –yes.
Myers then made a motion to approve Ordinance 12-55 on an emergency measure. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call : Martin – yes; Curtis – yes; Cooke – yes; Myers- yes; and Paramore – yes.
Ordinance 13-01 an ordinance directing the appropriations of certain land necessary for the ProspectStreetBridge project was placed on an emergency. Curtis made a motion to suspend the rules. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call : Martin – yes; Curtis – yes; Cooke –yes; Myers – yes; and Paramore – yes.
Paramore then made a motion to pass Ordinance 13-01 on an emergency measure. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call: Paramore – yes; Myers –yes; Cooke –yes; Curtis- yes; and Martin –yes.
Ordinance 13-02 was placed on a first reading. This ordinance is required by USDA in connection with the Sewer Project Grant/ loan funds. One fund will be strictly for the draw downs for the construction/ engineering and other expenses relating to the project. The other fund would be a Sewer Reserve fund which the Village is required to put away $144,000 over the next ten years for a last payment on the project loan.
Cooke stated that the Engineers, Shawn and John should watch what is being bided out in the area, and when these projects are being finished to be able to bid out our project. There are only certain contractors that will be able to bid on this project. Shawn stated that our Engineers have been watching the Dunn report and are up to date on this.
Curtis made a motion to approve the first reading of this ordinance. Paramore seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
13-03, an ordinance authorizing a wastewater grant agreement with the USDA was placed on a first reading. Martin made a motion to approve the first reading of this ordinance. Cooke seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
13-05 an ordinance allowing for the use of blanket and super blanket purchase orders for the 2013 fiscal year. This ordinance was placed on a first reading. Paramore made a motion to approve the first reading of this ordinance. Curtis seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Ordinance 13-04 an ordinance authorizing the use of Village Street, alleys and Municipally owned property for the installation of the wastewater improvement project sewer lines, appurtenances and related facilities. This ordinance was placed on a first reading. Curtis made a motion to approve the first reading of this ordinance. Myers seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor presented the December monthly statement for approval. Myers made a motion to approve the statement. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes.
The Mayor then presented the bills to be paid for approval. Cooke asked about renting equipment from Bucks in Greenwich, what type of equipment. Shawn stated it was a mini excavator used at the Cemetery. Cooke asked if we had ever looked into Uxor for this rental. Shawn stated yes, but the equipment was not available on the day we needed it.
Curtis made a motion to allow the bills to be paid. Martin seconded the motion. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Curtis then made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Martin seconded the motion,. Roll call all ayes. No one opposed.
Jonna Rowland, Fiscal OfficerDarwin K.Anderson, Mayor