Vest with Cables by JanetLee Sokol
The vest is my design but the cables came from a pattern library.
I used size 9 circular needle.
14 sts = 4 inchs and 20 rows = 4 inches
This made it an adult small. It would be fairly easy to make it larger.
I used the Pound of Yarn and it took less than one pound.
Cast on 162 sts. Knit the first four (4) rows.
Wrong side, set up row.
K8, P1, K3, (cable 15), K3, P1, K3, (cable 8) K3, (P2, K2, P2), K3, (cable 8) K3, P1, K3, (cable 24) K3, P1, K3, (cable 8) K3, (P2, K2, P2), K3, (cable 8) K3, P1, K3, (cable 15) K3, P1, K8
K2, (P4, K4) twice, P4, K2 24
K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1 15
P8 8
All wrong side rows:
(front) K8, P1, K3, (cable 15), K3, P1, K3, (cable 8), K3, (P2, K2, P2), (back) K3, (cable 8), K3, P1, K3, (cable 24), K3, P1, K3, (cable 8), K3, (P2, K2, P2), (front) K3, (cable 8), K3, P1, K3, (cable 15) K3, P1, K8
All right side rows:
(front) K5, P3, K1, P3, (cable 15), P3, K1, P3, (cable 8), P3, (K2, P2, K2), (back) P3, (cable 8) P3, K1, P3, (cable 24), P3, K1, P3, (cable 8), P3 (K2, P2, K2), (front) P3, (cable 8), P3, K1, P3, (cable 15), P3, K1, P3, K5
All even numbered rows; knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches. Since I realize this is confusing to some people I have included the even numbered rows in the first section and without the even numbered rows in the second section. Just print off the one you want to use.
I did the pattern repeat four (4) times before the arm hole. If you want it longer just do more pattern repeats. And if you want it shorter do less pattern repeats.
By always slipping the first stitch, especially around the arm openings it leaves a nice finished edge.
I hope it is not confusing to people who use this pattern but I found it easier to just type the front and reverse rows once (since the only thing that changes from row to row is the cable design) with the information for which cable came next in parenthesis. Then the cable pattern is in the boxes with the number in red identifying which cable pattern it is.
To shape the arm openings. Continuing in pattern starting with Row 1 do the front section, bind off six (6) stitches of the K2, P2, K2; continue across back in pattern, join new yarn at beginning of K2, P2, K2 and bind off these six stitches. Continue across front. On Row 2 continue in pattern across front, pick up yarn and continue across back. Attach new yarn and finish front staying in pattern. Continue in pattern for three repeats (or however many you want to do).
On Row 15 of last repeat bind off 18 stitches at beginning of back and 18 stitches at beginning of left front (27 stitches left).
Row 16. Continue in pattern for Front, bind off 18 stitches at beginning of back (24 stitches left), continue across back, and then bind off 18 stitches at beginning of front (27 stitches left).
Sew shoulder seams.
Next row: K5, K2, P2, across ending in K5. Do this for 8 rows and then bind off.
Sew in ends in your favorite way. Block if needed and then wear!
Row 1. (right side) P2, C4B, (P4, C4B) twice, P2 24
Row 1. P1, K2, P2, T5F, P2, K2, P1 15
Row 1. C4B, C4B 8
Row 2. K2, (P4, K4) twice, P4, K2 24
Row 2. K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1 15
Row 2. P8 8
Row 3. P1, T3B, (T4F, T4B) twice, T3F, P1 24
Row 3. P1, T3F, T3B, P1, T3F, T3B, P1 15
Row 3. K8 8
Row 4. K1, P2, K3, P4, K4, P4, K3, P2, K1 24
Row 4. K2, P4, K3, P4, K2 15
Row 4. P8 8
Row 5. T3B, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3F 24
Row 5. P2, C4B, P3, C4F, P2 15
Row 5. C4B, C4B 8
Row 6. P2, (K4, P4) twice, K4 P2 24
Row 6. K2, P4, K3, P4, K2 15
Row 6. P8 8
Row 7. K2, P3, T3B, T4F, T4B, T3F. P3, K2 24
Row 7. P1, T3B, T3F, P1, T3B, T3F, P1 15
Row 7. K8 8
Row 8. (P2, K3) twice, P4, (K3, P2,) twice 24
Row 8. K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1 15
Row 8. P8 8
Row 9. (K2, P3) twice, C4B, (P3, K2) twice 24
Row 9. P1, K2, P2, T5B, P2, K2, P1 15
Row 9. C4B, C4B 8
Row 10. (P2, K3) twice, P4, (K3, P2) twice 24
Row 10. K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1 15
Row 10. P8 8
Row 11. K2, P3, T3F, T4B, T4F, T3B, P3, K2 24
Row 11. P1, T3F, T3B, P1, T3F, T3B, P1 15
Row 11. K8 8
Row 12. P2, (K4, P4) twice, K4, P2 24
Row 12. K2, P4, K3, P4, K2 15
Row 12. P8 8
Row 13. T3F, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3B 24
Row 13. P2, C4B, P3, C4F, P2 15
Row 13. C4B, C4B 8
Row 14. K1, P2, K3, P4, K4, P4, K3, P2, K1 24
Row 14. K2, P4, K3, P4, K2 15
Row 14. P8 8
Row 15. P1, T3F, (T4B, T4F) twice, T3B, P1 24
Row 15. P1, T3B, T3F, P1, T3B, T3F, P1 15
Row 15. K8 8
Row16. K2, (P4, K4) twice, P4, K2 24
Row 16. K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1 15
Row 16. P8 8
C4B Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold at back, K2, then K2 from cable needle.
C4F Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold at front. K2, then K2 from cable needle.
T3B Slip next st to cable needle and hold at back, K2, then P1 from cable needle.
T3F Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold at front, P1, then K2 from cable needle.
T5B Slip next 3 sts to cable needle and hold at back, K2, slip purl stitch from cable needle onto left-hand needle, P1, the K2 from cable needle.
T5F Slip next 3 sts to cable needle and hold in front, K2, slip purl stitch from cable needle onto left-and needle, P1, then K2 from cable needle.
T4B Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold at back, K2, then P2 from cable needle.
T4F Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold at front, P2, then K2 from cable needle.
Cast on 162 sts. K first 4 rows.
Wrong side, set up row.
K8, P1, K3, (cable 15), K3, P1, K3, (cable 8) K3, (P2, K2, P2), K3, (cable 8) K3, P1, K3, (cable 24) K3, P1, K3, (cable 8) K3, (P2, K2, P2), K3, (cable 8) K3, P1, K3, (cable 15) K3, P1, K8
K2, (P4, K4) twice, P4, K2 24
K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1 15
P8 8
All wrong side rows:
(front) K8, P1, K3, (cable 15), K3, P1, K3, (cable 8), K3, (P2, K2, P2), (back) K3, (cable 8), K3, P1, K3, (cable 24), K3, P1, K3, (cable 8), K3, (P2, K2, P2), (front) K3, (cable 8), K3, P1, K3, (cable 15) K3, P1, K8
All right side rows:
(front) K5, P3, K1, P3, (cable 15), P3, K1, P3, (cable 8), P3, (K2, P2, K2), (back) P3, (cable 8) P3, K1, P3, (cable 24), P3, K1, P3, (cable 8), P3 (K2, P2, K2), (front) P3, (cable 8), P3, K1, P3, (cable 15), v P3, K1, P3, K5
All even numbered rows; knit the knit stitches and purl the purl stitches. Since I realize this is confusing to some people I have included the even numbered rows in the first section and without the even numbered rows in the second section. Just print off the one you want to use.
Row 1. (right side) P2, C4B, (P4, C4B) twice, P2 24
Row 1. P1, K2, P2, T5F, P2, K2, P1 15
Row 1. C4B, C4B 8
Row 3. P1, T3B, (T4F, T4B) twice, T3F, P1 24
Row 3. P1, T3F, T3B, P1, T3F, T3B, P1 15
Row 3. K8 8
Row 5. T3B, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3F 24
Row 5. P2, C4B, P3, C4F, P2 15
Row 5. C4B, C4B 8
Row 7. K2, P3, T3B, T4F, T4B, T3F. P3, K2 24
Row 7. P1, T3B, T3F, P1, T3B, T3F, P1 15
Row 7. K8 8
Row 9. (K2, P3) twice, C4B, (P3, K2) twice 24
Row 9. P1, K2, P2, T5B, P2, K2, P1 15
Row 9. C4B, C4B 8
Row 11. K2, P3, T3F, T4B, T4F, T3B, P3, K2 24
Row 11. P1, T3F, T3B, P1, T3F, T3B, P1 15
Row 11. K8 8
Row 13. T3F, P3, C4F, P4, C4F, P3, T3B 24
Row 13. P2, C4B, P3, C4F, P2 15
Row 13. C4B, C4B 8
Row 15. P1, T3F, (T4B, T4F) twice, T3B, P1 24
Row 15. P1, T3B, T3F, P1, T3B, T3F, P1 15
Row 15. K8 8