Page 1TC Regional Project concept
Department of Technical Cooperation (TC)
Regional Project Concept
This project concept reflects the ideas for a potential project under the IAEA TC programme with its Member States. The IAEA supports projects where the use of nuclear techniques or technologies would be an essential element for the achievement of the project objective or represent the solution of the problem in a cost-effective, safe and secure manner. Submission should be only through official channels. Address any queries to the e-mail address below.Whenever information is not known or not available for a field on the form, please indicate 'not known'. However, it is mandatory to complete all the fields up to and including 'Estimated duration'.
Page 1TC Regional Project concept
Please indicate name of Designated Country and list names of Member States in the region that may have an interest in the project
Regional agreement: / Yes X / No
Project Concept Title:
Page 1TC Regional Project concept
The Designated Country is mandated by the Member States of the region to complete the Regional Project Concept on their behalf, and to act later on as the developer of the resulting project design
Institution name:
Street address: / P.O. Box:
Postal code before city: / City: / Postal code after city:
State/Province/Region: / Country:
Telephone: / Fax:
E-mail address: / Web address:
Responsible person for project
Female: Male: / Family name: / First name:
Job title:
Office Tel: / Office Fax: / Office E-mail:
Private Tel: / Mobile: / Private E-mail:
Page 1TC Regional Project concept
Statement of need/problem: / Describe the nature of the problem for which you are submitting the project concept and the reasons why a regional approach would be an appropriate and cost-effective solution to the stated problem (maximum 250 words).
Describe the process that led to the development of this project concept.
End-users: / Who will benefit from the results of this project?
Will the project benefit both women and men? If so, how?
Environmental impact: / Could the project potentially affect the environment?
Positive / Negative
No / Don’t know
If positively, how can this be enhanced?
If negatively, how will this be addressed?
IAEA’s role: / What IAEA support is required for the project? (maximum 200 words)
Please indicate the main field of IAEA support from the list below:
General Atomic Energy Development
Nuclear and Atomic Physics
Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Fuel Cycle and Waste Management
Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Application of Isotopes and Radiation in Food and Agriculture
Radiation Medicine and Health
Application of Isotopes and Radiation in Biology and Environmental Studies
Isotope Hydrology and Applications of Isotopes and Radiation in Industry
Nuclear and Radiation Safety and Nuclear Security
Regional programme and its relationship to the concept: / Describe any applicable regional programme and/or national programmes to which the proposal is related and how the project would contribute to it/them and address regional sustainability (maximum 200 words):
Previous Agency involvementL / Do any ongoing/past IAEA supported projects address the same problem?
Yes / No
If yes, describe the results achieved.
Target starting date: / (yyyy-mm-dd)
Estimated duration: / (Number of years)
Regional contributions: / Describe the contributions that are to be allocated from national and regional sources (add the corresponding information for each participating country):
Country Budgetl/Logistics/ Human Resources
Link to other UN System Organizations: / Is the proposal related to a project/programme of any other UN System Organization in your region?
Yes / No
If yes, name the organization and describe the linkage to the project/programme.
Donor participation: / Is there any other potential bilateral/multilateral partner or donor interested in the project or currently supporting activities on a similar topic in your region?
Yes / No
If yes, name the organization and describe the extent of its involvement.
Estimated total budget required in US$: / IAEA:US $ 0.00
Government cost sharing: countryUS $ 0.00
(funds transferred to the IAEA for project implementation)
Regional cost sharingUS $ 0.00
Local costs: please specify: US $ 0.00
Other funding sources:please specify: US $ 0.00
Page 1TC Regional Project concept
Institution name:
Institution name:
Institution name: