Updated 3/3/15

Technology Level II

Unit II Summative Assessment

Unit Title: Secrets to Success

Unit Question:How can I use my creativity to build a successful business?

Goal:To gain an understanding of how to create a successful business and how to use Microsoft Word to enhance that business.

Role:You are a new entrepreneur ready to start a business.

Audience:Your audience will be your peers.

Situation:You have a great idea for a new product or service and have decided to open a business to sell that product or service.

Product:Your job is to determine a retailor service business to open and create the documents necessary to support that business

Including: 1. Company logo, 2. price list, 3. flyer of products to sell from and 4. Sales report.

Standards:Criterion A, C, D

Some business ideas:

Phone accessories

Wilson Gear



Video Games


Criterion C: Create Tips:

  • You will be creating 3 Documents in Microsoft Word: Price List, Flyer, Sales Report
  • Each Document must include a header with your Company Name, Address & Logo
  • You MUST have a minimum of 5 different items to sell

Name ______Design Brief Tech 7 Unit 2

Research the following questions on the internet. Write your answers in your own words in complete sentences.

  1. What does free enterprise mean in the United Sates?
  1. What is needed to be successful at your own business (Give at least 3 tips)
  1. Research a business name and product line. Why did you choose that product line?
  1. Websites used:

Business Name
(Create a catchy name)
Business Address
Product Line
Business Logo
(Research a logo or create your own. Copy and paste it here)


Create the following documents in Microsoft Word to support your business. Be sure to include a header with yourCompany name, logo, address, and your name on each

  1. Create a Retail Price List for items you will sell in the store. (See example)
  2. Create a Flyer to “display” your items for sale including pictures of items and retail prices
  3. Create a Sales Report of items sold. (See example)During class you will have time to shop and sell in our Classroom Marketplace. Each student will have $200 to spend

Print each document to turn in with your summative


Write at least five sentences evaluating your work throughout the entire summative assessment based on the questions below:

  • Do you feel your business was successful? Why or Why not?
  • How much money did you make in sales?
  • What was your biggest challenge and why?
  • How did your Word documents enhance your business?
  • How could you improve your business for the future?







Example Price List

G2 Fashion

900 Hollywood Blvd.

Rochester, NY 14609

Item / Retail Price
American Eagle Shirt / $28.00
Eagle graphic polo / $25.00
Jeans / $45.00
American Eagle Hoodie / $49.00

Example Sales Report

G2 Fashion

900 Hollywood Blvd.

Rochester, NY 14609

Item Sold / Price / Quantity / Total
Polo / 25.00 / 1 / $25.00
Total Sales

Criterion A: Researching and Analyzing

Students identify the need for a product or solution. At the end of the course, they should be able to:

  • Explain the need for a product or solution for a specified client or end user
  • Analyse a range of existing products that may solve the problem
  • Summarized the findings from a range of sources, cited appropriately, relevant to the development of the requirements for a possible solution

Level / Level Descriptor / Task Specific Clarifications
0 / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1–2 / The student:
i. states the need for a solution to a problem
ii. States some of the main findings of relevant research. / -very little information provided and missing several sections
3–4 / The student:
i. outlines the need for a solution to a problem
ii. states the research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with some guidance
iii. outlines one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem
iv. Develops a basic design brief, which outlines some of relevant research. / - A limited explanation as to free enterprise and what is needed for a successful business
1 website used
- Gives limited details and brief answers
5–6 / The student:
i. explains the need for a solution to a problem
ii. constructs a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with some guidance
iv. Develops a design brief, which outlines the findings of relevant research. / - A detailed explanation as tofree enterprise and what is needed for a successful business
1-2 websites used
- Gives good details
7–8 / The student:
i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problem
ii. constructs a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently
iii. analyses a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem
iv. Develops a design brief, which presents the analysis of relevant research. / - A detailed explanation and evidence asto free enterprise and what is needed for a successful business
2 or more websites used
-Excellent details

Criterion C: Creating the Solution

Students create a solution. At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate age-appropriate technical skills when making the product/solution
  • Follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately.
  • Present the product/solution (electronic form, photographs, or as a whole)

Level / Level Descriptor / Task Specific Clarifications
0 / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1–2 / The student:
i. demonstrates minimal technical skills when making the solution
ii. Creates the solution, which functions poorly and is presented in an incomplete form. / You are missing many elements and sections
3–4 / The student:
i. outlines each step in a plan that contains some details, resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan to create the solution
ii. demonstrates satisfactory technical skills when making the solution
iii. creates the solution, which partially functions and is adequately presented
iv. Outlines changes made to the chosen design or plan when making the solution. / Price list, poster, and sales report are poorly constructed.
Lacking in areas of logo, company name, and creativity.
-some information or document is missing from poster, price list, and sales report
A minimum of 3-4 items included in price list and poster
Work was not proofread resulting in errors
5–6 / The student:
i. constructs a plan, which considers time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution
ii. demonstrates competent technical skills when making the solution
iii. creates the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately
iv. Outlines changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution. / Price list, poster, and sales report are somewhat neatly presented and well-constructed. Satisfactory use of materials.
Good use of logo, company name, and creativity.
- Gives good details on poster, price list, and sales report
-5-7 items included in price list and poster
Work is proofread and limited errors
7–8 / The student:
i. constructs a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution
ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution
iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately
iv. Explains changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution. / Price list, poster, and sales report are well-constructed and insightful. Uses materials efficiently and effectively
Excellent use of logo, company name, and creativity.
-Excellent details on poster, price list, and sales report
-8 + items included in price list and poster
Work is proofread and no errors

Criterion D: Evaluating

Students evaluate the solution. At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Evaluate the success of the product against the requirements based on your design specifications
  • Explain how the product could be improved
  • Explain the impact of the product on society (political, economic, social, ethical, and or environmental)

Level / Level Descriptor / Task Specific Clarifications
0 / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1–2 / The student:
i. describes a testing method, which is used to measure the success of the solution
ii. statesthe success of the solution. / Your written evaluation is missing several key elements and needs related to success, improvements, and what others thought.
3–4 / The student:
i. describes a relevant testing method, which generates data, to measure the success of the solution
ii. outlines the success of the solution against the design specification based on relevant product testing
iii. lists the ways in which the solution could be improved
iv. Outlines the impact of the solution on the client/target audience. / A minimum of 3 sentences reflecting on the success of your business by writing brief answers with little explanation of how your businesscould be improved, why these improvements are needed, and what others thought of your business.
5–6 / The student:
i. describes relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution
ii. describes the success of the solution against the design specification based on relevant product testing
iii. outlines how the solution could be improved
iv. Describes the impact of the solution on the client/target audience, with guidance. / A minimum of 4 sentences accurately reflecting on the success of your business by writing a brief account with some examples of how your business could be improved, why these improvements are needed, and what others thought of your business.
7–8 / The student:
i. describes detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate accurate data, to measure the success of the solution
ii. explains the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testing
iii. describes how the solution could be improved
iv. Describes the impact of the solution on the client/target audience. / Five or more sentences accurately reflecting on the success of yourbusiness by writing details and specific examples of how your businesscould be improved, why these improvements are needed, and what others thought of your business.

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