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The University of Chicago
Division of the Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicine
CHAMP: Curriculum for the Hospitalized Aging Medical Patient

Thanks for your persistence, you've almost finished. We'd like you to think about your role as a Clinical Teacher in the Hospital. Please indicate the degree to which you feel that the following teaching skills are important to you, your confidence in performing them, and the frequency with which you perform them.
The Importance of Teaching Skills

How important is it for you to: / Degree of Importance
Unimportant / Somewhat Important / Moderately Important / Very Important / Extremely Important /
Use a structured process to self-evaluate your teaching strategies? / / / / /
Use a structured process to improve your teaching strategies? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Communication"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Professionalism"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Systems-based Practice"? / / / / /
Identify the systems-based "teachable moment"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Practice-based Learning and Improvement"? / / / / /
Use the Case Audit or Census Audit tools in teaching and evaluating "Practice-based Learning and Improvement"? / / / / /
Achieve a balance in the questions you ask learners with respect to probing/clarifying and general/specific while teaching in the clinical setting? / / / / /
Use a structured framework such as the EBM 4 component structured clinical question or clinical type to aid in identifying learners' knowledge gaps while teaching in the clinical setting? / / / / /

Confidence in Performing Teaching Skills

How confident do you feel in your ability to:
/ Your Level of Confidence
Very Low / Low / Moderate / High / Very High /
Use a structured process to self-evaluate your teaching strategies? / / / / /
Use a structured process to improve your teaching strategies? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Communication"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Professionalism"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Systems-based Practice"? / / / / /
Identify the systems-based "teachable moment"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Practice-based Learning and Improvement"? / / / / /
Use the Case Audit or Census Audit tools in teaching and evaluating "Practice-based Learning and Improvement"? / / / / /
Achieve a balance in the questions you ask learners with respect to probing/clarifying and general/specific while teaching in the clinical setting? / / / / /
Use a structured framework such as the EBM 4 component structured clinical question or clinical type to aid in identifying learners' knowledge gaps while teaching in the clinical setting? / / / / /

The Frequency of Performing Teaching Skills

How often do you:
/ Frequency /
Never / Some-times / Often / Very Often / Always /
Use a structured process to self-evaluate your teaching strategies? / / / / /
Use a structured process to improve your teaching strategies? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Communication"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Professionalism"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Systems-based Practice"? / / / / /
Identify the systems-based "teachable moment"? / / / / /
Teach and evaluate residents in the ACGME Core Competency "Practice-based Learning and Improvement"? / / / / /
Use the Case Audit or Census Audit tools in teaching and evaluating "Practice-based Learning and Improvement"? / / / / /
Achieve a balance in the questions you ask learners with respect to probing/clarifying and general/specific while teaching in the clinical setting? / / / / /
Use a structured framework such as the EBM 4 component structured clinical question or clinical type to aid in identifying learners' knowledge gaps while teaching in the clinical setting? / / / / /