ED Education Registrar Handover 2015/16
By Ilse Swart & Clare Di Bona
Intern/RMO Teaching Requirements
- Intern/RMO teaching program
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 1400-1445
- Monday and Tuesday are lectures provided by the education registrars (usually Clare (3/4) in the ED handover room)
- Thursdays is simulation provided by the education registrars (usually Ilse (3/4) in clinical school level 1 Megacode Kelly room)
- Please try and invite any available nursing staff to attend Thursday SIM as well. We all benefit greatly from doing sims together in our own roles.
- Fridays is paediatric teaching by Gareth in the ED handover room
- Pitfalls: the ED handover room sometimes needs to be split on a Tuesday as the nurses have education too. The nursing teaching timetable is printed on a separate roster to the room booking (liaise with Jude nurse education coordinator or Karen level 1 clinical school if you wish to book).
- Cameron likes an ED consultant to always supervise the teaching sessions, I ask one of the non-clinical consultants ideally at least 2 hrs in advance.
- Remember to check-in with the Duty Consultant of the day to see whether teaching is able to go ahead as planned or if it looks disastrous on the floor that either teaching gets cancelled altogether or that only the afternoon staff can attend for example.
- I also always announce teaching over the tannoy about 10min before to remind the day staff and specifically add the location (as Thursday'ssims are held in the clinical school).
- On the odd occasion that the sim venue is not available for a sim session, we use the handover room to run scenarios with the armless thorax (not ideal but the full size manikin is still being ordered..the full sized patient table is here!). I've also on occasion brought the paediatric manikin down from the clinical school to use with sessions. (I usually send out a courtesy email to Desiree Silva from paeds to state my intention to borrow the manikin and to confirm that she wasn't planning on using it on the same day). Her email address:
- The timetable of topics is based on the Australian Curriculum Framework for junior doctor
- There is a copy of the teaching program on jedo under JMO teaching….it is still there. It is linked to a google calender which I will invite you to join!
- Of late I have been referring to the dropbox version…..either way it’s up to you guys
- We’ve kept a copy of the teaching timetable we created on dropbox
- Education Reg 2014-JMO teaching-JMO teaching program term 2 to 5 2015.
- You should have received your dropbox invite via email
Hospital Intern/RMO Teaching (SIM)
-The SIM registrar helps with post grad education session for the hospital-Interns/RMO teaching for the ward doctors.
- It will be on alternating Thursdays from 12:30 - 13:30 in the large sim room.
- Cameron has attended the majority of these sessions and has provided feedback to me afterwards (especially on debriefing sim sessions that is much harder than I first anticipated). If he was unable to attend, I've asked any of the other Non-Clinical Consultants of the day to attend and help with debrief / feedback.
- I've chosen topics to reflect scenarios that they'll likely encounter in a MET call while doing after hours cover.
- The sim room is then already set up for the 14:00 session where I usually do a similar scenario but set in ED.
- The JMO terms are either 10 or 11 weeks so there have been 5 of these sessions per term. I have usually used the 1st session of each term to just go through the ALS basics (basic airway maneuvers, BVM use with proper seal, airway adjuncts, LMAs, use of defib (incl shockable and non-shockable rhythms) -> with this session, I've found it easier to split the group in half and have Cameron take the 1 group in the smaller sim room with sim man while I've taken the other group and gone through everything. You can also choose to do either only do the airway stuff (or defib) and have the group swap halfway through.
- For the 2nd to 5th sessions of each term I've tried to change it up from term to term as you'll commonly see the same interns in subsequent terms.
Intern/RMO Orientation Workshops
- Every 10-11 weeks the ED receives a new group of Interns/RMOs that have two afternoon sessions of orientation. Below is an example of the timetable
Intern Orientation timetable 2016 – term 1
Friday, 8 January 2016
- Morning session
Topic / Venue
8:00 – 9:00 / ED Orientation talk / Clinical School, Ground floor, Lecture room 2
9:00 – 9:45 / ED Departmental walk through / Emergency Department
9:45 – 10:00 / Morning Tea
10:00 – 12:00 / Plastering practical / Slit lamp practical / ED Seminar room and Eye room
12:00 – 13:00 / Lunch
- Afternoon session
Topic / Venue
13:00 – 14:00 / ALS theory / ED seminar room
14:00 – 15:30 / ALS practical / Suturing practical / Clinical school simulation venue
15:30 – 17:00 / Suturing practical / ALS practical / and ED Seminar room
RMO Orientation timetable 2016 – term 1
- Monday, 11 January 2016
Topic / Venue
8:00 – 10:00 / Suturing practical / Slit lamp practical / Meet in Clinical School, Ground floor, Lecture room 2
10:00 – 15:45 / Hospital orientation program / See Hosp program
15:45 – 1600 / CCT Orientation talk / ED seminar room
16:00 – 17:00 / ED Orientation talk / ED seminar room
17:00 – 18:15 / ED Departmental walk through / Emergency Department
- Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Topic / Venue
13:00 – 14:00 / ALS theory / ED seminar room
14:00 – 15:00 / ALS practical / Plastering practical / Clinical school simulation venue
15:00 – 16:00 / Plastering practical / ALS practical / and Trauma Clinic
- The lecture is based on the ALS lectures provided from Ilse and available from dropbox-Education Reg 2014-JMO Clinical Skills Course-skills course 2015 or
- There are a range of suturing videos, plastering templates and a slit lamp powerpoint available from this location or under the orientation section
- Preparation
- Walk into the back entrance of the kitchen and request appropriate boxes of pig skins (at least 2-3 weeks in advance). We now have plastic trainer modules in the ED education store-room, however I feel pigskins are still better.
- Talk to Steve about getting more suture material and fine instrument sets (cheaper than suturing kits), also plaster stuff if trauma clinic isn’t available
- Walk up to trauma clinic and ask Sue or Harry to facilitate the plastering…..may need to bake them some cupcakes
- Timetables need to be out approximately 2 weeks in advance
- Rooms need to be booked in advance either in the clinical school or in the ED handover room.
- Be prepared to work hard especially at the start of 2017 when there will be CMI orientation for three days plus the ED Intern/RMO orientation days!!
- The set-up and pack-up takes time…groups of 10 per teacher are large and may need some extra time
Record Keeping, Sharing-lectures and Simulations
- Uploading and sharing lectures and simulations is important
- There are many options in regards to where to store this information iedropbox, your personalised website, jhc.emergucate, Jedo….
- My suggestions would be use jhc.emergucate to upload lectures and simulations and to please print a hard copy of simulations to place in files located in registrar office.
jhc.emergucate login has been sent to you via email.
- Attendance records are kept in an excel document on dropbox
- Juniors are encouraged to record which sessions they go to in their log book and to regularly review the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors to ensure compliance with post graduate council objectives.
- The registrar Wed afternoon lectures are stored on the I drive initially
- I drive-Emergency-REG-talks-WED-2015
- They are later uploaded by the education reg’s to jhc.emergucate
Registrar Education
- Every week the education registrars are responsible for delivery of the Lab Case, ECG and Imaging Case of the Week.
- Prathibha sometimes arranges for someone to do the Imaging but be prepared just in case
- John will email you the answer to the ECG prior to the session
- The Lab Case of the Week answer is available to you prior to the session by using your own jedo login go via the Dashboard to view the interpretation ahead of time.
Your jedo login information has been emailed to you.
- There is also a registrar simulation session every Wednesday 1100-1200. Ilse has kindly booked the Megacode Kelly room in Clinical School Level 1 for you for next year!
- Please try and invite any available nursing staff to attend Thursday SIM as well. We all benefit greatly from doing sims together in our own roles.
- In our rotations Ilse ran most of these (3/4) and I ran 1 out of every 4.
- You may be asked to help occasionally with OSCE practice for the fellowship exam (12:30-13:30 in the handover room) if the scenario involves isimulate
- The ‘of the weeks’ are often ‘Tweeted’ to increase emergucate’s online presence.
- Prior to this job I had never tweeted before!! It’s really not that hard
1)Login to twitter
Username: Emergucate
Password Emerguc8!
2)Write a short sentence to promote the post and include the URL at the end
3)Use hashtags to increase exposure, common examples include #imaging #xray #FOAMed
4)Go to Emergucate’s twitter page to see previous examples. Make sure there are no spelling errors prior to tweeting.
Registrar Paediatric Upskilling Workshops
- Every 6 months there is a paediatric upskilling workshop which you may be asked to help facilitate
- It generally consists of 3 lectures to begin the session (usually presented by Dr Lovegrove or Dr Parker) followed by simulation scenarios (facilitated by education registrars using isimulate)
- Please refer to dropbox folder-Education Reg 2014-Registrar Paediatric Upskilling which contains all the lectures and 12 scenarios created by Dr Parker to choose form or
Troubleshooting Isimulate/UpdatingIsimulate
- Please charge the ipads overnight once per week
- At least yearly isimulate needs to be updated
- The process is easy if you are connected to the internet (plug in white box)
1)Click on the ALSi Facilitator icon on the desktop
2)Go into Settings
3)Click on Software updates
- Potential future problems: the laptops were purchased in 2012 and are no longer under warranty
- As the programs update they will tend to suck the battery life quicker…eventually we need new ipads.
Education Theory
There is education theory information located at www. reg.emergucate.com this information is used in your education theory lectures with Yuresh. Which comprises of 10 lectures over the year (we have them fortnightly).
Ideally you should also complete the two day teaching on the run workshops. Book these in advance via the below website
Ideally you should also complete at least two online simulation training modules. I suggest the first two core modules.
All of the above is to satisfy college requirements.
Making your own website
*I would suggest attempting this on a Tuesday when Dr Parker is available.
1)Go to dropbox-Education Reg 2014-Web Job & Emergucate-WebReg-subdomain-setup BEST.pdf
2)Follow the steps outlined in the pdf
3)See Colin Parker for assistance for troubleshooting
Please see claredibona.emergucate.com as an example.
- Your website is like your portfolio and should contain the lectures/simulations you have created as well as a teaching log.
Creating an online learning module
See Manual found under Education Information on or
- Please refer to these documents from ACEM: Education and Training-Special Skills-AC72
- There is an assignment…marking guide and information can be found at
- Portfolio (objectives need to be addressed)..there is a proforma available from ACEM can use to complete this
- You’ll need to prove you’ve done some teaching
- Teaching logbook
- Your website
- Online modules
- There is an obligation to complete some form of education theory
- Yuresh’s lectures (fortnightly 2hr meetings x 10)
- Teaching on the run course (2 day workshop)
- Simulation online modules (2 core modules each takes up to 3hrs)