The University of Auckland Society Incorporated

Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Wednesday, 29 March 2006,

held in the Vice-Chancellor’s Suite, Old Government House, at 5.30pm

Present:David Abbott (President), Sir Ross Jansen, Richard Northey, David Stone,

Eva Tollemache, Sylvia Rosevear, Jan Kerr, Kate Sutton, Judith Grey

(Secretary), Frances Bell, Vinka Marinovich, D Caddell, Jenny Briggs,

Edwina Myers, Helen Gaeta, Alex Biland, Rosemarie Biland, Ewynne Urquhart,

Jeanette Harris, Bruce Takle, Leith Matthews, Brian Davis, John Wright,

Jennifer Hayma, Max Clift, Peter Hays, Johanna Cogle, Barbara Morgan,

Jack Woodward, Mary Woodward, Grace Learmonth-Lo, George Wingate,

John Taylor, Newton Wickham, Beverley Williamson, Warwick Elley

Apologies:Noel Ingram, Helen Gallott, Dr Vivienne Cooper, Christine Keller-Smith,

Pauline Warrington, Sir John Scott, Sir Michael Fowler, David Dove,

Des Olney, Niyaz Martin-Wilson, John Ingram, Wilma Grant, Paul East,

Dame Dorothy Winstone, Ken Porter, Richard Sorrenson, Anthony Blaschke,

Bronwen Innes, George Gair, Lieutenant Colonel Ian Black, Amy Malcolm

The meeting started AT 5.36pm


The President welcomed all present to the AGM and noted the increase in attendance numbers indicating willing participation.


David Stone (Treasurer) requested note 5, bullet point 1, be corrected to read, “…operating surplus of $37,000 reduced by a $8,200 payment of accumulated scholarship funds”.

Moved that the change be adopted.

David Stone. Seconded: Kate Sutton. CARRIED.

It was resolved the minutes to the last AGM held on Wednesday 30 March 2005 be approved. CARRIED.


The sad and unexpected passing of Rod Sara, a member of the Executive Committee, during the year was noted.

  1. PRESIDENTS REPORT (attachment 1)

The President reported that the year had been one of consolidation rather than any major new changes. The consolidation involved three themes.

Firstly, providing opportunities for greater involvement for members to the University thus providing critical support where needed.

The second theme was the continuing partnership between the Society and the University. The University has significantly extended its alumni programme in the last couple of years through the hard work of Jan Kerr and John Taylor.

At the beginning of 2006 the Society and the University signed an agreement whereby the University to provide Society administration and in return the University would take over merchandise.

The third theme was providing support for University initiatives, which include the newly formed University of Auckland Strings.

In closing the President challenged all members of the Society to be active in their role in supporting the University and its initiatives. He encouraged members to continue to provide support by attending functions and becoming active in projects as the more members participated, the more vibrant the Society.

David Abbott thanked members for their attendance; the executive for the hard work put in over the year and said he looked forward to seeing members and guests at events in the coming year.

  1. TREASURER’S REPORT (attachment 2)

David Stone (Treasurer) delivered his report. He reported that 2005 had created a surplus of $27,000, up from previous years. However subscriptions for the year fell significantly from 1600 two years ago to 1250 this year. This trend looks set to continue and will have significant financial implications.

It was noted that:

  • The margin for memorabilia reflected in the accounts does not reflect costs of staff and working capital.
  • Society operating costs have increased while income has declined. Administration costs are increasing as a proportion of members’ subscriptions and as a net result it was agreed to make available to the University memorabilia sales in exchange for taking over costs of administration. This places the Society on a sound financial footing.

Jack Woodward queried the lack of income from the Visa Card affinity programme. David Stone advised that the programme continues under Alumni Relations and income derived is directed to the University Alumni Scholars programme.

John Wright noted with the changes discussed there would be less income for the Society and asked if there was a budget for the coming year. David Stone responded that there was a budget and these issues had been taken into account.

Moved that the Financial Statements for the year 2005 be adopted.

David Stone. Seconded: Helen Gaeta. CARRIED.

Move to formally reappoint Gosling Chapman as the Auditor for the Society.

David Abbott. Seconded: David Stone. CARRIED.


President: There was one nomination for President. David Abbott was duly elected.

Vice-President: There was no nomination for Vice-President.

Moved the executive be empowered to nominate from the executive.

David Abbott. Seconded: Frances Bell. CARRIED.


Seven nominations were received for the elected positions. The following were declared elected:

Helen Gaeta, Sir Ross Jansen, Richard Northey, Sylvia Rosevear, David Stone, Kate Sutton, Eva Tollemache.


David Abbott invited the Vice-Chancellor Stuart McCutcheon to address the meeting.

The Vice-Chancellor discussed how Society members can help the University by telling the University story to a wider audience when and where possible.

The three key messages were:

  • The sheer size and scope of the organization. The University is the single biggest research institute, the most comprehensive University and one of the largest businesses in New Zealand.
  • The University is not owned by the government, but is an independent autonomous institute. The University should have freedom without fear of political retribution. The University is a public agency that exists to represent New Zealand.
  • Funding. There is constant debate with Government regarding funding. The real battle is to persuade the Government the importance of investment in the University in order to build a world-class institution.

Ross Jansen asked what had happened with the suggested Government control of the University touted prior to the election. The Vice-Chancellor recommended members continue to watch for any movement by the Government on this.

There was no other general business from the floor.

The meeting concluded at 6.28pm.

Chairperson / Date


Society AGM 2006 minutes