Social Studies Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Didier Course: Social Studies
Email: Team: 602
The units covered in Social Studies are:
Semester 1 Semester 2
Connecting Themes/Maps (Unit 1) Latin America (Units 6-9)
Europe (Units 2-5) Canada (Unit 10)
Australia (Unit 11)
Personal Finance (Unit 12)
Examples of assignments that students will be working on are as follows:
Classwork: vocabulary (online), notes (online), class discussions, reading, writing, projects, cooperative group work (Assignments will be on and offline)
Projects: We will be doing many projects throughout the year
Assessments: projects, tests, quizzes, group work
1. Come to class prepared. 4. Take care of materials lent to you.
2. Be honest, respectful and responsible. 5. Follow all rules the first time given.
3. Give 100% effort to your work. 6.Keep your voices at an appropriate level.
Tutoring will be held in the morning, Tuesday – Friday, beginning at 7:30 – 8:15. Please contact me through email or have your child let me know when he or she will be coming to tutoring.
Grade Recovery
Grade Recovery on assessments MUST be done within 2 weeks of the assessment being returned. In order to recover an assessment grade, the retest form must be filled out, signed by a parent & returned. A USA Test Prep Benchmark assessment will assigned to complete. The higher of the two grades will be put in for the assessment grade.
The following websites are great tools for you to use while in my class and during the entire school year. You are highly encouraged to use them on a regular basis for communication and educational purposes and staying on top of school information:
(Mrs. Didier’s website)
(OMS website)
(USA Test Prep)
(Infinite Campus Portal)
(Google Classroom) Under google apps
Parents, you are encouraged to monitor your child’s Google Classroom page in order to see what they are working on in my class. Please check your child’s grades on Infinite Campus & the calendar on my webpage consistently.
I have read and understand the policies and expectations for this class.
Student’s Signature/Date Parent’s Signature/ Date