The University Learning Outcomes Assessment (UNiLOA) project at Indiana State University is publishing its associated text entitled The Dynamic Student Development Meta-Theory: A New Model for Student Success. The new model of student success is termed the DSDM or Dynamic Student Development Metatheodel. The book is edited and authored by Drs. Mark Frederick (Indiana State University), Pietro Sasso (Monmouth University), and Jose Maldonado (Monmouth University) and will be published by Peter Lang Publishing. To complement the theory-based text, the project is also looking to publish a series of scholarly articles in research journals related to its large, national dataset and the survey instrument. The project is seeking a volunteer interested and eager to publish.

The UNiLOA survey was originally devised in 2008 by Drs. Will Barratt and Mark Frederick in an attempt to measure self-regulation of growth, learning, and development across the domains of Critical Thinking, Self-Awareness, Communication, Diversity, Citizenship, Membership & Leadership, and Relationships. The UNiLOA is a 70 item instrument with high external and internal validity. To date, the data has been diaggregated across higher education as well as national fraternity organizations and student-athletes. To date, the UniLOA has been administered to over ½ million college students across the nation.

In response to a dearth of assessment and measurement instruments focusing on college student developmental outcomes such as the NSSE, Drs. Mark Frederick and Will Barratt at Indiana State University developed the University Learning Outcomes Assessment (UniLOA) to serve as a complementary measure. From data collected from across the nation from employers, career counselors, educators, and others, relevant themes were identified, and following strict, empirically sound protocols, the UniLOA was developed.

To help distill this large, national dataset, the project is seeking a strong statistician regarding linear regression and MANOVA statistical methods. We are looking for a doctoral student preferably or a post-doctoral student who would be willing to commit some time in co-authoring a pair of at least two articles. The first would be furthervalidation the UNiLOA instrument and the second would be identifying trends and causal relationships among its dataset.

Please contact Drs. Pietro Sasso and Mark Frederick at or if you are interested in serving as a co-contributor.


Pietro Sasso, Ph.D.
Mark Frederick, Ph.D.