Montwood High School

SIT Minutes—Meeting of 12.03.15

Call to Order: 4:15 p.m.

Adjourned: 4:55 p.m.

1.  After the meeting was brought to order, voting took place for Employee, Teacher, and Student of the Month. The results were announced at the end of the meeting: Employee, Rose De La Rosa; Teacher, Gaby Shimshock; and Student, Miguel “Miko” Soto.

2.  Ms. Bouche gave the EPAC reports for the October and November meetings. The focus of the October meeting was “What drives the budget?” The answer lies in how each campus meets the initiatives in the district’s strategic direction (safety, highly qualified faculty and staff, college and career readiness, etc.). The November EPAC meeting focused on testing and the below-performance-level showing from LEP, SPED, and the other at-risk subgroups. Teachers need additional support to implement interventions and root causes of poor student performance.

3.  Ms. Bueno gave the Synergi4 report. The recent fundraiser went very well. The group is currently spearheading a coat drive. If teachers have coats to bring, let Ms. Buenos know, and she can arrange for pick-up on Monday. Today, 12.04.15, the Synergi students will be going to the desalination plant. A college trip is in the planning stages for next term.

4.  Ms. Rios gave the AVID update. The initial self-study was submitted and approved. Personnel from the district will be visiting MHS looking at data and documentation next week: Are the students in AVID really AVID qualified? More and more AVID students are becoming increasingly more involved in campus organizations/activities. MHS will be hosting the district AVID coordinators meeting next month.

5.  Ms. Vallejo presented the safety and building report. Key points: Lock doors when you leave the room for a drill; if entering the building after-school hours, phone 7-4357 to report it; when the district is in closure, the campus is to be closed; we need to exit the building during drills much more quickly than we have been.

6.  Ms. Sanchez gave the counselor update. Advisory Council Committee Meeting. Ms. Sanchez talked about the goals; FAFSA data for the past few years (the goal increased by 3.5% for 2016); the counseling department is aligning itself with the American School Counselors Association to be recognized as an ASCA Model Program; the counselors are working with teachers and performing transcript audits to ensure proper academic advising for all our students; and information was presented for the formation of a new support group, the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance). Ms. Sanchez also distributed the School Counseling Program Annual Calendar for MHS for the year that addresses the key points in Ms. Sanchez’ report.

7.  Ms. Vallejo spoke about technology. We are ready to go into the third stage of the technology three-year plan that the district approved two years ago. That means that more computers will be purchased next term. Dr. Macon spoke briefly about the Wi-Fi connection problems. The issues are intermittent with signals coming and going. He has notified the district, and tech is working to resolve the problems.

8.  Ms. Howard spoke about attendance. She has met with students and their parents and encourages everyone to do the same to promote the importance of student attendance. “We really need to make personal connections,” Ms. Howard said, “to ensure that everyone understands that we care and need them to be here.”

9.  Ms. Vallejo announced that the SAT will be given on Saturday, 12/05/15, on the third floor of the A Building. Administration will put forward an email on Friday (today) with more information.