September 30th, 2016

Dear Parents,

The two Meet the Teacher sessions proved, once again, to be a huge success. Thank you to everyone who came along as it is so important to put names to faces. Questions asked at this early stage of the year often enable parents to more fully understand the work that goes on in the classrooms. We fully understand how this can sometimes seem a mystery!

This is particularly so if you ask your child “What did you do today?” The answer: Play, run around, be with my friends……anything but a whole range of stimulating lessons and activities. We promise you, that is what happens! In this week’s ChitChat, I told of a marvellous system of informing both parents and children that occurs in the Toptsis household each day. Leo, in Year Two, has to tell his father two things that happened during the day and

Mr. Toptsis has to decide which one is a true tale. What a lovely idea!

We do our best to send as much information home as possible to keep you informed. Sadly, some do not read either the ChitChat or the Newsletter. Sadder to when parents question teachers about not knowing what is happening ……and the news they need has been sent home in the form of an e-mail. If, at any time, you do not receive the ChitChat on Thursdays or the Newsletter on Friday, please let me know immediately.

It is extremely important for you to take notice of what your children tell you about their day – especially, if they report something that is worrying. However, if this is the case, could I ask you to consider whether this actually happened? If something did occur that was harmful, the chances are that we would have told you. Sometimes, however, news can become distorted in the telling so, if you do have a query, just let us know. The likelihood is that there will be a different version from school. The most important thing is for us to work in partnership – so come and talk if there is something on your mind.

Parent Mail App

We are, genuinely, so excited about the new App we are developing with Parent Mail! This, we are sure, will revolutionise the way we communicate with you – all for the better. In order for the App to work successfully across the school, the company needs to take contact details from our data bank – solely for the use of sending messages. This information will not be shared with other companies or individuals.

If you are concerned at all about this, please look at these two links: If you have any questions at all, please ask.

Whole School Photograph Disaster

We were all set for walking to Paddington Rec for our whole school photograph yesterday, Nursery and Reception were already in the park waiting for us, our previous Year Six children had returned to be included in the photograph when we received a telephone call from the photographic company saying they could not erect the stage because of the rain!! I cannot tell you how disappointed we were but, for yesterday, it was not meant to be. The photograph will take place at some point, so please bear with us. If you hear of a day where the weather will be fine and sunny, please let me know!

Uniform News

If you are thinking of buying some items of uniform, we do still have some stock at existing prices. After half term, we will be going totally on line for all uniform orders. These will be sent directly to your home and we will not be holding any stock in school.

Correct School Uniform – May I remind you that wearing green cardigans, grey pinafores and black trainers with large amounts of white are not allowed? Summer dresses may be worn until half term. Only one pair of small stud earrings may be worn by girls.

PTA News

The Committee have met to consider the timing of a number of events this year. It is important for us to ensure the maximum number of parents attend each event so we can plan for refreshments as well as anticipate the amount of fund raising we will be able to do.

Race Night 2016 For those of you who attended last year’s event, you will know what good fun this night is. However, some feel they don’t know enough about racing so feel it’s not for them. However, the whole point is that you don’t need to know anything about racing but do have to have a great sense of fun! We are planning for

Mr. O’Mongain to run an Introduction to Race Night stall at The International Evening on Friday 14th October. This will give everyone a chance to see what it is all about and, most importantly, join in!

STEAMco Day: Up until this year, we had the driving force of Nick Coston to organise STEAMco Day which is one of the best days of the year. We do have more than enough people to help set this day up but, sadly, we will not be able to arrange this for the planned day of Friday 7th October. This event will happen…..

If you are interested in helping with STEAMco Day, please come to a meeting on Wednesday 12th October at 9:00 a.m. in the school hall. We need and value everyone who can contribute their time and effort!

International Evening: Tickets for this great event are now on sale from the School Office. Please stop by to get yours as soon as possible.

Music News

Miss Hodgson proposed ten of our children to audition for the Tri-Borough Gifted and Talented choir called “young Singers”. The choir performs regularly at The Royal Albert Hall, South Bank Centre and Royal College of Music. I am delight to announce that all ten children were accepted and are now busy rehearsing for their concert – in just two weeks!

Many congratulations to Betsy Ember, Maria Lopez, Salem Tzeggai, Kia Gesesse, Isabella Silver, Naushka Kanevsky, Ruby Ager, Amalia Beeko and Evelyn Allan. We are so very proud of you. Thank you for representing our school so marvellously and to Miss Hodgson for promoting music so amazingly!

The MacMillan Coffee Morning raised an amazing £214.09 to help support nurses who are helping cancer sufferers. Thank you to everyone who provided cakes and other goodies and to others for turning up on the day. Especial thank you’s to Miss Simmons, Mrs. Ireland, Miss Stringfellow, Ms. Adjei, Miss Walsh and Mrs. Moore for helping sell the cakes – we couldn’t have done it without you!

Nits Again!

This is the most boring thing I have ever had to write. We have nits again! These very clever creatures are designed to be every parents’ nightmare. They are wonderful at invading all sorts of hair and show no mercy in multiplying again and again and again. There are many treatments and devices that can be used to get rid of nits but the only real way to do this is to check your child’s hair, check again, check again and repeat!

Sadly, as with all things, there are some parents who do not bother and, to be frank and honest, these are the ones whose children re-invest the school at every turn. Please take the time this weekend to check your children’s hair as well as your own. Thank you.

All Change For School Uniform

From after half term, we will no longer be selling at the school. All uniform will need to be ordered from our official providers Stitch Design. I will be sending a letter home with full instructions about this shortly.

However, up until October 20th, we will be selling our existing stock at the current price. So, if you think you may need some new items of uniform shortly, I would advise you to take advantage of the fact that there is a continued price freeze until this date. After this time, there will be a small price rise to take into account postage and other administrative charges from Stitch Design.

Messages from the School Office

Every family received a questionnaire about countries of origin and languages spoken at home. There is nothing sinister about this. This information helps us to complete a very important census and the results of this inform the amount of funding we receive. If you haven’t already done so, please send this back as soon as possible!

Next Week’s Thought of the Week and Mass on Monday: The theme of the week is Faith and Mass on Monday will be led by Year Three. The Bible story is taken from Luke 17:5-6 and concerns having Faith.

Buster’s Weekend Friend: Helpfulness: Buster is going home with Lekha Aroukatos today. Lekha was awarded Buser because she is always looking for ways to help others. She often offers to give up her playtime to be helpful. On top of this, she is unfailingly kind, considerate and polite. Well done indeed!

Teacher Angel: This week’s Teacher Angel is Mr. Higgins. The children wanted to celebrate the fact that Mr. Higgins was a pivotal part of the creation of the new ICT suite over the summer. He ensured the room was newly decorated as well as liaising with outside contractors to make sure everything was ready for the new year. We are not sure who is most proud of this new room – him or the children!

Stars of the Week

Nursery: Sully Pool for making a fantastic start to Nursery. He has been so enthusiastic, helpful and a Super Star! We were really impressed with the Super Vegetables he made at home! Reception: Adele Mayson for being exceptionally helpful to everyone and showing great enthusiasm for her learning. Well done! Year One: Alfie Garner for working incredibly hard and writing some very tricky words independently in phonics. Well done! Year Two: Edward Allen for writing such an engaging story opening. It was full of fantastic descriptions, Year Three: Sophia Kassar for her hard work in Maths this week. Her work on Time was impressive, Year Four: Harry Hicks for working extremely hard all week and by always being a wonderful and enthusiastic example for school life, Year Five: Josefine Ferland for always being helpful and considerate. She has also worked extremely hard in Maths this week! Year Six: Lilah Capon for working consistently and making a great contribution to class life!

Dates for Your Diary


5th Second hand uniform sale in the hall from 8:30 a.m. (thank you Ms Wellmann for organising)

14th PTA International Evening. Tickets on sale NOW!

With all best wishes,

Ms. Woodford