Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Short Course GCSE
OCR Examining Board
Why are there t wo different ICT courses?
At Trinity every student takes GCSE ICT (Short Course). You can choose to expand this to the full GCSE in ICT. Full GCSE ICT is one of the most popular options in Year 10.
The short course is equivalent to half a GCSE. Taking the short course means that you can get a qualification in ICT (look at the GCSE ICT page of this handbook to find out why this is important).
Method of Assessment
The ICT Short Course GCSE is designed to meet National Curriculum requirements and is assessed by two pieces of coursework and one examination paper sat at the end of year 11. The coursework is worth 60% and the exam 40% of the GCSE. The first piece of coursework involves using a word processor to create a booklet about a topic of your choice. For the second piece of work you will create and use a database.
The short course is studied in one single lesson every week for two years, the full course GCSE ICT is studied in one double lesson every week for two years.
For details about what you will study and future education/employment opportunities please see the Full Course GCSE ICT entry.
It is not necessary to have computer facilities at home.
Contact: Mr N Barnes