The true Hellenes and the original Europe

According to the genealogy of Deucalion and Pyrrha, (Hellene’s parents), and according to etymology, the true Hellenes, nicknamed so by their Danaan conquerors, were the fire-redhead Ionians. (Pyrrha comes from the Proto-European deity of fire Fyr-Fürr and Hella is the Nordic equivalent). These were the founders and first rulers of Iolkos, the Selloi of Dodona, the Thebans (the Phoenicians of Boeotia according to Herodotus) and the founders and first rulers of Athens; later the Pyrrhies, the majority of slaves in Pericles’ democratic Athens. The Danaans-Danes were Nordic conquerors, (descendants of the survivors of the blond ruling caste of Atlantis, like the Aryans, the Vikings and the Varangian Russ), who raided all mainland Greece and the Aegean coastlands, as far as Asia Minor and Thrace, (Europa’s sister), foraging for slaves and booty. (Critias in Plato’s ‘Timaeus’ gives the story as he remembers what he heard as a 10year old from his grandfather). The Macedonians were also conquerors that descended later from Central Europe and subdued all Greek city-states. The modern Greeks adopted Alexander as their ancestor, to inherit his conquering glory, like they did later with their Roman conquerors, by calling themselves ‘Romioe’ (Romans)! It is their thirst for military glory that writes the Greek national history.

In the array of the armies at Plateae, the Spartan soldiers wearing armor and carrying swords and shields were only 5000 and their unarmored Helot archers, the slaves light brigade, were 35000. Similarly, at the time of Pericles, Athens had more than 350000 slaves. Demetrius Phalereus refers to a census of Attica (greater Athens) in the 5th century: 21000 citizens, 10000 immigrants and 400000 slaves. Most of these slaves had fire-red hair and were called Pyrrhies, many of them Thracians. The Thebans (or Boeotians) were the only free Hellenes. Alexander destroyed Thebes and sold the remaining 30000 Thebans into slavery. We can also surmise that, apart from the armored Danaans of the Trojan expedition, who are estimated according to the Iliad at over 100000, there were many more of these slaves’ light brigade. So, you can imagine the devastation caused to the peaceful Ionians during the ten-year war, up to the River Xanthus in Lycia in Southwestern Asia Minor, in order to provide for the logistics and booty of this huge army; (and for the Trojans).

Greek philosophers, like Plato and Aristotle, that laid the basis of Western culture, were strong advocates of slavery, supporting that all people of lower intellect were natural slaves and those conquered by the nobler races, by the conqueror Nordic races, were slaves by justice. Aristotle claimed that one could tell a natural slave from his/her looks. Even in developing his ‘Republic’, Plato ends with the remark ‘We shall need more slaves’.

Only the Persians, worshipers of Zeus, resisted this slavery culture and campaigned to abolish it; even free the Pyrrhies slaves. This was the reason for their clash with the Greeks. (King Cyrus was a descendant of the Great Ionians (Da Yuan) survivors of the Trojan War).

The following is an extract from page 2 of ‘A Synoptic History of Mankind’:

Around 2750 BCE, the Ionian (Japhetite) Adamite survivors moved West and South, (the so-called ‘abduction of Europa’ by Zeus). This is when Athens, Greek Thebes, Iolkos, Dodona, Mycenae, Tarsus, Kitium, Cnossos, Tyre, Luxor and Carthage were established. (The Curetes/Cretes were the priests of Rhea-Cybele from Phrygia). The original home of the Phoenicians, from where Zeus ‘abducted Europa’ and from where her brothers, princes Cadmus, Cilix and Phoenix moved out, was the coastland of Lycia/Phoenike in SW Asia Minor, opposite the Greek island of Castellorizo (Megiste). The Tyre Phoenicians, not their mainland trade terminal of mainly darker desert peoples, were a branch of the Ionian Adamites. Herodotus refers to the Ionians of Cadmus in and around Thebes in Greece as ‘the Phoenicians of Boeotia’. Another line of the Ionians, (Europa’s sister Thrace), settled further North, from the Aegean coastlands and the Sea of Marmara to the River Danube.

In the meantime, the Proto-Europeans were spreading out from their original home around the Rhine and the Danube, venturing in all directions. These include the Scythians and the Celts, (Keltae-horseshoe smiths), nicknamed so by their Nordic conquerors.

In the 18th century BCE, the Nordic Danes, (the Germanic warriors), superior in military and administrative skills, moved first to dominate these Central Europeans and, about a century or so later, with new advanced weaponry, including the stronger and longer sword, the compound laminated bow, (of Scythian ingenuity), the mail shirt and the chariot drawn by shoed horses, ké-li-tes, (a Celtic ingenuity for better traction), they moved further south to conquer and subdue all the Adamites. The Danaans descended into the lower Balkans and by the 16th century conquered and subdued the Ionians on the West side of the Aegean. [They are the ones who first called the Ionians just west of Iolkos ‘Hellenes’ (Fire-born) because of their fire-red hair]. Further east, the Hittites destroyed the Adamites in Anatolia and the Hyksos, the vanguard of the Hittites, reached as far south as Egypt, where they reduced the Israelites to slaves and diluted them racially a few hundredfold with darker races, wrongly considered today as typical Semites, descendants of Adam through Seth. The Aryans, (with some Proto-Europeans in their caboose), ransacked Parthia, Central Asia and the Indus valley and proceeded to dominate the area from Iran to India; hence the Indo-European mix. [All these Nordic conquerors used the same advanced weaponry, adopted hence in all the lands they conquered. (From the Aryans stem the Daans and the cattle-breeding Germanians, two Persian tribes mentioned by Herodotus in his ‘Histories’ book I).]

The original European lands were the cities and settlements of the first Ionian immigrants to the Aegean islands, Crete and the west coastlands of the Aegean. The northern Aegean coasts and the Sea of Marmara up to the Danube were settled by another branch of the Ionians, the Thracians. As we mentioned, Thrace was Europa’s sister.

The Curetes (Cretes) were the sacrifice priests of Rhea-Cybele, [Cybele=Κουβέλα (yew), the mother of Zeus (the Lamb)]. The word ‘Curetes’ means ‘slayers’ [from the verb ‘κύρω’ - ‘to slaughter’, (hence κούρα); ‘υ’ = ‘short ου’: κύπελλο-κούπα, τύμβος-τούμπα and Κύκκου-Cuckoo; ‘κείρω’ means ‘to cut’ (hence κόρα - slice).] Olympus, the mountain from which Rhea left for Crete to give birth to Zeus, was the Lycian Olympus. Mt Olympus in Thessaly was named so by the Ionian immigrants that founded Iolkos.

The Danaans took the story of the Great Flood from the Adamite Ionians of Iolkos, as it passed from mouth to ear. The Titan of Fire Iapetos (*) was considered as the patriarch of the fire-born Hellenes; (hence Japheth, the firstborn of Noah, patriarch of the Ionians). The second generation of Fire Titans were the sons of Iapetos, Prometheus and Epimetheus, two aspects of the same Titan; fore-utterer and afterthought. Pandora with her chest of gifts is the technology of Fire with all her presents, which eventually fly away and leave us with a destroyed ecosystem and hope; a vain hope, as this is just the bottom of the empty chest, the worst human torture of not-havingness. The third generation was Deucalion and Pyrrha. The corresponding Nordic or Hyperborean deity is Hella. For this reason, the redhead offspring of Pyrrha were called both ‘Pyrrhies’ and ‘Hellenes’. The word ‘Pyrrhias’ is also rendered by the Adamite-Ionian word ‘Phoenix’, and by the Chaldean word ‘Adam’. (‘Adam’ is not the name of a man. The first Adamite named in Genesis is Seth). Hence, the Phoenicians and the Pyrrhies/Hellenes were originally the fire-redhead Adamites, the divine race; (like Achilles’ divine mother from whom he inherited his fire-red hair). The Danaans conquered the Ionian cities, killed their kings and took to wives their beautiful queens and princesses. (Thus, the Nordic blond Danaans, the dissident rogue Jedi, became the Sith Lords after they enslaved or exterminated the true Seth, the red race). The city just west of Iolkos, where the Danaans first met the Ionians and called its chieftain ‘Hellene’, is mentioned in the Iliad as ‘Hellas’, ‘the city of beautiful women’, one of the six city states that contributed to Achilles’ army.

The Nordic Danes also infiltrated Ilion (Troy) and prepared the Danaan expansion East, to exterminated or enslave the Ionians in Asia Minor, all the way to the Lycian coast. It is these Nordic Trojans (the Aeneids) that betrayed Troy to the Danaans. There was no ‘wooden Trojan Horse’. Some Ionian refugees sailed west to North Africa (where they had already established cities like Carthage and Cyrene) and to Sicily, Southern Italy and Spain. Some sailed beyond the Mediterranean, (to Ireland, the Hebrides, Scotland, Norway and America). Some escaped east by land and joined their brother Adamites in the river valleys of Central Asia, (Uzbek Fergana to Bukhara). These were joined in the 6th century BCE by persecuted Pythagoreans and were known as ‘Da Yuan’, (‘Great Ionians’), out of whom originated the Zoroastrian culture of the worshipers of Zeus, like the Medes of Astyages and the Persians of his grandson Cyrus, who abolished slavery from their dominions. (The abolition of slavery from the areas in which the Spartan and Athenian Empires foraged for slaves and booty was the main reason for their clash with the Persians). These ‘Great Ionians’ were later targeted by Alexander. With the establishment of the Hellenic Commonwealth at the beginning of the 8th century BCE, the Danaans adopted the name ‘Hellenes’ for the ruling caste and reserved ‘Pyrrhies’ for the slaves. (Democratic Athens had more than 350000 slaves). The Thebans and the inhabitants of their surroundings remained the only free Ionian-Hellenes; (the Phoenicians of Boeotia according to Herodotus).

As Alexander completed the extermination of the Ionian-Adamites in Eastern Mediterranean, from Greek Thebes, Miletus, Halikarnassos, Lycia and Tyre, up to Parthia, Central Asian and the Indus valleys, the Romans did the same in Western Mediterranean and most of Western Europe. [Redhead Adamites, (Ionians/Phoenicians), are today scattered all over the World as small minorities, mainly in Northwestern Europe, America and Australia].

(*) ΙΑΠΕΤΟΣ (Titan of Fire) = 10+1+80+5+300+70+200 = 666

ΧΕΛΛΑ (Hella, Nordic deity of Chthonic Fire) = 600+5+30+30+1 = 666

ΣτΑΥΡΟΣ (crucifix) = 6(Στ)+1+400+100+70+200 = 777

ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (Jesus) = 10+8+200+70+400+200 = 888

(Iapetos-666 is not the Antichrist. He is the Authority behind today’s Fire-technology)

It is for this reason that the greatest festival of Orthodox Christianity is Easter, dedicated to the Deity of Fire and called Lampra - Great Fire, celebrated with fireworks and the lighting of bonfires. The Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem is the only Christian official that ‘brings down fire from heaven’, ‘holy flame’, on the Easter Sabbath. [Patriarch Benedictos-666, (1957-1980), was the man-666 representative of Iapetos-666, mentioned in Revelations 13].

Christianity and all other ritualistic or mystic religions, Judaism, Islam and Druidism, were established by Thoth-Hermes, the Egyptian wizard, who has undertaken management of the prophecies. The high-ranking clergy of the Orthodox Church carry Hermes’ hieratic staff topped by two dragons, as did once the Druid wizards. Hermes has kept Jesus in limbo, (in AiA), under his control until recently, through the perpetual crucifixion of his image on the tree of the Dragon (the Cross). Ǣëtes, the wizard king of AiA, son of the Sun-god (Ra), is Thoth-Hermes; (the Merovingian in the Matrix movie and Darth Sidious in Star Wars).

The Greek heritage

The first Hellenes, the Ionians, were not a warrior race. They established cities, in which they were the leading race not as conquerors but as civilizers. The Nordic Danaans were a warrior race and, like all predators, they excelled in warrior skills as well as pack organization. The Ionian leaders were teachers-poemanders and excelled in spirituality and philosophy. It is these Ionians that bequeathed humanity with the Greek Philosophy. Even after being conquered by the Danaans, they were responsible for the development of everyday culture on both sides of the Aegean. Even as slaves, they were the pedagogues of their masters and of society as a whole. Thus, they preserved the Ionian language and the worship of Zeus with the Olympian Dodecatheon. It is because of the common written Ionian language that the Greeks adopted the ethnonym ‘Hellenes’; (like all the invaders/settlers of Britain, including the Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans, adopted the ethnonym ‘English’).

After conquering all the lands around the Aegean, the Danaans formed a Hellenic Federation at the beginning of the 8th century, in order to secure their sovereignty in the area. And, in order to keep their warrior engines warm and running, they established the Olympic Games. Thus, starts the Hellenic period, which ends with the Classical period. The descent of the Macedonians put an end to the Hellenic classical era and established the Hellenistic era.

The Classical Greeks bequeathed the World with three great plagues from which society is still suffering, though they are considered as great blessings of the civilized World:

  1. Paid Sport, especially team sports. Arenas or playgrounds have always been places for letting off suppressed aggression. It is not the hooligans that mar sports. It is these sports that generate hooliganism. Even in the Roman and Byzantine arenas there were violent clashes, with thousands of dead sometimes. And, with the establishment of spectacle as a new religion, these highly paid showbiz gladiators have replaced the gods. These gladiators love only themselves. They offer nothing to anybody, except a spectacle of their competitive skills to attract glory and lots of money.
  2. The theatre, which from classical times to Hollywood has been a nursery for the prostitution of morals. Artistic license introduces moral corruption as modernization, which subsequently spreads to the rest of society. Most actors (not all) are corruptors of morals and, together with the above showbiz gladiators, are used as role models and are highly paid and worshiped like false gods.
  3. Multiparty contestation Democracy, which is not true Democracy but enforcement of the will of the wealthy through controlled puppets, from the time of Pericles to Bush and Obama. No centralized system of Government can be considered as true Democracy. In true Democracy, there must be complete decentralization of authority, both economic and administrative. The American Constitution does not foresee multiparty Democracy. It starts with Community rule leading through a pyramid of associations or federations to the Union. [The closest we had to this kind of true Democracy were Gadhaffi’s Jamaheria, the Lycian Federation, (on which the American Constitution is based), and the Persian Empire, with fully autonomous peripheral kingdoms; the only empire in antiquity that did not subscribe to the slavery culture.] Contestation Democracy leaves everyone alone to fight it out against everybody else, resulting in the dominance of the most ruthless predators. (The losers protest against all forms of authority and the meek endure quietly). It is like a body suffering from the ultimate form of cancer, in which every cell tries to form a defend its own domain, frantically trying to secure its own needs, comforts and luxuries, with little or no concern for the rest of the body. Such a society is doomed.