
JOB TITLE : / Medical Careers Advisers
BAND : / Consultant level/ GP Educator Scale 01
POSITION REPORTS TO : / Line Manager : Employing Trust
Functional Manager : Associate Dean for Careers


Job Purpose Summary

  1. To provide foundation level doctors with careers advice, guidance and support.
  2. To provide specialty trainees who wish to change specialty with careers advice, guidance and support.
  3. To be a resource for educational supervisors on careers issues.

Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities


  1. To deliver career management interventions for the Shropshire and Staffordshire Foundation School including sessions on careers in the protected teaching programmes for Foundation doctors.
  2. To ensure that all Foundation trainees have access to specialty taster sessions either as weekly sessions or organised on a number of separate days, predominantly in F1 but also in F2 for individual doctors as appropriate.
  3. To run training workshops for foundation doctors on careers management including delivering a programme of Windmills workshops so that all F1 trainees are able to attend. Specialist training will be organized in conjunction with the Associate Postgraduate Dean for careers.
  4. To contribute to the development and delivery of careers management workshops for specialty trainees.
  5. To assist foundation doctors with the interpretation of Sci59 (an online careers aptitude assessment tool) results.
  6. To hold one to one careers advice sessions with foundation doctors
  7. To refer foundation doctors who need more specialist advice or pastoral support to the relevant person within the Deanery and/or other organisations such as CPA.
  8. To promote and assist in the delivery of annual local careers fairs, the Keele Medical school careers fair and annual Deanery careers fair.
  9. To contribute to the development of careers services throughout the West Midlands, attending training sessions and careers meetings, as required.Foundation careers advisors meetings with the Associate Dean for careers are held on average 4 times per year.
  10. To contribute to research on careers and promotion of best practice in careers management.
  11. To provide one to one careers advice sessions for those specialty trainees who wish to move specialty.


  1. To work with the Associate Dean for Careers to ensure that educational supervisors are aware of how to deliver careers guidance.
  2. To deliver training workshops for educational supervisors on careers management, with subsequent annual updates.
  3. To attend quarterly careers steering group meetings held at the deanery
  4. To deputise for the Associate Postgraduate Dean at careers events

Key Relationships / Scope of Work

You will work closely with, the Foundation Associate Dean, Deanery careers team, the Associate Dean for Careers, Postgraduate School careers contacts and Keele medical school.

Equality & Diversity Aims

As a member of staff, you have a personal responsibility to ensure you do not discriminate, harass or bully or contribute to the discrimination, harassment or bullying of any colleague(s) or visitors or condone discrimination, harassment or bullying by others. It is expected that the postholder has attended a face to face equality and diversity course within the last 3 years.

General Information

This job description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of duties, but it aims to highlight the typical main responsibilities of the post. It may be reviewed from time to time in agreement with the post holder.

Annual appraisal will be undertaken by the Associate Dean for careers in conjunction with the Foundation Dean.

The post attracts 1PA per week.


This job description will be subject to discussion and review on a regular basis within the appraisal process. It is an accurate reflection of the main requirements of the job as at the date shown below.

Post Holder’s name: ------

Post Holder’s signature: ------Date: ------

Manager / Director’s name: ------

Manager / Director’s signature: ------Date: ------


JOB TITLE : / Medical Careers Adviser
BAND : / 1PA per week
The qualities without which a post holder could not be appointed / DESIRABLE
Extra qualities which can be used to choose between candidates who meet all the essential criteria working at full competencies / METHOD OF ASSESSMENT
This is what is required to be able to undertake the role.
It may be proven by :
  • qualifications/theoretical knowledge
  • proven relevant experience of the role to enable knowledge to the appropriate level to be gained
  • a mixture of both
/ Must have an in-depth understanding of the medical training framework under Modernising Medical Careers. / Knowledge of theories around medical education / Application Form
Qualifications / Must be a qualified doctor who holds a CCT or is on the Specialist Register
Must be registered with the General Medical Council / Certificate, Diploma or Masters in Medical Education
Specialist careers qualification
Specialist counselling qualification / Certificates
Experience / Experience of training junior doctors / Experience of working as an educational supervisor or clinical tutor or other relevant post within the Workforce Deanery / Application Form
Skills / Ability to listen to and counsel trainees appropriately
Able to give independent and well considered advice / Application Form
Personal Qualities
(Demonstrable) / Empathetic and understanding
Committed to supporting junior doctors / Application Form
Other relevant
(Please Specify) / Able to attend mandatory training sessions / Application Form
Document Check