Dear Parents,

The third grade teachers have several goals this year for reading 1) Learning to choose books that are “good fit” books, and are just right for them to read, 2) following through and completely reading selected books3) responding to the literature in a meaningful way. Our focus for the first six weeks will be fiction books. Each student will select a chapter book from the library that he/she is interested in reading. The selected chapter book will be read for daily/nightly reading.

Every Friday each student will participate in a “Book Club”. Our “book club” will give the students an opportunity to discuss and share their reading for the week with each other. In addition to the discussion, your child will participate in a reading response that will be based on their reading for the week and will be completed in class. This will be one of their reading grades for the week. We are not suggesting a certain amount of time for your child to read each night, but rather encourage each family to set aside opportunities for reading several times throughout the week. This will ensure that your child is prepared for their weekly discussion and response, and that they are making progress in completing a book.

If a book is too difficult or the student is not interested in a book, they may choose another book. Students may read more than one chapter book during a six week period. At the end of every six week period, your child will select one of the chapter books that they have read and complete a “Book Project”. There are several choices for book projects.

We want the students to enjoy their reading time, and to think about what they have read. We are no longer just learning to read, but we are now reading to learn. Thank you for supporting and encouraging your child. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Quick Notes:

  • Students read a chosen chapter book throughout the week
  • Friday Book Club- discussion and response
  • Complete a chapter book by the end of the six week period
  • Choose a book project to complete over one chapter book by the due date.

Book Project Due Dates:

  • Project 1-September 28th, 2015
  • Project 2-November 9, 2015
  • Project 3-January 11, 2016
  • Project 4-February 22, 2016
  • Project 5-April 11, 2016
  • Project 6-May 23, 2016

Thank you,

The Third Grade Teachers