Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) Review of Adult Education Grant Application Rubric for IELCE
(online version: http://doe.virginia.gov/instruction/adulted/grants_funding/index.shtml)
DIRECTIONS: Use the following rubric to evaluate each application. Insert the score in the column that corresponds to your rating. The overall score will be incorporated into the total score on the IELCE Grant Application Review Criteria and Scoring Rubric for the Grant Review Panel for each eligible applicant. Submit (1) the completed Competitive Grant Application Cover Page, (2) this completed LWDB Scoring Rubric, and (3) the signed Confidentiality Agreement, and return to the Virginia Department of Education by fax at 804-530-4560 no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 5, 2017.
Criteria Description / InadequateScore = 0
(evidence of meeting criteria not provided) / Minimal
Score = 1
(limited evidence provided, needing additional clarification to meet criteria) / Adequate
Score = 3
(general, but sufficient evidence of meeting criteria) / Excellent
Score = 5
(concise and thoroughly developed evidence to meet criteria) / Brief
How well does the applicant describe its participation in carrying out activities related to the development and implementation of career pathways in the local area?
To what extent does the application align adult education and literacy activities with the education and training objectives and activities of the local workforce plan and the Workforce Development System, including concurrent enrollment in Title I and Title II programs under WIOA, as appropriate?
How well does the applicant describe its plan and strategies for effectively working with workforce partners identified by the local plan to share resources and contribute to regional education and training efforts, including career pathways programs.
In reviewing this application for the extent to which this application aligns with the local plan, what would be the overall rating for this application?
How well does the applicant document activities that integrate the IET program with the Workforce Development System?
Adult Ed LWDB
Eligible Provider: ______Region: ______Region: ______