THE TEACHING LOG - A framework for recording and reflecting on teaching

You can use Pebblepad, e-portfolio software, for recording and reviewing your teaching. Pebblepad is available to all students and staff via MyEd.

AYour teaching roles and responsibilities

What (new) teaching and related roles and responsibilities have you been involved in to date?

  1. Provide full and accurate details about what this work involved and the starting/ending dates
  2. Collect related paperwork (e.g. contracts, payment details, job descriptions)

Review your portfolio of roles and responsibilities

How have your roles and responsibilities developed over time?

Note your areas of relatively rich experience; and the areas which remain relatively inexperienced to date

Identify areas which you would like to prioritise for development

BFeedback on your teaching

How do you gather and use feedback to enhance your approaches to teaching?

  1. Assemble original items of feedback that were gathered (by you or by others) on one area of your teaching
  2. Describe the form this feedback came in and the method by which it was collected
  3. Summarise what the feedback says; note your interpretation of what it means to you; and summarise how you plan to take forward any actions resulting from it

Review your ways of gathering and using feedback

How confident are you that the feedback you collect on your teaching is sufficiently specific, clear and reliable to provide you with an adequate basis for enhancing your approaches?

Note your reflections about how responsive you are to feedback that you collect on your teaching

CCourses and resources that influence the development of your approaches to teaching

What courses have you participated in, and what other resources have you consulted that have played a part in developing your approaches to teaching?

  1. List the courses you have participated in
  • Include details of organisers, key contributors, location and dates
  • Include completion certificates, programmes and handouts, and perhaps the notes you made
  1. List other sources of influence on your approaches to teaching (e.g. significant people or support networks; materials, journals or websites; significant personal events or circumstances)
  • Include full reference details (for literary materials), and contact details about people and support networks
  1. Note your reasons for including each entry

Review your methods for developing your approaches to teaching

How relatively important to you are the different sources that you describe in terms of providing you with new ideas, confidence and skills that enable you to enhance your approaches to teaching?

Note your ideas about the type of activity you intend to pursue further, and your specific plans for taking this forward

DReflections on your approaches to teaching

What are the challenges of engaging your students in your different contexts and how do you meet these?

  1. Brainstorm some of the challenges that present themselves in your specific settings, in the material you teach, or by your particular students or student groupings
  2. Select one particular challenge and describe the strategies you employ for handling this particular challenge

Review the ways in which you handle the challenges that present themselves in your particular contexts

Note the relative confidence with which you handle your particular challenges

Highlight particular areas of your practice that you would like to prioritise for further development

EIllustrative examples of your teaching practice

What do you consider to be good examples of your practice?

  1. Pick and present a selection of your approaches and your own teaching materials that you think work well in terms of your goals in their particular settings
  2. Include your reasons for why you have selected each example
  3. Collect a sample of your students’ and colleagues’ responses to your practice (e.g. references; exemplary (typical or notable) feedback comments; reports on your teaching; awards and nominations)

Review your selected examples

Identify the areas of practice from which you were able to put forward examples and materials with confidence vs the areas from which you hesitated to put forward your examples

Make notes on ways in which you could further strengthen your portfolio of experiences;and note your action points for taking this forward including how important and urgent it is for you to do so