Critical Thinking Fellows

call for applications

CTE/CFL, Student Affairs, University Studies, Undergraduate Studies, and Academic Affairs are jointly sponsoring the Year of Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking in 2015-2016. Critical Thinking is one of UNCW’s eight Learning Goals and a core general education competency shared across the UNC system. In University Studies, UNCW’s general education program, Critical Thinking is woven throughouta number of components. As the most comprehensive and complex of our Learning Goals, Critical Thinking presents ongoing teaching and learning challenges. The assessment of this Learning Goal indicates that students would benefit from more concentrated attention to higher-order Critical Thinking abilities, including being able to analyze contexts and assumptions, as well as to acknowledge the limits and implications of their own positions. The Year of Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking will help facilitate the University Studies Advisory Committee’s 2015-2016self-study and address the Faculty Senate’s and SACSCOC’s expectation that the Committee act on general education assessment findings.

The Year’s objectives are

  • to initiate campus- and community-wide conversations about critical thinking;
  • to formulate shared definitions that speak to specific disciplines, programs, and abilities;
  • toencourage faculty, departments, and programs to develop, review, adopt, and implement best practices in teaching critical thinking.

This campus- and community-wide effort will involve guest speakers, public forums, staff and faculty workshops, and student activities.

We invite applications for two Critical Thinking Fellows to help coordinate the many facets of this effort. Responsibilities will include:

  • providing logistical support for programming
  • overseeing program communications
  • liaising with community and campus constituencies
  • facilitating discussions and focus groups


Full-time faculty and advanced graduate students (who have fewer than 20 hours of GA support) are encouraged to submit an application to become a Fellow. Faculty will be able to opt for supplemental pay and/or a course buy-out for both semesters of AY 2015-16.


Please provide the following materials:

  • a brief description (no more than two pages) of experience/interest in critical thinking pedagogy, promoting student learning, and coordinating large-scale programming;
  • a cv; and
  • theprescribed cover sheet with chair’s/director’s signature (see below).


Applications are due Friday, 24 July 2015. Please send questions/submit materials to Cara Cilano (). Announcement of Fellows will occur shortly thereafter and work will begin by 17 August.

Critical Thinking Fellow Application

Name: ______

Department/Program and Role: ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Chair/Director Signature: ______

Please indicate preference, if selected (faculty only):

__ supplemental pay

__ course buy out

__ either