The December 15, 1936 issue of New Masses (Volume 21 Number 12) is quite remarkable. Partly because it’s the only issue of New Maases to its date that is 64 pages long. Most other weekly New Masses issues prior to this one (Jan 1934 – Dec 08 1936) are 32 pages long, tho there are very occasional 48 page long issues.

But mostly this issue is remarkable for the number of well known leftist artists whose work is on its pages.

Pretty much every left politically-oriented artist at this time (who could stomach publishing in a CP USA / Stalinist periodical in 1936, that is) who was anybody is represented in this issue:Art Young, Hugo Gellert, William Gropper, Hugo Gellert, Lydia Gibson, Henry Glintenkamp, Boardman Robinson, George Grosz, Adolph Dehn, Wanda Gag(to name stalwarts who were the most important contributors to The Masses and to The Liberator) and later greats (including several from the era of the early monthly New Masses), such asJacob Burck, Gardener Rea, Theodore Scheel, Maurice Becker, "A. Redfield" (Syd Hoff), William Sanderson, John Mackey,Don Rico, Joe Jones, Orozco,and other lesser known artists fill the pages of this issue with anything from tiny little 2 inch by 2 inch spots to full page art. There's also the interesting artistDavid Alfaro Siqueiros(who organized a nearly but not quite successful machine gun assault on Trotsky's life a few months before Stalin was successful in having Trotsky killed). All these and more have their works appearing in this issue.

The table of contents gives the following as the list of artists in this issue:

Lynd Ward (cover),

Aime, A. Ajay, Maurice Becker, Ben Benn, George Biddle, Arnold Blanch, Simeon Braguin, Jacob Burck, Adolf Dehn, Donga, Mabel Dwight,

Darryl Frederick, Wanda Gag, Hugo Gellert, Lydia Gibson, H. Glintenkamp, William Gropper, George Grosz, John Groth, Ned Hilton, Ellison Hoover, Eitaro Ishigaki, Scott Johnston, Joe Jones, Herb Kruckman,

Russell T. Limbach, Louis Lozowick, John Mackey, Elizabeth Olds,

Jose Clemente Orozco, George Picken, Walter Quirt, Gardner Rea,

A. Redfield, Anton Refregier, Dan Rico, Boardman Robinson,

William Sanderson, Theodore Scheel, Georges Schreiber,

David Alfaro Siqueiros, Aaron Sopher, Soriano, M. Sayer, Harry Sternberg, William Steig, A. Walkowitz, Art Young.