Tuggerawong Public School

Cadonia Road, Tuggerawong NSW 2259

Phone: (02) 4392 1542 Fax: (02) 4393 1650


Website: http://www.tuggerawon-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/



Updated November 2014

RATIONALE: This policy aims to:

·  promote students’ self-esteem

·  promote behaviour that will be conducive to students achieving excellent educational outcomes

·  establish a safe, harmonious and productive work environment

·  support students in developing self discipline and moral autonomy

·  promote parental involvement and support

When parents enrol their children at Tuggerawong Public School they enter into a partnership with the school staff. This partnership is based on shared responsibility in creating in children an understanding of appropriate behaviour.

We aim to encourage our students to develop responsibility for their own behaviour.



·  Provide effective teaching and learning programs that meet the needs, capabilities and aspirations of each child. These programs will be based on Board of Studies requirements.

·  Provide recognition and reward for positive achievements and behaviour through a system of class and playground merit awards. The teacher will maintain a small number of easily understood rules which are fair, clear and consistently applied. These rules will be regularly reinforced.

·  Promote a safe and happy school. Staff are required by law to notify the appropriate authorities in cases where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a student under 18 years is, or has been, subject to any form of abuse;

·  Report regularly to parents on student learning, behaviour and any issues of concern.

·  Implement Personal Development programs from BOS ‘Personal Development/Health/Physical Education’ syllabus with a focus on social skills, values and courteous behaviours.


·  Ensure students attend school, well prepared to participate in teaching and learning activities (with equipment, notes, money etc.)

·  Take responsibility for their child’s behaviour to and from school;

·  Share responsibility with staff for developing acceptable standards of student behaviour while at school;

·  Support the school curriculum through homework and reading (Homework Policy)


·  Participate with Enthusiasm;

·  Know their rights and responsibilities and endeavour to achieve them at all times;

·  Manage their own behaviour by following school and class rules and accepting consequences in a socially acceptable way.

In order to achieve the goals of Public Education and of the Tuggerawong School Community, it is necessary that the provision of a safe and disciplined learning environment be paramount.

Tuggerawong Public school believes that students have the right to learn in an environment that encourages each student to achieve their potential, in an environment that cares and provides for individual development.

Tuggerawong Public School has developed a School Discipline Code in line with Departmental guidelines and procedures to ensure that all children are provided with a safe and secure learning environment.


From time to time, parents may wish to complain about a school discipline issue. Any such complaints will be dealt with sensitively, confidentially and effectively. The majority of complaints that arise need never take the form of a formal complaint. The Principal and teachers are available to discuss and resolve these concerns in informal ways.

Where a solution has not been reached through informal means and the person wishes to make a formal complaint, the procedures outlined in the document “Complaints Handling Policy and Guidelines” will be implemented. This document is available from the school.


Any Discipline Code is balanced when Staff, Students and Parents are fully aware of all consequences – positive or negative.

At Tuggerawong Public School positive practices for the development of self-discipline, self-esteem and acceptable behaviour will include such things as:

·  Licence System for Years K -6

·  Weekly Behaviour and Work Attitude Card sent home (Licence Card)

·  Rewards such as praise, stickers, special privileges, helper status

·  Celebration of achievement and effort through weekly newsletter and local media

·  Assembly Awards – Displays of work, Merit Cards, Student of the Week, Class Awards/Trophy

·  Citizenship Awards

·  Buddy System

·  Consistent, fair approach by staff

·  Encouragement of high expectations

·  Displays of work in foyer, to other classes, home, community

·  Happy and Safe Tokens

·  Aussie of the Term Award

·  Recognition of Sporting Achievement

·  Student Representative Council

·  Parent contact

·  Presentations at awards day.

These programs provide added incentive for students to work to the best of their ability and also become a regular communication tool between home and school.


Students will be encouraged to implement the following strategies to resolve problems;

1  I look the person in the eye

2  I say their name

3  I say (calmly) but assertively ‘I don’t like it when you ………..’

4  I walk away

5  I tell a teacher if the problem continues



Classroom Procedures

At the beginning of the year, all classes will establish their classroom rules.

These will be used to monitor acceptable behaviour in the classroom. The ‘Six Circles’ flowchart will be used across the school to deal with negative behaviours.

·  Reminders (1 and 2)

·  Time out in class

·  Time out in Buddy Class (Three time outs in Buddy Class or three times recorded in class behaviour login a term will result in Planning Room time and a note sent to parents)

·  Referral to Executive (should be done after three Time outs in Buddy class or three records in Class behaviour log): Planning Room.

·  If still exhibiting inappropriate behaviours, Time out with the Principal. If Principal is unavailable, an executive staff member. Each exclusion from the class to the Principal will result in the student going to the Planning Room.

·  Discussion with Parents

·  Levels System

·  Short or Long Suspension

·  Exclusion

Students may also be referred to the School Counsellor via the learning Support team.


Playground behaviour for all students, K-6, will be monitored by way of the Playground Book where a record is kept of playground incidents. Teachers may refer students to the Executive for time in the Planning Room. Any student appearing in the Playground Book three (3) times within a term, will be withdrawn from the Playground and will attend the Planning Room, where lessons will be given to support the student to develop acceptable behaviours and self-management.

Any patterns of behaviour causing concern can be referred to executive for consideration of Level 1.

Any incidence of aggressive behaviour will result in immediate withdrawal from the playground to the Planning Room. If patterns of aggressive behaviour continue, the student will be placed on a Level.

Each student referred to the Planning Room is required to discuss behaviours and suitable solutions. The files of students who go to a Level, will be kept for the year

Should unacceptable behaviours continue, parents will be invited to negotiate and effective process to improve the situation.





The Department has set down clear guidelines for procedures to deal with unacceptable behaviour.

Suspension highlights for the student, and the parents, that the behaviour is unacceptable. It also highlights the parents’ responsibility for remediation of the behaviour. Parents will receive written notification [Suspension warning letter] if a student’s behaviour is causing concerns which may lead to suspension.

Consistent with procedures, any student who commits the following will be suspended:

·  Possession of a suspected illegal substance

·  Violence – continually causing injury or threatening serious violence against another student or teacher

·  Obscene/offensive language

·  Possession of a weapon, or any article capable of being used as a weapon

·  Persistent disobedience

·  Criminal behaviour


Teachers, who on occasions are subjected to levels of harassment which would not be tolerated in any other workplace, also have the right to a safe and harmonious work environment. They have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity, by students, parents and by other staff.


Tuggerawong Public School students are expected to adhere to the rules and procedures of the school to ensure that our school is a safe and enjoyable place for all members of our school community.

The Core Rules are:

Rule 1: Students should be polite.

This means students should not use insulting words or phrases, threaten, hit or otherwise hurt others. Care should be taken care of the belongings of others and the school.

Rule 2: Students should follow the teacher’s instructions regarding classroom or school rules.

In everyday school life this means:

Courtesy is Catching

·  respect the rights of others to work, play or relax;

·  treat others the way you want them to treat you.

Think safety In All Your Actions

·  throw a ball, not sticks or stones;

·  no tackle football or rough games;

·  leave shoes on in the playground;

·  take care in crossing the roads;

·  take care on bikes;

·  keep your hands to yourself.

Try To Wear Your Uniform Each Day

·  no thongs;

·  only wear the jewellery that is allowed - one small ring, watch, necklace and studs and sleepers in ears only;

·  school hats are compulsory. NO HAT- PLAY IN THE SHADE.

Keep The Playground Clean

·  sit to eat; no food on the Oval or Netball court;

·  all scraps and rubbish in the bins; pick up rubbish that you see;

·  bubble-gum, chewing gum are not permitted at school.

Keep Away From Out of Bounds Areas

·  bike area and car park, behind classrooms;

·  be in the classrooms only when teacher is present or has given permission;

·  don’t go to office unless directed by a teacher.


·  respond promptly to bell and prepare yourself for class;

·  take notice of the Captains and Prefects;

·  be responsible with equipment and return tidily;

·  report playground problems to the teacher on duty.


EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE SAFE / Keep our own personal space
Play safely (e.g. “tip” not “tackle”, no sticks or stones, no punching/physical offence).
If you feel unsafe use the five steps
If you cannot solve the problem, go to the teacher
Keep your temper under control at ALL times
Stay in bounds and follow our safety rules
Bikes to be ridden only outside the playground with helmets
If someone is hurt, help them
All medication to be taken in accordance with policy
Illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco and weapons are banned.
You should ask the teacher before you go to the office (unless urgent).
EVERYONE DESERVES RESPECT / Treat others as you wish to be treated
Use acceptable language, no swearing
Be careful of others and their feelings (no threats, bullying or teasing)
Tell the truth
Be polite, using “please”, “thank you”, wait your turn
Knock before entering rooms
Listen to and respect the opinion of others
Be a good sport
Treat others with kindness
Obey instructions from people in positions of authority such as staff, casual staff, scripture teachers, parents and visitors
Take time to include others and make them feel welcome
Be open to new friends - you do not own people.
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LEARN / Know and follow your class beliefs
Respect and take care of school property
Be prepared - bring the equipment you need each day
Listen to the teachers, including visitors
Complete class and homework in time and to the best of your ability.
Ask questions when you do not understand
Let others learn
Walk quickly to class when the bell rings
If you arrive late for school you need to bring a note or your parent should speak with the Principal
If you need to leave early you need a note or a parent must sign you out at the front office.
EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE PRIDE IN THEIR SCHOOL / Return all equipment to where it belongs
Leave rooms how you found them
Take care of your own belongings
Place garbage in the bins. Eat on the seats
Wear full uniform with pride at all times
If you are out of uniform a note from your parent is required to get a uniform pass - this is valid for one day.
Behave sensibly at school, while travelling to and from school and on excursions.

* This code provides the basis for our licence system and will be utilised regularly within the school.


All classes will use a Licence System for positive behaviours to encourage students to manage their own issues of discipline and behaviour. Licences will be earned each year.

• Licence cards must be presented to class teacher each and every week.

• Non presentation of cards means that the teacher will allow 2 weeks ‘grace’. Cards presented on the 2nd week will be checked off and ticked for missing week. Anything longer than 2 weeks and no credit will be given for students in Years 5 & 6. Students in Years 3 & 4 will receive reminders 1) contact with parents; 2) Formal note home. Following both of these strategies no credit will be given. Students in Kinder to Year 2 will receive reminders and parent contact should be ongoing. Teachers will keep records and give credit at all appropriate times.


• For students who know school and classroom rules based on the Rights and Responsibilities beliefs.


• Ten (10) weeks a pre-requisite to attend all school functions by Week 8, Term Two, this excludes Kindergarten and new enrolments.


• For students who show they have reached specified attainable goals for twenty (20) weeks through a self-monitoring card. During Term One of each year the pre-requisite to participate in extra curricula school events (e.g. Discos etc.) is a Bronze licence award from the previous year. This does not apply to Kindergarten and new students.


• For students who show they have reached specified attainable goals for thirty (30) weeks through a self-monitoring card.

• House Captains, Library Prefects and Canteen Committee need a Gold licence from the previous year to be eligible to be elected.