2013 TCAP, CoAlt, and 11th Grade Alternate
Edits, Errors and Warnings
The table below defines the edit errors and warnings for the Student Biographical Data cleanup process (SBD). In order to successfully submit corrected SBD data to ADE, none of the errors listed below can be present (warnings will not stop processing). The messages for each edit will show up in the Error Report status. If you receive an 'error report' it will identify the specific errors in your file. Make the appropriate changes and resubmit the file.
FATAL ERRORS: will STOP all file processing: General EditsEdit Check / Error Message / Apply to Which Tests?
1. / SASID check / The SASID must match first name, last name, birth date, AND gender in the RITS system. / ALL
2. / If Continuous in School = 1 AND Continuous in District = 0 / For grades 3-10, if pupil has been enrolled in the school since 3/12/12, then pupil has been enrolled in district since 3/12/12.
For grade 11, if pupil has been enrolled in the school since 4/24/12, then pupil has been enrolled in district since 4/24/12. / ALL
3. / For grades 3-10, if Colorado Continuously = 1 AND Date Most Recently Enrolled in US is after 3/08/10
For grade 11, if Colorado Continuously = 1 AND Date Most Recently Enrolled in US is after 4/28/10. / For grades 3-10, if pupil has been enrolled in Colorado since 3 years ago, then pupil has been enrolled in US since 3 years ago.
For grade 11, if pupil has been enrolled in the school since 3 years ago, then pupil has been enrolled in district since 3 years ago. / ALL
4. / If more than 20% of your records have Grade = 3 AND Continuous in Colorado = 1 / It is unlikely that more than 20% of your grade 3 records should be Continuous inColorado. This would indicate that more than 20% of third grade was retained. / ALL
5. / If IEP = 1 AND Disability = 00 / Pupils on an IEP must have a disability code other than “No Disability”. / ALL
9. / If October New to School = 1 AND Continuous in School = 1 / For grades 3-10, a pupil cannot be new to the school as of Oct 1 AND Continuous in School since 3/12/12.
For grade 11, a pupil cannot be new to the school as of Oct 1 AND Continuous in School since 4/24/12. / ALL
30. / If number of records in file submitted to the ADE system > number of records in original data file / All records in original file must be returned. No added, duplicated, or deleted records allowed. / ALL
31. / If Homeless = 1 AND Free/Reduced Lunch = 3 / Homeless pupils should be reported as eligible for free lunch. / ALL
36. / If >95% Continuous in School = 0 / More than 95% of your students have not been continuously enrolled in a school for 1 year or more. / ALL
37. / If >95% Continuous in District = 0 / More than 95% of your students have not been continuously enrolled in the district for 1 year or more. / ALL
38. / For grades KG-10 and 12, if Continuous in District = 1 AND Date Most Recently Enrolled in US is after 3/12/12
For grade 11, if Continuous in District = 1 AND Date Most Recently Enrolled in US is after 4/24/12 / For all grades except grade 11, if pupil has been enrolled in the district as of or before 3/12/12, then pupil has been enrolled in the US as of or before 3/12/12.
For grade 11, if pupil has been enrolled in the district as of or before 4/24/12then pupil has been enrolled in the US as of or before 4/24/12. / ALL
39. / For grades KG-10 and 12, if Continuous in District = 0 AND Oct. New to School = 0 AND Date Most Recently Enrolled in US is after 10/1/12
For grade 11, if Continuous in District = 0 AND Oct. New to School = 0 AND Date Most Recently Enrolled in US is after 10/1/12 / For all grades except grade 11, if pupil has been enrolled in the district after 3/12/12, and is not new to school after 10/1/12, then pupil must have been most recently enrolled in the US before 10/1/12.
For grade 11, if pupil has been enrolled in the district after 4/24/12 and is not new to school after 10/1/12 then pupil must have been most recently enrolled in the US before 10/1/12. / ALL
40. / If Migrant = 1 AND Free/Reduced Lunch > 1 (Free Eligible)
/ Migrant Pupils are eligible for free lunch and should be marked as such. / ALL
42. / If Title I = 1 AND school code does not match list of school wide or targeted assistance schools / Pupils reported as receiving Title I services must attend schools where Title I services are available. / ALL
43. / If Title I > 1 AND school is designated as Title I school wide AND grade spans match defined school wide grade spans
/ Pupils attending Title I school wide schools where grade spans match defined school wide grade spans must be coded as receiving Title I services. / ALL
59 / If Primary Disability >7, then Physical Disability, Orthopedic Impairment and Other Health Impairment should all be blank. / No additional disability categories (Physical, Orthopedic or Other Health Impairment) may be used if Primary disability does not equal 7. / ALL
60 / If Primary Disability = 7, only physical, orthopedic or other health impairment = Y / If Primary Disability =7, only ONE additional disability category (Physical, Orthopedic, or other Health Impairment) may be used. / ALL
Race/Ethnicity Errors
These will STOP all file processing
Edits / Warning Message / Apply to Which Tests?
44. / If Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino > 00 AND Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino > 04 / Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino must = 04 (Yes) or 00 (No). / ALL
45. / If Race: American Indian/Alaskan Native > 00 AND Race: American Indian/Alaskan Native > 01 / Race: American Indian must = 01 (Yes) or 00 (No). / ALL
46. / If Race: Asian > 00 AND Race: Asian > 02 / Race: Asian must = 02 (Yes) or 00 (No). / ALL
47. / Race: Black or African American > 00 AND Race: Black or African American > 03 / Race: Black must = 03 (Yes) or 00 (No). / ALL
48. / If Race: White > 00 AND Race: White > 05 / Race: White must = 05 (Yes) or 00 (No). / ALL
49. / If Race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander > 00 AND Race: Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander > 06 / Race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander must = 06 (Yes) or 00 (No). / ALL
50. / If Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category > 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, OR 07 / Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, or 07. / ALL
51. / If Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 04 AND Federal Race Reporting Category > 04 / Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 04 (Hispanic) if Ethnicity: Hispanic = 04 (Yes). / ALL
52. / If all five Race fields = 00 / Race: The five race fields cannot all = 00 (No). At least one race category must not equal 00 (No). / ALL
53. / If Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00, two or more of the five Race Categories > 00, AND the Federal Race Reporting Category > 07 / Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 07 (two or more races) if Ethnicity: Hispanic = 00 (No) and more than one of the five race fields are not equal to 00 (No). / ALL
54. / If Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00, Race: American Indian/ Alaskan Native = 01, all other Race fields = 00, AND the Federal Race reporting Category > 01 / Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 01 (American Indian) if Ethnicity: Hispanic = 00 (No) and Race: American Indian = 01 (Yes) and all other race categories = 00 (No). / ALL
55. / If Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00, Race: Asian = 02, all other Race fields = 00, AND the Federal Race Reporting Category > 02 / Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 02 (Asian) if Ethnicity: Hispanic = 00 (No) and Race: Asian = 02 (Yes) and all other race categories = 00 (No). / ALL
56. / If Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00, Race: Black or African American = 03, all other Race fields = 00, AND the Federal Race Reporting Category > 03 / Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 03 (Black) if Ethnicity: Hispanic = 00 (No) and Race: Black = 03 (Yes) and all other race categories = 00 (No). / ALL
57. / If Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00, Race: White = 05, all other Race Fields = 00, AND the Federal Race Reporting Category > 05 / Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 05 (White) if Ethnicity: Hispanic = 00 (No) and Race: White = 05 (Yes) and all other race categories = 00 (No). / ALL
58. / If Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00, Race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander = 06, all other Race fields = 00, AND the Federal Race Reporting Category > 06 / Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 06 (Native Hawaiian) if Ethnicity: Hispanic = 00 (No) and Race: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander = 06 (Yes) and all other race categories = 00 (No). / ALL
Invalidations Edits
Edit Check / Error Message / Apply to Which Tests?
8. / If IEP = 0 and Test Type = A or O / A pupil must be on an IEP to take the CoAlt or the 11th Grade Alternate. / CoAlt,
16. / If Content = (RW or SRW) AND (Test Invalidation 1 OR Test Invalidation 2 = blank) / If Content = RW or SRW, then neither Test Invalidation 1 nor Test Invalidation 2 can be blank. / TCAP ONLY
17. / If Content = (R, SR, M or S) AND (Test Invalidation 1 = blank OR Test Invalidation 2 > blank) / If Content = R, SR, M or S, then Test Invalidation 1 cannot be blank and Test Invalidation 2 must be blank. / TCAP ONLY
18. / If Content = (W OR SW) AND (Test Invalidation 1 > blank OR Test Invalidation 2 = blank) / If Content = W or SW, then Test Invalidation 1 must be blank AND Test Invalidation 2 cannot be blank. / TCAP ONLY
33. / If (Test Invalidation 1 (R,M,S) = 1 OR Test Invalidation 2 (W) = 1) AND Language Background = 0 / If a student is unable to test due to language, the student's Language Background cannot be English. / TCAP ONLY
35. / If TCAP Test Invalidation 1 or Test Invalidation 2 = 2 AND CoAlt or 11th Grade Alternate Test Invalidation = A / A student must take one of the following assessments: TCAP, CoAlt, or 11th Grade Alternate. / ALL
English Language Acquisition Edits
Edit Check / Error Message / Apply to Which Tests?
19. / If ESL >= 1 AND Bilingual > 0 / If pupil has a program code for an ESL program, then Bilingual must be No. / ALL
20. / If Bilingual >= 1 AND ESL> 0 / If pupil has a program code for a Bilingual program, then ESL must be No. / ALL
21. / If Language Background = 0AND (Bilingual > 1 OR ESL >= 1) / Pupils with a Language Background of English can only be reported as Yes (1) for Bilingual or No (0) for ESL and Bilingual Program Services. / ALL
22. / If Language Background = 0 AND Language Proficiency > 0 / Warning - If Language Background is English, then Language Proficiency should be Not Applicable. / ALL
34. / If Language Background > 0 AND Bilingual = 0 AND ESL = 0 / Pupils with a Language Background other than English must be served, re-designated, exited, or waived because of parental refusal from either a Bilingual or ESL program. / ALL
SBD Warnings
Crosscheck between TCAP, CoAlt & 11th Grade Alternate
Edits / Warning Message / Apply to Which Tests?
1. / If Test Invalidation 1 or 2 (TCAP test booklet) = 2 (Taking CoAlt) AND no CoAlt or 11th Grade Alternate record exists / A CoAlt TCAP booklet coded as taking CoAlt or 11th Grade Alternate, matched on SASID, content area, and grade. If you receive this warning, please check that the Test Invalidation 1 and 2 are correct. / CoAlt,
4. / If data in locator fields on TCAP test booklets does not match data in CoAlt or 11th Grade Alternate record (Please refer to TCAP-CoAlt Mismatch report) / Data in the following fields should match across TCAP and CoAlt, Ethnicity, Free/Reduced Lunch, IEP, Language Background, Language Proficiency, Continuously Enrolled in CO, Date Enrolled in US, Time in School, Time in District. / ALL
6. / If Continuous in Colorado = 1 AND Grade = 3 / Only pupils in 4th grade or higher qualify to be Continuous in Colorado. Grade 1, 2, or 3 retained can also be Continuous in Colorado. / ALL
7. / Grade / Grade must match the official grade range for the school. If you get this warning, call MargaretLake (303) 866-6802. / ALL
10. / If IEP = 0 AND Disabilities > 00 / If a pupil is reported as having no IEP, then they should not have disabilities. / ALL
11. / If IEP= 1 AND 504= 1 / Pupil cannot have both an IEP AND a 504 Plan. / ALL
12. / If >95% October New to School = 0 / More than 95% of your students are not new to school since October. / ALL
13. / If >95% Continuous in Colorado = 1 / More than 95% of your students have been continuously enrolled in Colorado public schools. / ALL
15. / If >95% Free/Reduced Lunch = 3 / More than 95% of your students are not eligible for free or reduced lunch. / ALL
16. / If >95% IEP = 0 / More than 95% of your students are not on an IEP. / ALL
17. / If >99% Migrant = 0 / More than 99% of your students are not identified as migrant. / ALL
18. / If >95% Continuous in School = 1 / More than 95% of your students have been continuously enrolled in a school for 1 year or more. / ALL
19. / If >95% Continuous in District = 1 / More than 95% of your students have been continuously enrolled in the district for 1 year or more. / ALL
20. / If >95% Gender = F OR >95% Gender = M / More than 95% of your students are female OR more than 95% are male. / ALL
21. / If >95% Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category = 05 / More than 95% of your students have a Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category of white. / ALL
22. / If >99% Language Proficiency = 0 / More than 99% of your students report language proficiency as not applicable. / ALL
23. / If >99% Language Background = 0 / More than 99% of your students show English as their primary language. / ALL
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Last Modified: 05/23/2013
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