Scene 1

Back in the computer room, more Sylvia replicas are being produced.

KingCorvax! Stop the computer!

Corvax I can't, your Majesty.

KingOf course you can. It's your computer.

Corvax Yes, I know. It's mine, but I can't stop it.

KingWell, / can stop it.

(Edging past Sylvia replicas.)

Excuse me. Excuse me.
Corvax Be careful! Be careful!
KingIt's all right, Corvax.

Corvax Don't do that!


The King disappears into the computer.
KingCorvax! Corvax, help me!

Scene 2

In the palace garden

SylviaLook! There's one.

MuzzyAnd there's one! And there! Oh, there are lots of them!

BobThere's a fat one!

MuzzyThat one's fatter! Look!

SylviaThere's a big one!

MuzzyThat's a bigger one over there!

BobCome on, Muzzy!

Scene 3

Norman inspects a parade of Sylvia replicas.

SRII'm big.

SR2I'm bigger.

Norman (Checking) The first one's big. The second one's bigger.

SR3I'm small.

Norman Yes. The third one's small.

(Looking down) And the fourth one's smaller.

(Looking up) The fifth is tall. The sixth is taller.

The seventh is - er - fat.

And the eighth is...
SR8Fatter. (Laughing) Fatter...

Scene 4

(a) The King is in the computer.

KingHelp me, Corvax.

Corvax I can't, your Majesty.

KingIdiot! Stupid idiot!

Corvax (To himself) Oh dear! What can I do?

Ah, (Brightening up) I can run away.

(Thinking) Yes! The helicopter!
KingHelp! Help, Corvax! CORVAX!

Corvax Excuse me, your Majesty.
QueenWhat's happening? Where are you going?

Corvax To the helicopter.

QueenOh... The King's in the computer. Corvax... Stop!...

Come back!... CORVAX!


BobHey! Stop!

Muzzy! Go up there to the computer room!

Help the Queen. I can stop Corvax.
MuzzySorry! Excuse me.

SylviaExcuse me.

MuzzyOh, I beg your pardon.

Bob chases Corvax.
BobStop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

Scene 5

In the computer room

QueenWho's - What's that?

SylviaIt's alright. That's Muzzy. He's a friend.

(To Muzzy) Muzzy, this is the Queen.
MuzzyYour Majesty!

KingWhat's happening? What's that green thing?

QueenOh, that's not a thing.

That's Muzzy. He's a friend.
KingBut he can't help!

(Impatient) Where's Corvax?
QueenAh, yes. Corvax can help.

Corvax is clever.

KingNo, he isn't. He's stupid.

MuzzyI can help, your Majesty.

KingYou? But you aren't clever.

MuzzyI am. (Sampling the odd microchip) Mm. Lovely!

SylviaWhat are you doing, Muzzy?

MuzzyWait a moment!

Bob chases Corvax in the direction of the helicopter. Corvax kicks him away.

Scene 6

(a)Muzzy is at work on the computer.
QueenWhat are you doing?
MuzzyExcuse me. I'm hungry.

Queen(Aghast) Hungry? But the King's in there.

Why are you eating that?

(b)Muzzy is at work on the computer.
MuzzyBecause I like it.

(Continuing his work)

Ah! I see. (Holding up another component) This goes here.

This goes here. No, no it doesn't.
SylviaCareful, please Muzzy!

MuzzyIt's alright. It goes in here, and this - goes in here.

(Swallowing component)

(c)Corvax gets into the helicopter. Bob leaps after him and is carried away as it
takes off.

Scene 7

(a)In the computer room
MuzzyAlright, your Majesty.

I'm ready.

KingI'm ready too. It's hot in here.

King(Out of the computer) Ah! That's better.'

QueenThank you, Muzzy. You are clever.

SylviaWhere's Bob?

QueenBob? Bob? the gardener?... Oh, look...

(b)View of helicopter outside with Bob hanging on. They all go out on the roof.

Sylvia I Come on Bob! Great! Muzzy ;

JJmg } Come on! Well done Bob! Hurray!
Queen J*

Bob lets Corvax down onto the roof.

KingOK. We've got him. Corvax! Corvax! Wake up!

Bob flies off to land the helicopter. The King shakes Corvax.


Corvax Why... What's happening?

Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here? Who am I?


SylviaYou're Corvax. And you're stupid.

Corvax Yes, I'm stupid. (Coming round)

No, I'm not. I'm clever.
KingYou are not clever, Corvax.

Bob enters with guards.

Bob(Pointing to Corvax) Take him away!

KingYes. Take him away!

Muzzy takes a Sylvia replica.

Now. fry this.

Muzzy plays with computer and the Sylvias disappear into the computer.
BobThey're going. They're going into the computer!

(e) Song - Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!
SylviaThere goes a red one,

BobThere goes a blue,

SylviaThere goes a green one,

Bob, A black-and-white one too.

KingLots and lots of Sylvias,

Coming back this way.
QueenThree cheers for Muzzy,

BothHooray! Hooray! Hooray!

SylviaNow there are ten of them,,

BobNow there are nine.

SylviaEight - seven - six - five

Coming on behind.
BobFour's going in now,

SylviaThere goes number three.

BobNumber two and number one,

And that leaves...

AllHooray! Hooray! Hooray!


SylviaYou and I are happy


BobNow we are together.

BothI love you.


Norman Who is that beautiful girl?

What is her name?

Where does she come from?'

When can I see her?

Why am I down here?

(h) Wedding scene

SylviaNow we are together.

BothI love you.

(i) Corvax is working.

MuzzyThat goes in there, this goes up here.

Corvax(Miserable) I don't like this job.

MuzzyThat one.

CorvaxThis one?

Muzzy.No, the big one.

CorvaxOh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!

MuzzyNow for that one.


MuzzyAnd that one!

CorvaxWhat a dirty job!

MuzzyNow it's lunch-time.

CorvaxYes, I'm hungry.

MuzzyTake all those away.

CorvaxOh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!


MuzzyNow I'm in my spaceship.

Now I'm going away.
KingThank you. Thank you, Muzzy.

Please come back some day.
AllGoodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!

We're saying goodbye to Muzzy

We're saying goodbye to you.

In turn The King, the Queen, Sylvia, Bob, Corvax and Norman too.
AllGoodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!...